The girl next door

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Kageyama's Mom POV
I was in the kitchen cooking dinner , as I turned the stove off I got a text from Tobio: I'll be home soon I'm walking a friend" I smiled to myself and replied. I put my phone down and in the corner of my eye I saw two people walking somewhere, I turned around and looked out the window. It was Tobio with some girl. 'Who is that?' I thought to myself. As I studied her features I realized it was the girl next door, she had just moved to a house near us.
End of flashback
Kageyama's POV
We walked out of the school onto the road. The streets were empty but it made sense since it was late out. I didn't know what to say so I stayed silent. My stomach growled and was in need of food. I looked over to her and asked if she wanted to get something to eat. "You wanna get something to eat real quick? I'm pretty hungry" y/n agreed and we walked to the nearest dumpling store. I looked towards her picking out a dumpling and noticed her freckles on her face. I thought they were cute not gonna lie. We payed for our food and headed outside. "So you play volleyball?" I asked not knowing on what else to say. As we talked about family and volleyball I couldn't help but notice that she looked up a lot. I didn't mind it or seem much of it so I ignored it. It was fun being around her now that I'm getting to know her more. Once we got to her house and I said goodbye I headed home. Something about her just makes it more easy to interact with. I opened the door and smelled some delicious gyoza. "Hey tobio" my mom greeted me with a tray full of gyoza and set it down on the table. "Cmon sit down to eat" I tossed my backpack onto the floor and sat in a chair. As I started getting some food my mom asked, "soooo you're friends with the girl next door huh"
I looked up and gave an awkward smile.
" I saw you guys walking earlier, I saw her walking to school in the morning , she seems like a nice girl" she said as she took a bite of her gyoza.
"Yea she is.." I took a sip from my water and placed it back down on the table. "Tell me about her" my mom is always the one wanting to know about these girl, she thinks It's cute that I find interested in some of them.
"Well I don't know a lot about her since we just started talking but her name is y/n, she just moved here cause of family problems she had and I'm gonna be showing her how to play volleyball" my mom squirmed in excitement. "This is the the first time in a while you've done something like this for a girl!"
"It's not a big deal, just being friendly" i looked at the ground blushing. "I bet you guys will date by the end of the school year" she laughed
"Mom!" I said embarrassed
"Haha I'm just kidding" it was silent for a moment and again she brought up y/n.
"Do you think she's cute?" she asked
"Oh uh.." I didn't know what to say. She waited for me to respond. "well...yea.." I was blushing.
"Ahhh tobio!! Young love is wonderful" she laughed and collected the plates.
It  was lunch time already and Kageyama invited me to practice with him and hinata. "What if I'm bad at volleyball!" I said
"Oh calm down, you haven't even tried it, and if you are then we're here to teach you" he tossed the volleyball in the air
"Hey guys!" Hinata came running up behind us
"Hey Hinata" I smiled back. Him and Kageyama just stared at eachother for moment, I didn't know what was happening and I got scared that something bad was gonna happen. Before I could say anything they both started running super fast to see who could make it up the hill first. I really didn't except that to happen but I laughed it off. They went into the distance leaving me behind so I slowly walked up the hill.
"Hurry up y/n!" Hinata screamed from the top
"Oh be quiet! You guys decided to run and leave me" we all laughed. I got to the top and sat on the grass. "Alright let's teach you the basics" Hinata said. "Here take the ball" he tossed me the ball and I caught it. "Start off by just tossing the ball in air, like if you were to hit it"
I did what Hinata said and so far it was easy. After we got done with some of the basic stuff we started with underhand serves.
"Alright serve it to the other side" kageyama said
"O-ok.." I hesitated, I threw the ball to a length where I could hit it. It went in the air but ...
"OW!" Kageyama shouted
I looked over to see what happened and I hit him in the face! I ran up to him and apologized  over and over. "Omg im so sorry I didn't mean to hit you!" Hinata was just laughing in the corner. "Haha it's alright, I'm fine" Kageyama stood up and looked at me. "Wow I just realized who much taller you really are" we both laughed.
"Lunch is over, we should head back to the school" Hinata said. Kageyama and I decided to take a different path since our class would be easier and faster to get to. We said bye to Hinata and went separate ways.
"Sorry for hitting you in the face...I didn't even notice" I rubbed my arm.
"Don't worry about it, it was an accident" kageyama looked at me and smiled.
"You wanna skip class?" Kageyama asked.
"Yea like not go to school."
"Shouldn't we.." I was cut off by him
"Cmon it'll be fun!" He groaned
"Alright fine. But just today!!" I said
"Yep just today" He started taking a different rout.
"Where are we going?"
" you'll see" he started running and I chased after him
"I thought we were skipping?! Why are we entering the school" I loudly whispered at him
"Just wait follow me" we looked out for any teachers in the halls and started taking a flight of stairs. We got up and he opened a door. I felt the breeze touch my face as we walked outside.
"The rooftop?" I asked
"Yea, look come here" he took my hand and walked over to the edge of the fence. I looked at him weird and looked out in the view. "" I said in shock.
"The view is amazing isn't it?" Kageyama crosses his arms on the rails. "I've never seen a school have such a good view from the top!"
I studied the trees and buildings from the top. It looked cooler when you're high up.
"I like coming here when I need to get my mind off things"kageyama said.
" you come here a lot?" I asked. He didn't say anything. He stayed silent. "no..not as much as before" he said after a long pause. "You know where we should go?" I tilted my head to the left.
"We should go paint" i put my back towards the railing.
"Paint?! Like painting stuff?" He said
"Yes! What else would painting be!" I gave him a small nudge on the shoulder.
"Where would be able to paint" he faced towards me.
"My house, my mom used to work in an art school and when we moved here she took some of her art supplies."
"Alright, yea seems like fun" he smiled
We walked back into the school quietly and left.

Sudden Realization (Kageyama x Reader) finishedWhere stories live. Discover now