Part 6

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The next morning
The sun light peeking through the blinds shone on my face, waking me up from my dreamless sleep.
I yawned lazily & my fingers roamed through the table beside me, searching for my phone.
7:21 AM. 26 missed calls?!
I abruptly sat up in surprise & checked the call register. All missed calls were from Nami's number at different hours.
I frantically tapped the return call icon & waited anxiously for her to answer. But she didn't pick up.
Did something bad happen to her? Oh God. Oh God!
Multiple bad scenarios ran through my mind, each worse than the previous one.
I quickly got up, grabbed my bag, & put on my coat.
"Yeobo! I need to go to Nami's place now!" I shouted towards the direction of the bedroom. No response.
I didn't bother to wake Jimin up & dashed out of the apartment.
Please don't do anything stupid Nami ya.
I nervously prayed inside as I ran as fast as I could towards her apartment.
"Nami ya. Nami ya!" I called out once I'd let myself in.
The apartment was very quite, nothing seemed out of the ordinary except for two plates of steak lying untouched on the dining table.
Taehyung must not have taken the news well.
"Nami ya? Where are you?" I walked deeper into the house, continued searching for her.
Then, I stepped onto something slick & wet on the floor. Blood.
I gasped in shock as panic washed over me.
"Kang Nami? Kang Nami, where are you?!" I ran into her dark bedroom, but she wasn't there.
A sliver of light escaped through the tiny gap in between the bathroom door & the door frame. Bracing myself for the worst, I urgently pushed the door open. The scene before me was something straight out of a nightmare.
Nami was lying unconscious on the floor, in a pool of her own blood.
"Kang Nami! Kang Nami, answer me! Answer me!" I knelt down onto the floor, ignoring the blood staining my clothes, & cradled her head, but she didn't even flinch.
"Don't die Nami ya. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."
The ambulance came in a few minutes & took us to the nearest hospital.
After what felt like forever, the doctor walked out of the operating room & took off his mask.
"Kang Nami ssi's guardian?" He called out & I hurriedly walk up to him.
"How is she? Is she going to be ok? What happened exactly?" I impatiently asked.
"She lost a lot of blood but we've successfully taken care of her wound." The doctor said.
"Oh God. Thank you doctor. Thank you so much." I breathed a huge sigh of relief & bowed at him.
"But.. there's one thing though.." He trailed off.

I'd been watching her sleep for a few hours now. She looked so peaceful & I sort of wished that she would just stay asleep so that she wouldn't have to face the painful reality once she woke up.
The doctor's words kept replaying inside my head, deepening my guilt.
"But.. there's one thing though.. Do you know that she'd undergone an abortion? Judging from her wound, she must have done it very recently. Maybe a few hours before she began to hemorrhage. Speaking of which, she must have had it done at an illegal clinic because the work was extremely sloppy. That was why her womb bled profusely afterwards. The damage to her uterus was too severe, so I'm sorry to tell you that we had to take it out to save her."
Tears streamed down my face as I tried to stifle the sob that was about to escape from my throat.
How am I supposed to tell her that she won't be able to have children anymore? I'm so sorry Nami ya. If only I came to you right away last night.. If only I hadn't supported your relationship with Taehyung..
I remembered that I had been so happy when Taehyung had approached Nami. I had encouraged her to accept his confession, even though she had been hesitant. I thought that it would be fun if my best friend had dated Jimin's best friend. We could have gone on double dates & such.
How naive of me. Taehyung turned out to be the worst thing that could've happened to Nami. He had hurt her numerous times, but she had forgiven him every single time. This time, he had really gone way too far.
Jimin's remark from the night before suddenly flashed in my mind.
"Until when are you going to babysit her & run to her every time she has a problem? Trust me, she'll be fine."
I knew it wasn't his fault that all this happened, but I couldn't help but resent him for stopping me last night. He had allowed this to happen.
No no, don't think like that. It was all on me. I shouldn't have listened to him.
"Y/n ah.." Nami's weak call snapped me out of my daze.
"Nami ya, I'm here. How are you feeling?" I leaned closer to her & gently caressed her hair.
"Are we at the hospital?" She asked as she tried to sit up.
"Don't move. Just lie down first for now." I pushed her back down onto the bed.
"What happened?" She stared at me, her eyes full of fright & confusion.
Guilt & anguish pierced through my heart. I quickly turned away from her trying to hide my tears.
"Y/n ah, tell me." She lightly shook my hand.
I wiped away my tears & smiled at her.
"Nami ya, I'll tell you what happened, but you need to promise me to stay calm ok?"
So I told her everything & she stared at me with a blank expression the whole time.
"I know this must be very hard on you, but I'll always be by your side. So you need to be strong, ok? I believe you can recover from all this." I squeezed her hand & said.
"It's easy for you to say that because you're not the one going through it." Her voice was so small that I almost missed it, but I heard it loud & clear.
"Nami ya.. I'm so sorry. I should've come to you right away last night. I-"
"Get out. Get out!" She suddenly screamed at me with all her might as tears flooded her face.
"Nami ya please calm down. You'll hurt yourself." I exclaimed in panic.
"Why didn't you just let me die? Why?!" She began to throw whatever she could grab at me.
Shocked, I stood frozen in place not knowing what to do. Out of so many years I'd known her, this was the first time I'd ever seen her break down like this.
The doctor & nurses rushed into the room & pinned her down on the bed. They injected her with something & her body instantly went limp.
"Miss, she's in good hands now, so you better leave her alone & let her rest." One of the nurses approached me & said.
"O-Ok. Please call me if anything happens. And I really mean anything." I held her hand & pleaded.
"We will." She smiled at me & ushered me out of the room.
I took one last glance at my best friend & stepped out of the room with a heavy heart.

Later at home
I opened the door & sluggishly stepped into the apartment. Nami's painful cry after I delivered the terrible news was still ringing in my ears.
I heaved a deep sigh & threw my shoes off.
"Yeobo. Yeobo! Where are you?"
My tongue went numb the moment I saw the guy who was sitting leisurely on my couch.
"Y/n ah, you're back. Where have you been? Can you help me prepare lunch?" Jimin walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron.
"What is he doing here?" I asked him without taking my eyes off Taehyung.
"H-Hi, Y/n ah. It's been a while." Taehyung stuttered as he saw my dumbfounded expression.
"Oh. Uhm.. Tae is having a bad day, so.. he came here to take a breather." Jimin answered choppily.
"Get out of my house." I said through gritted teeth.
"Y/n ah, what's wrong with you? How can you say that to my best friend?" Jimin stepped in front of Taehyung & scolded me.
"It's ok Jimin ah. I guess it's not a good time. I'll just leave-" Taehyung sheepishly got up & grabbed his jacket.
"No. You stay." Jimin stopped him.
"Do you know what this heartless jerk did to Nami? She's now in hospital because of him!" I screamed while pointing my finger at Taehyung.
"N-Nami is in hospital? What happened?" Taehyung moved forward & asked, his eyes widened, looking genuinely surprised.
"How could you break up with her knowing that she was pregnant with your child? You selfish bastard!" My emotion exploded & I slapped Taehyung right on his cheek.
"Kim Y/n!" Jimin yelled in surprise as he snatched my hand.
"The baby is gone now & she will never be able to have a child again. You must be happy, aren't you? You got what you wanted." I scoffed bitterly at him.
"Oh my God.." Taehyung muttered as he plopped down weakly on the couch.
"Have fun celebrating with your best friend now." I snickered at Jimin & turned towards the bedroom.
"Wait, Y/n ah-" Jimin grabbed my shoulder.
"Don't touch me! You had a part in this too. If you hadn't stopped me last night, Nami wouldn't have to gone through all this. So, stay away from me!" I yelled at him & stomped into the bedroom.
I climbed onto the bed & crawled under the blanket. Tears flowed down freely from my eyes, wetting my pillow case. I grieved for the lost of Nami's child, the incapability of her to become a mom, and the first irreparable crack in my marriage.

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