Part 8

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Huh.. So much for avoiding them. Why do I feel that history is going to repeat itself despite all my effort?
I've done everything differently, why does my path still cross with Jimin & his friends?
I sigh as I put down my phone & close my eyes.
Maybe it's the small choices that make a difference. Nami won't believe it if I tell her that Taehyung will hurt her in the future. She'll just think that I'm crazy, so I should take a subtler route. As for Jimin, I can just ignore him whenever we meet.
"Y/n ah! Are you awake?" My mom knocks on my door & asks.
"네 (yes)!"
At least, this time I'll make sure that eomma lives a long life.

"Woah, you've cooked up a feast this morning. 고마워요 (thank you) for always working so hard for us." I exclaim as I give mom a hug.
"Feast? It's just soup & egg like usual." She doesn't react that strongly now because she's already used to my overly affectionate behavior now.
"How's your leg btw? Does it still hurt?" She lowers her gaze at my ankle.
"It does. But I'm sure it'll get better if you blow on it." I snuggle closer to her & pout.
"Aigoo.. Stop saying nonsense & eat your breakfast. I need to get the trash out." She knocks my head lightly with her fist & grabs the heavy garbage bag.
"Let me help you." I readily offer.
"Just sit down. I can do it on my own."
"I want to help you eomma. Let's go." I grab one side of the bag & limp my way out of the house with her.
We put the bag at its designated place & suddenly she stops.
"Y/n ah, wait here." She whispers.
"Why? Is something wrong?"
"There's a weird guy lurking behind the utility pole. See? I'm gonna ask him what he's doing here." She grabs a broken broom from the floor & storms towards the suspicious man.
"Eomma! Wait!" I frantically follow her but my hurt ankle causes me to walk much slower.
"What are you doing here?! Why are you peeking at our house?!" Her loud yell breaks the serene silence of our quiet neighborhood.
"Eomma, who is it?" I arrive beside her & my eyes instantly widen when I see who she's shouting at. The man is wearing a black cap low over his head & a mask. But that gesture, that scent, those eyes.
Park Jimin.

Jimin POV
"Tell me why are you acting so suspiciously so early in the morning?" Eommoni raises her broom, looking like she's about to beat me.
Shit, I shouldn't have come here. I think to myself as I lower my face & cover my head.
"E-Eomma, wait! I know him!" Y/n exclaims & stops her before she really hits me.
"You do? He's your friend?" Eommoni turns to her & lowers the broom.
"Y-Yes, he's my friend from school."
My head perks up at Y/n's words.
She recognizes me?
"Ommo. Why didn't you say so earlier? Please forgive me, I thought you were some weird guy." Eommoni throws the broom right away & apologizes.
"I-It's ok eommoni." I straighten myself & take off my mask.
I glance at Y/n. She has an unreadable expression spread across her face, but one thing is for sure, she doesn't want me here.
"I'm sorry for bothering you so early in the morning. I better get going now." I bow at eommoni, not daring to look her in the eyes.
"What brings you here, son?" She holds my arm & asks.
A lump forms in my throat the moment the word son left her lips. My eyes shoot up at her gentle eyes & it takes all my might not to cry.
보고싶어요 엄머니. 그리고 미안해.
(I miss you eommoni. And I'm sorry.)
"Eomma, let's just go." Y/n says as she pulls her mom's hand, but she doesn't budge & keeps staring at me.
"What's that in your hand?" Eommoni glimpses at the bag I'm carrying.
"Oh. This. I heard Y/n got hurt, so I brought something for her. Here you go." I sheepishly hand the bag to her.
"Ah, thank you very much for your thoughtfulness. Do you want to come in?" She offers, while Y/n only stands there frozen like a statue.
"It's ok, eommoni. I need to get going. Have a nice day." I bow at her & quickly take off without turning back.
Thank you eommoni. For giving me a chance to see you once again & apologize.

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