Part 11

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The following day, Y/n POV
Did we really kiss last night? It wasn't a dream, right?
I stare at my own reflection in the mirror & touches my lips. The feel of Jimin's soft lips from the night before still lingers, sending tingling sensation all over my skin.
Why are you so excited about a simple kiss? You've practically seen every part of him before.
I shake my head & continue wearing my make up. However, I have to admit that last night's kiss was so much more intimate & passionate than any physical contact we've had in the past few years.
It feels like something that had died within me was awakened once again.
I'm grabbing the brush on the table when my eyes catch something odd. There's a thin pale line on my left ring finger.
Has it always been there before? How come I've only noticed it now?
Then, an idea comes to mind.
What if..
I quickly fetch my phone & text Jimin.

I quickly fetch my phone & text Jimin

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My heart sinks a little reading his less than enthusiastic response although I'm still not sure whether my idea will work

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My heart sinks a little reading his less than enthusiastic response although I'm still not sure whether my idea will work. I try to understand him this time instead of jumping into conclusions. Maybe he's afraid of failing again if we go back.
He has everything here, a successful career, fame, fortune. But we need to go back, for our son's sake.
What if he refuses to go back? What if he chooses to stay here? What if he doesn't love you as much as you think he does?
Worry begins to fill my chest, but I try my best to chase away all the negative thoughts.
No, he loves Jisung too. I'm sure he'll sacrifice anything for his son.
I quickly finish getting ready & rush out of my bedroom.
"Eomma, I've made an appointment for you with Dr. Kang at 10 AM, so don't forget to go to your check up later." I call out to her as I wear my shoes.
"네ㅔㅔ (yesss), why do you keep nagging? Wait, aren't you going to eat breakfast?" Eomma asks.
"I have something important to do. Eomma, promise me whatever the result is, you need to follow the doctor's advice, ok? I want you to stay healthy & live a long life. Don't forget that you need to help me take care of my children." I say as I hug her tightly.
"Aigoo. You want me to work as your nanny for free, is it? But why do you sound like you're going somewhere far away?"
"Well.. I don't know. Let's see tonight. Goodbye eomma! I love you!" You cheerily say to her as you try to hold back your tears.
"Wait! Ya, where exactly are you going? Are you going to come home for dinner?" She yells at your back, but you only turn to wave at her without saying a word.
If my idea works, this will be the last time I see her. Eomma, please take care of your health. I love you.
I suck in a deep breath & keep walking forward.
Now let's see if we can go back to the future.

09:57 PM, Jimin POV
I check my phone, nervously waiting for Y/n to come. Doubt & anxiety for the future keep fogging my mind.
Will we be happy if we go back? Or will we return to fighting & hating each other? Does she really want to spend her lifetime with me again? Or will her life be easier if she marries someone else? But then, what about Jisung?
"Jimin ah, can we talk outside for a minute?" Namjoon approaches me & asks.
"Yes hyung. What is it about?" I readily get up & follow him out.
"Let's go out first." He says.
It sounds serious. Have I done something wrong?
We walk out of the practice room into the empty corridor. He paces back & forth, seemingly thinking about how to phrase what he wants to say to me.
"What is it hyung?" I ask again, concerned.
"Well, I guess I'll just cut to the chase." He huffs & stops right in front of me.
"I heard from Tae that you're quite close with Y/n now, is that true?" He asks, brows furrowed, eyes filled with uncertainty.
I say nothing as my mind races trying to find an answer that won't hurt his feelings.
"Just answer me. Do you like her?" He urges.
"W-What? No! Well, it's true that we often chat on the phone, but why are you asking me that?" I lie, still not daring to look into his eyes.
"Pheww, that's good then. Since you don't have any romantic feelings towards her, can you help me out? I really really like her, but she doesn't seem to be that interested in me." He sheepishly chuckle.
"Y-You want me to help you? How?"
"Just slip in a few good words for me when you talk to her. I've never felt this strongly about a girl before, you know that right?" He shyly nudges my arm.
Should I help him? He'll be a very successful producer in the future. If Y/n marries him, maybe she won't have to suffer like she did with me.
"What do you think? Can you help me?" His question breaks my daze.
"Uhm.. well, alright I'll help you hyung." I force a smile on my face & say to him.
Right then, the sound of something dropping onto the floor attracts both of our attention, causing us to instantly turn to the source.
"Y/n?" My heart drops to the floor as I see her staring at me wide-eyed.
"I hate you Park Jimin." She mutters before turning around & running away.
"Wait! Y/n please let me explain!" I frantically chase after her but she's gotten into the elevator.
"Shit!" I quickly rush towards the emergency stairs & run downstairs.
"Y/n please wait!" I call out as soon as I see her walking briskly on the sidewalk.
I run as fast as I can & finally manage to snatch her wrist & stop her.
"Please let me explain."
"Get your hands off me!" She violently pushes my hand away & yells at me.
"I- I'm sorry. I didn't know what to say to Namjoon hyung, so I-"
"You think I'm a burden the moment I asked you to go back to our old life, don't you? Is that why you want to get me together with him?!" She screams.
"No! Listen to me-" I try to grab her hand again but she dodges my grasp.
"Don't. Just go. We're a mistake, always have & always will be." She mutters through quivering lips as her sorrowful eyes stare right into mine.
My heart is crushed at her cruel words. I look down at the ground, hands limply falling on my sides.
"Good bye Park Jimin. I'll get out of your life forever this time." She says before turning away to cross the street.
Right then, my periphery vision catches a car rapidly swerving towards her.
"Y/n! Watch out!" I immediately run to her.
She turns around but it's too late. The car hits both of us, sending our bodies flying in the cold night air before we crash down onto the ground.
The last things I see before everything goes black are two silver rings rolling out of Y/n's palm onto the ground.
I'm sorry Y/n ah. You're right. We should've never met.

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