Meeting him

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As we walk in, the first thing we saw was big crowds of people with friends laughing and hugging. Ayumi and I are looking around in shock on how crowded and how big the school is. "Um- where do we go now.." Ayumi asked. "I'm not sure.." I replied. "Look! We should talk to those two for help! They seem nice" as she pointed towards two guys, I looked over to see who they were. The first person I saw was a tall guy with beautiful black hair and gorgeous dark blue eyes. "Wow" I said under my breath. "Cmon!" Ayumi said as she pulled my hand and rushed over to them. "Hey! Uh we're new to this school and we thought you guys could helps us?" Ayumi said smiling. "Oh yes of course!" Said the guy with orange hair. "I'm hinata by the way, and this is Kageyama!" He said with a big smile on his face. "Hi hinata and kageyama I'm Ayumi and this is y/n" Ayumi said. I didn't bother to hear what hinata and Ayumi were talking about, I was to busy looking at kageyama. It makes me sound like a complete creep but something about him...he just looked so...perfect. "Y/n!" Ayumi said trying to get my attention. "Huh? What?." "Are you okay with that?" Ayumi asked me. "With what..?" I said in confusion. "About Hinata showing us our classes, he's in a couple of them" she said. "Oh yea! That would be great." The bell rang and hinata and kageyama said goodbye to each other. We started following hinata into our first class. As we walked to class I couldn't stop thinking about kageyama. He had this blank expression on his face the whole time, but something seemed different about him, I just couldn't figure out what. We got into our first class and sat close to each other. "Alright class! I will be your teacher for this unit!" Ms. Diana said.
After half of my classes ended it was time for lunch. Hinata caught up to me and we walked to the lunch room together. "Hey you should sit with me and my friends today! You and Ayumi could be friends with them!" He said while almost tripping on some steps. "Oh yea that would be nice, I'll let Ayumi know."
I got my lunch and started looking for Ayumi. Once I did I called out for her name "Ayumi! Over here !" She looked back and laughed. "Hey! I was trying to find you!" I giggled and started walking towards Hinatas table. "Hinata wanted us to sit with him and his friends" I said while taking a sip of my milk. "Great! We could totally be friends with them" Ayumi said with an excited tone. Once we got to their table we sat down. "Hey guys" Hinata said while looking over to us. He started introducing his friends one by one. "This is Suga, Daichi, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Tsukki, Yamaguchi, Kageyama, Yachi, and Kiyoko!" They all waved and said hi while me and Ayumi did the same. We all started talking and getting to know each other. It was pretty fun having conversation with some of them and getting to know them. Once lunch was over I was headed to my last class. I got to the class and noticed that Kageyama was in the same class as me. "Oh..I didn't know he would be here" I thought to myself. I tried looking for a seat but they were all taken except for the one next to Kageyama. I walked over to the table and sat down. He didn't even bother to look over, he kept looking at the book infront of him. The class was quiet and it was getting pretty awkward. "Uh..what are you reading.." I whispered to him. "The textbook we need to read for this class" he said with no expression. I felt dumb that I didn't know it was the text book, I really thought he was reading some random book. "Oh- right right." I took out my text book and started reading. The last bell rang and people started to pack their things, as I walked out of the class Hinata stopped me. "Are you free after school?" He asked.
"Yea why?" "I wanted to know if you could go over to the gym and see us play volleyball" he said. "You guys play volleyball?!" I said shocked. "Yea we do! So you down?"
"Yea I'll be there"
"Alright great! See your there" he rushed out the hall and onto the stairs. I decided to let Ayumi know that I was staying after school to watch them play. "Hey Ayumi, I'm staying after school to watch the guys play volleyball, you wanna join?" as I sent the text message I got ready to head over to them gym. "My mom wanted me home early to take care of my sister! Sorry:( have fun tho! xo" I looked at the message and put my phone in my pocket. Once i got to the gym I opened the door and was instantly welcome by all the guys. "Hey guys" I said waving. "Didn't know you were coming to see us practice" Suga said while tossing a ball in the air. "Oh Hinata invited me so I decided to check it out." I sat next to Yachi and Kiyoko. "Hey y/n" yachi looked at me. "Hi:)" I said back. "Do you play volleyball too?" She asked me while zipping up her jacket. "Oh no, I don't know much about volleyball, my sister plays and I've gone to a couple of her games but I've never really tried it" "same here, I know a lot about volleyball ever since I became one of the managers, it gets pretty interesting a lot of the times" she said. "Well i here I am hehe" i giggle. They were really good at playing volleyball I'm not gonna lie. After seeing the quick attacks Kageyama and Hinata do I was interested right away. Seeing Hinata being super fast on hitting the ball and Kageyama being really good at setting got me really invested in this volleyball stuff. All the players are really good in general! "Alright guys it's getting pretty dark , we should head home now" Daichi said while getting some water. "Thanks for coming y/n, hopefully you get to see us play again!" Daichi said while I was getting my stuff packed up. "Definitely would love to see you play again" I said as I was walking out. "Bye guys!" I said waving while they all said bye. I stood outside putting my jacket on when Kageyama came out. "Hey." He said. "Oh hi."
"Do you uh..want me to walk you home? It's pretty dark" he said as he run his fingers through his hair. "Oh yea sure" I felt my face get red. "Ok I'll just pack my stuff and be right out" he walked back inside and I looked at the ground. "Omg kageyama just asked to walk me home, wow" I said and I felt myself blushing. He came back out and smiled at me. "Alright you lead the way" he said with a smile

Sudden Realization (Kageyama x Reader) finishedWhere stories live. Discover now