After ending :)

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WEDDING DAYYYYYYY! a lovely reader requested this and i shall deliver !

October 25 2020 (let's pretend covid isn't a thing and the weather is lovely lol)

" i can't - ahhh!! where are my shoes !! oMG!" you yelled running across the room like a headless chicken
"jesus - calm doWN!" ayumi said while face planting
"if i can't find my stupid heels i'll be late and kags will think i ditched him ! and then he'll thing i leFT HIM! I DONT -" you felt your eyes tearing up and your heart racing
"calm down!!" ayumi interrupted you
ayumi walked up to you and sat you down on the bed hugging you
"you'll find those stupid shoes . you're nervous that's why you're acting like this but you need to take a deep breath" you slowly breathed in and out.
"good , now - let's find your shoes and get you into that dress" she smiled , you nodded and got up from the bed to get ready for your big day.

Kageyama's POV
i stood infront of the mirror looking at myself trying to fix my tie. i took a deep breath to calm myself down and turned around to find hinata and lev standing in the door way.
"WEDDING DAY" Hinata jumped into the air and falling right on top of me
"BOKE HINATA BOKE" i yelled as i got up from the floor and dusted off my shoulder
"oops sorry .."
"are you ready? you need to go down the isle in a couple of minutes, all the guests are here" lev said
"yea i'm ready .."
lev nodded and we all went outside to say hi to the guests

Mini time skip

"you look so beautiful y/n" ayumi smiled to you almost wanting to cry
"thank you.. " you smiled at yourself while looking in the mirror
'i can't believe today is the day where i get to spend the rest of my life with the person i love' you thought to yourself.

ayumi reminded you it was time to go , you nodded and gave yourself one quick last glance
'let's do this'

you heard music start playing as you were ready to walk down the isle (how tf do ppl make wedding AU's i am so bad at this omg)

as you walked down the isle you saw the people you loved most. your family, friends , teammates (proud to say you made almost all the teams come to your wedding ) etc.

kageyama's eyes sparkled the moment he saw you walking down that MFK ISLE ! (sorry)
he couldn't help but smile and blush

you reached the end of the isle and stood infront of kageyama as you both smiled

"you look gorgeous y/n" kageyama whispered to you
"thank you, you look amazing as well" you intertwined your hands

"we are all gathered here today to celebrate the drawing together of these two epic lovebirds " pastor tanaka said (yes tanaka is the pastor 😏)

(i have no idea how weddings work so if i miss things i am so sorry)

"Kageyama has the woman of his dreams , and y/n has found the man of her dreams, to share the rest of their life's with eachother"
"do you kageyama , take this lovely person to be your lawfully wedded wife"

"..i do" kageyama said squeezing your hand a bit tighter

"and do you .. y/n, take kageyama to be your lawfully wedded husband , to have and to hold in sickness , and in health till death do you part"

"i do.." you said smiling

"i believe the bride and groom have chosen to write their own vows" tanaka slightly nodded letting you know when you're ready to start

"y/n.." kageyama started
"you've been my, best friend , my conscience , my sounding board, you saw light in me when - all i saw was darkness. you saved me from despair. i promise to give you the best of myself , and i promise to trust and respect you as your own person and to realize that your interest, desires and needs, are no less important than my own" kageyama looked into your eyes, filled with love ready to make you his wife.

you couldn't help but let a small single tear drop run down your cheek. you wiped it away and giggled.

"i remember how you told me that when i was ready for you.. you would be ready for me .. and im ready now.. a part of me has been ready for this moment since the moment i first saw you." you stopped trying to hold the tears back

" i will always remember this moment for the rest of my life .. and i promise to love you in good times and in bad .. completely and forever" you noticed kageyama eyes starting to water , he looked down and scoffed.
you put your hand under his chin and lifted his head on making eye contact with him. you smiled and slightly nodded reassuring him that he was okay and you won't go anywhere.

"ring time !- i mean, may you put on the rings on one another :D" tanaka said

"with this ring .. i thee wed" kageyama smiled and put the ring on your finger as you giggled.

"with this ring .. i thee wed" you said copying him while putting the ring on his finger.

"i now pronounce you husband and wife- you may kiss the bride" tanaka said stepping back letting you kiss ;)

you both leaned in and had a short but passionate kiss while the crow clapped and 'WOOH'd.

"YEAAA!!" hinata screamed throwing small petals in the air
"oh god are you crying yamaguchi?" tsukki said looking down at him

"n-no! im just- " yamaguchi wiped his tear away still smiling.

you both pulled away and looked into each other's eyes.
"i can finally call you my wife .." kageyama said planting one last kiss on your lips.

WOOOHHH CONGRATS YOU'RE MARRIED ! idk how to do these weddings AU's so i'm so sorry if it's bad 😭 but i appreciate all the comments you guys leave , and the support i've been getting with my stories 🥺

Sudden Realization (Kageyama x Reader) finishedWhere stories live. Discover now