Part 13

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Jimin POV
Flinching, I wake up with a throbbing headache.
What the heck happened? Why am I not in a hospital?
I look around through squinted eyes & find myself in a luxurious bedroom.
Where am I?
"Jimin ah, you're up?" Hobi suddenly walks in through the door with a cup of coffee in his hand.
He looks a bit.. different.
"Hobi hyung, did you change your hairstyle or something?" I ask him, still trying to chase away the headache.
"아닌데 (no), it's been like this since our comeback." He looks at me quizzically as he sips his coffee.
"Really? I must be mistaken then. Where are we btw?" I lower my head & massage it with my palms.
"What do you mean? Our dorm of course."
My head instantly jerks up at his answer.
"Our dorm? But our dorm doesn't-"
Wait. What happened after the accident? What year is this?
I frantically search for my phone, but I can't find it.
"What are you searching for?" Hobi rises from his seat & comes closer.
"My phone. I can't find it."
"It's right there. There! Right by your pillow. What's wrong with you today? Why do you look so disoriented?" He tilts his head in concern.
I quickly grab the foreign-looking phone & check the date.
May 5th, 2020.
"What?!" I exclaim in utter surprise.
"엄머 깜짝이야 (ommo, you startled me)! What's wrong?" Hobi asks as he wipes the coffee spilt on his T-shirt.
"Hyung, what year is this?" I look up at him.
"Jimin ah, you're scaring me. What's wrong with you?"
"Just answer me hyung!" I urgently press on.
"2020 of course! Are you sick or something? Let me go call Namjoon." Hobi motions towards the door.
Oh God.. I've gone back to the future, but not the same future as I had back then. I need to talk to Y/n, but how am I going to find her? Nami! That's right, I can ask Tae to call Nami.
"Wait hyung, is Tae in his room? I need to talk to him." I readily get off my bed.
"Park Jimin, you really are scaring me now." His eyes open wide, his lips quiver.
"Why? Did I say something wrong?" I frown.
"Taehyung has left us for 2 years now."


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