Morning Thoughts

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When I woke up the suns rays were going into my window. I heart soft snoring besides me, I turned around to find Kageyama's arms wrapped around my waist. 'what the heck' I thought to myself, I blushed lightly and furrowed my eyebrows confused on why he was hugging me. I tried to escape from his grip but I guess it woke him up.
"Good morning" Kageyama greeted me with a soft morning voice before noticing that his arms were wrapped around my body. He quickly let go of my waist and backed away to the wall next to my bed. I let out a giggle and yawned.
"I-" he started to say
"It's ok" I responded
"Sorry- I usually hug things that are around me while I s-sleep.." he stuttered.
"It's fine, I don't mind" I smiled and lightly  blushed.
He got up and stretched. I looked at the time and saw it was 8:30 am.
"Omg!" I said getting up quickly
"What!" Kageyama said worried
"WERE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I rushed up to my cabinet.
"It's Saturday you goofball" kageyama said and laughed.
"Oh-" I looked embarrassed. "That mom left for work already then"
"Do you think she noticed that I was here?" Kageyama asked
"No I don't think so, she never checks on me before leaving , and if she did it's do dark in my room for her to see both of us"
"What about your mom?" I asked
"Omg I forgot about that! I can say I sleptover Hinata house" he took out his phone and texted her.
"Alright I'm gonna go get dressed, I'll be back" I went into my closet and got ready. When I went back into my room Kageyama asked if he could take a shower in my bathroom.
"Can I- um..take a shower in your bathroom?'s something I do every morning and I can't go on with my day without showering"
"Yea sure, down the hall and door on the right"
he walked out my room and went straight into the bathroom. I did my hair, brushed my teeth in the other bathroom and got a snack. While I was sitting on my bed eating my sandwich I hear the bathroom door open. He opened my door and before I could say anything, Kageyama came in shirtless and drying his hair with a towel while another one was on his waist. I couldn't help but look at him. He looked so perfect. I could tell he worked out a lot from the biceps that were showing. I looked at him up and down, I couldn't keep my eyes off him. The longer he stood there the more I stared.
"You okay?" He finally said
"Yep.." I looked away, if I kept looking I swear I would've gotten a nose bleed. I rushed out my room to let him change.
"You can come in now" he shouted from inside my room.  I nervously walked in, he was sitting on the floor with his hair still wet.
"Can I dry your hair?" I asked
"Sure" he said. I got the dryer and plugged it in the wall next to us. I turned it on and started drying his hair. As I touched his wet hair he sat there looking innocent.
"This feels nice" Kageyama said. I laughed and kept drying his hair. When I was done he stood up and looked down at me.
"Thanks" he said smiling
"No problem, you're hair is rlly soft when it's dry" I said putting my dryer away.
"Thanks?" He said again.
"So, are you gonna go home or?"
"Idk, do you want me to stay a while longer?"
I'm going to be honest, I did want him to stay longer. I enjoyed his presence.
"I mean do you want to stay a while longer?" I asked
"I don't mind" he said running his fingers through his hair.
"We cannnnnnn...uh.. I don't know what we can do" I let out a small laugh
"We can play volleyball?" He said
"What if I hit you with the ball again!"
"No you won't cause I won't let it happen, cmon let's go to my house" he grabbed my arm and walked out my door.
When we got to his house he grabbed the volleyball from his room while I stayed talking to his mom.
"So, I see that you've been hanging out with tobio lately" she smiled
"You're the first girl he's ever brought home"
I was surprised to hear that, I would think that kageyama would have brought many girls over.
"You know, he has brought another girl over but- that was a long time ago, they broke up"
"Kageyama had a girlfriend?!" I asked
"Yea, but I don't want to get into since he decided to keep it private, if you want you can ask him, I'm sure he'll tell you"
Kageyama walked downstairs with the volleyball. "You ready?" He asked
"Yea, it was nice meeting you..uh"
"Call me Himari"
We walked outside into his backyard and started practicing. After practice he went inside to get some waters while I sat in the grass waiting. He came back outside and handed me a water.
"You weren't that bad today" He said uncapping his water bottle
"Really?" I asked after taking a sip of my water trying to catch my breath.
"Yea, you aren't that bad"
"Well thanks" I smiled
"I should head home and shower" I said picking at the grass
"Yea, I'll see..Monday? Or you want to hang out tomorrow again?" He asked
"I'll see if I can hang tomorrow, I'll text you later" we got up and headed towards the gate. I waved goodbye and walked home.
I got home and showered. Once I was done showering my mom was already home.
Ayumi💗: theres a fair going on tomorrow! I'm going with Lev, you wanna go? You can bring Kageyama too;))
Y/n: sure I'll ask him
"Hey mom can i go to the fair with Ayumi tomorrow?" I asked
"Yea sure" she said. I texted kageyama asking if he wanted to go
Y/n: hey you wanna go to the fair with me? Ayumi and Lev are going as well"
Kags🥛: yea of course
I put my phone to charge and went to bed.

Sudden Realization (Kageyama x Reader) finishedWhere stories live. Discover now