Part 4

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Buzz. Buzz.
The sound of alarm wakes me up & I instantly sit up on my bed.
I rub my eyes & look around, taking in my surroundings. Then, a loud gasp escapes my lips.
"Why am I still here?!"
I frantically grab my phone & check the date on it.
May 6th, 2015
Oh. My. God. This is real. This is freaking real. I had somehow gone back to the past. What the heck happened?!
"Y/n ah! Wake up! You need to get ready for school!" My mom yells from outside of my door.
School? It's 2015. That means I'm in my third year of university. No. There's no way this is real. I think I need to go back to sleep.
I throw myself back onto the mattress & shut my eyes tightly.
"Kim Y/n! Are you still asleep? Ommo, you look as pale as a ghost. Are you sick?" My mom opens the door & flinches in surprise.
"Eomma, I think I'm going crazy. Tell me this is all just a dream. Tell me how to wake up from this. Tell me!" I sit up again & exclaim in frustration.
"Is this your new way of trying to skip school? Stop acting & wake. Up. Now." She approaches me & hits my head multiple times with the kitchen towel.
"Oww! That hurts." I yelp.
"Come out quickly or I'll drag you out of there." She says as she slams the door behind her.
"This is real. I'm not dreaming. What should I do now??" I cover my face with the blanket & scream.


I stare at the massive building before me & a giddy feeling runs through my body.
Do I really get to do this again?
I didn't graduate back then because I gave up my study to marry Jimin. Now that I get the gift of starting over, I will make sure that I make the most of it.
"Y/n ah!" I turn around to search for the source of voice. It's Nami, my best friend, with her slender frame & electric blue pixie cut hair.
Jeez, I forgot that she used to be proud of that ridiculous hair.
Our appearances are the exact opposite. I'm short, tiny & conventional, while she's tall, curvy & eccentric. But we've been best friends since we were in primary school.
"Nami ya!" I wave excitedly at her with a huge grin on my face.
"Woah, you look different today. Did you put on more make up than usual?" She hooks my arm & asks as we walk together towards the university entrance.
"Is it pretty? I feel like dressing up today." I self-consciously put a strand of hair behind my ear & fix my skirt.
"No. You look like a boy with too much make up." She crunches her nose while looking up & down my petite frame.
"Ya! Kang Nami!" I slap her arm hard & exclaim.
"Haha! I was just joking. You look pretty. You should dress up like this every day, then maybe you'll get a boyfriend soon."
"I don't want a boyfriend. I'm completely happy being single. Relationships only give you headache." I shrug.
"Mwo ya (what)? Two days ago you were whining to me that you felt lonely & were desperate to find a boyfriend." She stares at me in disbelief.
"Well, I changed my mind. Anw, let's go, otherwise we're gonna be late for class." I pull her to walk faster.
"Are you sure you're my best friend Y/n? You never liked going to class nor minded being late before."
"Ya, we need to study hard so that we can get a decent job in the future." I chastise her.
Not that you'll need to use your brain, you'll be a successful model in the future anw.
"Jeez, you sound like my mom now. What has gotten into you?" The corners of her lips curve downwards in disgust.
"Hahaha! Let's go." I cheerfully drag her towards the class.
"Ya, your phone is ringing. Don't you want to answer it?" She stops in her track & glances at my bag.
"Oh, right." I frantically fish my phone out & check the screen.
Unknown number? Who is it?
"Hello? Who's this?" I ask.
"Hi. Uhm.. I'm the guy you bumped into in front of the restroom at the restaurant last night. Do you remember?" The guy from the other end says.
"Namjoon op- I mean, Kim Namjoon?"
"Yeah. You know me?" He chuckles in surprise.
Shit. How did he get my number?
"Uhm.. Yeah.Haha.. Of course. You're quite famous. But why do you call me? And how did you get my number?"
"I found your student ID on the floor last night, but you'd left when I tried to look for you. So I got your number from the owner." He explains.
"Well, you can just leave it at the restaurant actually. My sister's friend is the owner. I don't know why he didn't tell you that." I say, confused.
"Oh. I see. But your ID is with me now. Should we meet so that I can give it back to you?"
"Meet? Uhm..." I hesitate. I really don't want any of them to be a part of my life again this time.
"Sorry. Is it too much of an inconvenience?" The disappointed tone in his voice makes me feel bad.
He's just being nice. Just get your ID & leave.
"No, not at all. Where should we meet?"
"I'll text you the address."


"You've got to be kidding me.." I widen my eyes & mutter breathily.
"Ya, what are we doing here? BigHit Entertainment? Are you going to audition or something?" Nami looks at me bewildered.
I thought the address sounded familiar, but it didn't occur to me that it was their old agency building's address.
Have I lost my mind or something? How could I forget this address? Well, relax. Jimin might not be here. Just grab & go, Y/n ah. Grab & go.
"I just need to get something from a guy who's working here. It'll only take a minute." I say as I climb the stairs to the security.
"Kim Y/n ssi? I've been informed about your arrival. Please wear this badge & go to the practice room. He should be there. Wait, your friend can't go in tho.." The guard stops Nami from following me inside.
"It's ok Y/n ah. I'll just wait here. You go ahead." She says as she steps out the door.
The halls & rooms look all too familiar as I walk cautiously towards the practice room. Surprisingly, I still remember where it is located.
I stand in front of the door, contemplating whether I should go in or not.
Right then, the door swings open revealing a handsome guy wearing a sweat-stained grey hoodie.
Jeon Jungkook.
"Who are you?" He asks.
I still remember the day when Jimin told them that he was going to quit the group & marry me. Jungkook didn't say a word, but I knew he was the most furious out of all of them. And that was the last day we ever saw him in person.
Don't worry. I won't take your hyung away from you this time.
"Hi, I need to see Kim Namjoon ssi? He told me he had something of mine." I politely said to him.
"Oh ok. Wait a sec. Namjoon hyung! Someone's looking for you." Jungkook shouts into the room.
"Let her in!" I can hear Namjoon yelling.
"Please come in. Sorry, the three of us have just finished practicing so it's a bit smelly in here." Jungkook apologizes as he opens the door wider to let me in.
"It's alrigh-" The rest of the word gets stuck in my throat because Jimin's face is the first thing I see when I step into the room.
His eyes are widened in surprise, then a slight frown forms in between his brows.
Why is he looking at me like that?
I click my tongue in annoyance & quickly avert my gaze.
"Hi. Sorry for making you come all the way here, coz I thought it wouldn't be safe if we met outside." Namjoon approaches me & smiles.
"No worries. Can you please give me my ID now? My friend is waiting for me outside." I'm anxious to get out of there as soon as possible.
"Oh yeah. Haha. About that.. I kinda forget where I put it." He sheepishly says as he scratches the back of his head.
"What?! Oh yeah I forgot that you're that clumsy." I grumble lowly.
"Nothing. It's ok. I'll get going then. Just ask someone to drop my ID at the restaurant if you've found it. Goodbye." I smile at him & hastily turn towards the exit.
"Wait! Let me check my studio one more time. Jungkook ah, can you help me look for it too? Please wait here Y/n ssi, I'll be right back." He grabs my hand to stop me & then rushes out the door with Jungkook, leaving me & Jimin alone in the room.
"Ehm.." I awkwardly clear my throat & stands in the corner facing the wall.
"What are you doing here?" Jimin's sudden question makes me turn to face him. Irritation is painted all over his face.
"Well, I came here to get my thing-" I suppress my annoyance & say as calmly as possible.
"Don't ever come near us again." He abruptly stands up & cuts me off.
"Heol.. Don't worry, I have no intention to. I didn't even want to come here in the first place." I retort.
"Yeah right. You were obviously flirting with Namjoon hyung earlier." He scoffs
"I didn't!"
"Anw, I don't want to see you ever again. I won't make the same mistake twice." His last sentence stuns me.
"What mistake?" I ask in a low voice.
"N-Nothing. I'm just saying that I'm not going to give up on my career this time." He turns around to avoid your gaze.
That's when you confirm your suspicion.
"Park Jimin.. You came back from the future too, didn't you?"

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