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Sunday morning came by sooner than I wanted it to. I opened my eyes to find that Orion was facing the other way, back only slightly against my arm as there was too little space of the futon for him to be any further away. Is he mad at me too? I tried to shake the thought away, but it was adamant. With a groan, I pushed myself up. My tender regions were definitely sore, a dull and throbbing ache residing in its depths. But I did my best to ignore it. I stumbled up to my feet and worked my way towards the shower. I didn't have the stomach for breakfast.

By the time I was out of the shower and dressed in a simple pair of skinny jeans and tank top, Orion was awake. He rested against the kitchen counter, eyes expressionless until he saw me waddle towards the door.

"Clementine," he started, trying to find the right words, "are you... really gonna go?"

"I have to."

"No, you don't. You don't have to do anything."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I guess that means I don't have to eat, or sleep, or exist at all, does it?"

Ouch, I winced at my own words. Orion reacted the same

"You look terrible. Not like that, I just mean...I don't think you're not in good enough condition to be walking around by yourself—it's not safe."

"What do you care?" I hissed at him, leaning against the door for support. "You're not my soulmate, so what's it to you?"

He raised his hands up slowly, as if trying to calm me down.

"I know. But that's why I care so much. Because I'm your friend. I don't want to see you get anymore hurt, especially not by... him."

"What're you talking about?"

"Clementine, I—look. I think you know by now that I really don't like Blaise. I'm sorry. I know he's your friend, and I'm sure you guys have some seriously good history together, but I know that this wasn't just any one of your clients," he said, gesturing to my body. "A real friend wouldn't do that."

"Who are you to lecture me? You don't know anything about Blaise, so leave him alone. He's my best friend and has been there for me since the beginning—when no-one else was. So, just get out of my face and leave me alone."

Orion just looked at me. I knew he was genuinely worried, and genuinely upset, but my anger just wouldn't subside. I was fuming at him, exploding every possible moment I could while he just accepted my aggression with a calm and composed rebuttal. Eventually, he just sighed, running a hand across the back of his neck.

"...Well, if you're sure, then I won't stop you. But if you change your mind..." he trailed off for a moment before taking a deep breath in. "... You know I'll find you first."

I stared at him. He looked away. I shook my head before walking out the door, trying my best to walk as normally as possible.

"OMG, Clementine!"

Eartha had been the one to greet me at the door, pulling me into a tight hug. I gasped at the pain, and quickly she let me go, looking me up and down with a questionable expression.

"Whoa... you, um..."

"Work," I blurted. "A buyer got a little, uh, creative."

"Oh yeah," she smiled, "that's right. Blaise mentioned something about you working at that warehouse on Lincoln. Come on in, hon, I've already made you a nice tall glass of wine—or would you prefer a mimosa?"

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