Part 7

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Present, Y/n POV
A satisfied smile spreads across my lips as I walk out of the classroom.
I got the highest mark again. At this rate, my future will definitely be much better than before.
"Ya! Kim Y/n! Why are you smiling like an idiot?" Nami hooks her arm around me from behind.
"Oh nothing special. I just got the highest mark again in class for this midterm." I shrug nonchalantly.
"Woah, snobbish aren't you? I can't believe that you study so hard these days. You used to be so lazy, even lazier than me. What exactly happened? Tell me your secret. You seemed to change over night." She nudges my shoulder.
"I just realize that you don't always get second chances in life. Now that I'm given the gift to try again, I'll make the most out of it." I smile at her.
"Jeez, I don't understand a word you said, but you definitely sound like a middle-aged lady now. Anw, what should we do after school?"
"Hmm.. I need to go to the library to borrow some books &-"
"Y/n ssi!" Someone's calling my name makes both of us turn our heads.
It's a guy from my econ class, whose name I don't even remember.
"Hi, sorry but do you have a few minutes?" He says as he stops in front of me.
"Uhm.. yeah sure. What's up?" I glance at Nami, who's covering her giggles with her hand.
"I've been watching you for a while. I think that you're smart & beautiful, so I would like to get to know you better. Uhm.. so.. may I have your number?" He shyly says.
He's actually quite cute in that nerdy sort of way, but I'm not interested in being in a relationship. I just want to focus on studying & preparing for my future.
"I'm really flattered that you think that way, but I need to focus on my study now. I hope you understand." I bow at him, then quickly link my arm with Nami & walk away.
"Yaa, he looks really cute. Why did you reject him?" Nami asks in disbelief.
"I told you I'm not in the mood for a relationship right now. Let's go to the library then have some ice cream afterwards."

Woah, it's been so long since I last came here.
I stare at the ice cream shop that I used to frequent back then. Nostalgia washes over me, but some bits & pieces have Jimin in them, so I instantly squash the thought.
"Pick whatever you want. My treat today." I say to Nami.
"Really? Ok, I want pistachio, chocolate chip, raspberry sorbet & milk chocolate." She points at the flavors & tells the girl behind the counter.
"Ya, isn't that a bit too much?"
"You told me to pick whatever I want, right?" She grins at me, as she bites the plastic spoon in between her rows of perfect white teeth.
"Tsk.. I totally regret saying that." I pull out my wallet & accidentally drop it on the floor.
A small hand picks it up & hands it to me.
"Excuse me, you dropped your wallet." The little boy looks up at me & says.
My heart clenches. He is obviously a few years older, but he reminds me so much of Jisung.
Without realizing, tears begin to well up in my eyes & there's such a strong urge to pull him into a hug.
"Y/n ah, what are you doing? Aren't you going to pay?" Nami's call wakes me from my daze.
"Huh? Oh ok. Wait a minute. Thank you kid. As my gratitude, would you like it if I buy you some ice cream?" Smilingly, I bend down & stroke the kid's head.
"No, thank you. My mother told me not to accept things from strangers. Have a good day." He bows at me & scurries away.
I watch his back diminish into the crowd & a pang of sadness hits my chest.
Jisung ah, how are you doing? Eomma misses you so much.
"Are you crying?" Nami searches my face in concern.
"Nah, I got dust in my eyes, that's all. Come on, I'll pay." I change the subject right away to prevent her from probing further.
We're enjoying our ice cream when suddenly Nami's phone rings. She checks the caller ID & her eyes immediately light up.
"Who is it?" I ask as I put a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth.
"Oh. Uhm.. A friend. I need to take this call. Give me a minute." She steps away from the table & goes to a quiet corner.
"Why so secretive?" I mutter to myself & keep eating.
"Y/n ah, do you want to go to the club with me tonight?" Nami asks as soon as she comes back.
"Club? You mean the place where you drink & dance?"
"Duhhh, what else?" She rolls her eyes at me.
"Why suddenly? I'm not interested in going to such place. The loud music gives me headache."
"Awww come on. I promise you it'll be fun. My friend asked me to come but I don't want to go there alone. So accompany me, pleaseeee.." She clasps her hands together & pleads.
Clubbing has never been my thing. I've only done that a few times because of Jimin & I remember hating it.
"Pleaseee Y/n ah. I have no one else to ask other than you." She shakes my arm & pouts.
"Huh.. Fine. But promise that we'll leave before midnight. And no getting drunk. No dancing with weird strangers. No-"
"Ok ok. Omg, you're even worse than my mom now. I promise I won't cause any trouble, dwaesso?" She clicks her tongue.
Although I agreed to go with her, uneasiness still tugs at the back of my mind. Something doesn't feel right.

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