Part 5

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"Fuck, how did this happen?" Jimin pushes his hair back in frustration.
"I have no idea. Yesterday, I opened my eyes & I was back in my parents' house. And it was suddenly 2015 again. I remember I went drinking with Nami the night before & that was it." I explain.
"Same. Namjoon hyung woke me up & I thought I was dreaming, so I didn't think much of it. Everything felt so real tho & I woke up this morning still in the dorm, so I guess this is not a dream then." He paces back & forth inside the room.
"Can you please stop moving? You're giving me headache. What should we do now?" I ask.
"Well, we're given second chance to fix our lives, so we should just embrace it. Let's avoid each other this time." He finally lifts his eyes to look at me.
Although that's what I want too, hearing him saying it out loud hurts.
"Do you hate me that much?" I scoff & avert my gaze.
"That's what you want, right? You told me your life had become miserable ever since you met me, so let's go our separate ways this time."
"What about Jisung then, huh? Have you forgotten that we have a son? Are you just going to forget about him?" I yell at him.
"Oh my God. Jisung. If we're here, who is he with now?" His question makes my heart stop.
That didn't occur to me. I thought that our lives in the future would come to a halt with us being here now.
"Oh God.. We need to find a way to go back. What if he's alone in the apartment right now & no one knows that I'm gone? Why didn't I think about that? Yet, here I am enjoying another chance at life. I'm such a bad mother. We need to go home now, Jimin ah. Take me home now." Panicked, I clutch his shirt tightly with trembling fingers.
"Calm down. Maybe.. Maybe he's disappeared, now that we're here." He hesitantly says.
"What? How can you say that? He's your son for Christ's sake!" I push him hard & glare at him furiously.
"Then what do you want me to say?! I'm as clueless as you! I don't know how this happened to us or how to go back. I don't want anything bad to happen to Jisung too, but there's a possibility that he's not there anymore, now that we've gone back in time. There's nothing else we can do other than keep going forward."
My knees go weak in an instant & I slump down onto the floor. I get my mother back, but lose my son.
Is this worth it? Is this second chance worth Jisung's existence?
"Y/n ah.." Jimin kneels down beside me & motions to touch my arm, but I slap it away.
"Don't touch me. If what you say is right, then I'll make sure that I live properly this time & that includes avoiding you at all cost." I throw him a sharp glance, bitterness rising from the bottom of my heart.
"Fine! Let's not see each other again." He abruptly stands up & turns away from me.
I get up, grab my bag & open the door.
"Goodbye Park Jimin, I hope this is the last time that we meet." I say before closing the door behind me.
Feeling suffocated, I run down the stairs in a hurry. The urge to throw up is so strong that I have to cover my mouth.
"Nami ya-" I call out when I see her blue hair from afar.
But wait, how come there are two of her?
Both blue heads turn towards me & I gasp in shock.
Kim Taehyung. What is he doing here?
"Hey Y/n ah. I was just talking to-"
"Let's go." I hastily drag Nami away, cutting off her sentence.
"Ya, what's wrong with you? You're being rude." Nami turns her head around & nods at Taehyung as we step out the door.
"Trust me. You'll thank me in the future." I say without turning back.


Jimin POV
Park Jimin, you shouldn't have said that to her. You know how much Jisung meant to her. How can you say that Jisung might be gone to her face?
"Arghhh! Molla (I don't know)!" I violently scratch the back of my head & grunt.
Let's do it right this time, Jimin ah. No more regrets.
"Oh? Jimin ah, where is Y/n ssi?" Namjoon walks in to the room with Jungkook tailing behind him.
"She said she had something urgent to take care of." I shrug.
"Shit. She must be mad at me." Namjoon clicks his tongue in distress.
"Hyung, do you like her or something?" I blatantly ask.
"What? Uhm.. I don't know. I just think that she's interesting." Namjoon rubs the back of his neck, obviously embarrassed.
"Forget about her, hyung. Focus on your career. We've just finally gotten our big break. Don't throw it away for some girl." My voice comes out graver than I intended.
"Woah, Jimin hyung has grown up." Jungkook chuckles as he claps his hands.
"You're right. I should focus on our comeback. Thanks for reminding me Jimin ah. I'll just ask someone to drop her ID at the restaurant. I need to go back to work, see you guys later." Namjoon hastily bids goodbye & leaves the room.
"Hyung, I think you've hurt his feelings." Jungkook says as he plops down beside me on the floor.
"Well, it's for his own good. Anw, let's practice again. I feel a bit rusty." I stand up & stretch my arms.
"Hyuuung, we've been practicing for hours. Aren't you tired?" He whines & pulls a face.
"Jungkook ah, you have no idea how grateful I am to feel this tired again." I smile at him.

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