Part 10

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"Y/n ah, are you done chopping the onion?" Eomma hollers from the other side of the kitchen

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"Y/n ah, are you done chopping the onion?" Eomma hollers from the other side of the kitchen.
"Yesss. Just a bit more." I quickly put down my phone & continue chopping.
Jimin & I have been texting each other quite frequently these days. It's mostly him who initiate the talk, but without realizing, I begin to anticipate his texts as well. Although we only talk about superficial topics, like what we're doing & such, I somehow feel closer to him now than I ever was.
"Eomma, what are you cooking? Ommo, seollongtang (ox-tail soup)? What's the special occasion? You rarely cook this dish." I peek over her shoulder into the pot.
"It's weekend. Call that friend of yours & tell him to come have dinner with us." She says without taking her eyes off the pot.
"My friend? Which one? Nami?" I ask in confusion.
"No. That guy who brought you porridge from last time."
"Jimin? Why would you invite him for dinner?" I exclaim in surprise.
"Ya, he brought you food when you were sick. The least I can do is return the favor by treating him to a home-cooked meal. Go on, give him a call." She turns to me & says.
"There's no need to do that. Besides, he's busy. I don't even know if he has time tonight." I try to find an excuse.
"Just call him first. Quick." She urges.
"Fine. But I can't do anything if he's busy." I groan.
I pick up my phone & open up the chat box with Jimin again. Come to think of it, eomma's seollongtang had always been Jimin's favorite back then.
I try to think of the right words to invite him, but in the end, I decide to just be straightforward.

I try to think of the right words to invite him, but in the end, I decide to just be straightforward

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Although I refuse to admit it, I'm quite excited of the prospect of seeing Jimin tonight.
Ya, stop it. It's only Jimin, your annoying ex-husband.
"What did he say?" Eomma takes a peek at my phone & asks.
"He's coming."
"See? I knew he would say yes. No one can reject my seollongtang." She smiles excitedly.
"Why are you so happy? You're grinning like a high school girl." I nudge her arm teasingly.
"Tsk. I'm doing this for you, you silly girl." She lightly taps my head with her forefinger.
"For me?"
"Who knows, he might become my son in law in the future." She chuckles.
"Eommaaa! How can you say that?" I exclaim, heat creeping on my cheeks.
"왜 (wae=why)? He's handsome, polite & he seems like a nice guy. It's difficult to find a guy like him these days you know."
My heart flutters at her words. I remember that she had always gotten along so well with Jimin.
"Eomma, you won't let me marry a bad guy, will you?" I ask.
"Of course! You're my precious girl & I've spent so much energy bringing you up to this big. Any guy who wants to take your hand must go through my meticulous inspection first."
And Jimin passed with flying colors.

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