Get out of my sight

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Our boi be looking angry

Todoroki's POV

"Hello Father," I said, not daring to look him in the eyes.

"I hope you understand how serious your crime is," he scolded, "The talk is that..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

"What?" I asked cautiously.

"A...a death sentence," he finished.

I took a shaky breath.

"Is that all you came to tell me?" I asked him.

I wouldn't expect him to need much more from me.

"I heard your classmates on TV this morning. They mentioned why you had done the crime. Tell me the truth. Why?"

"Let me start from the beginning," I said looking up at him, "The villains locked me in a dark, soundless room. They gave me the drug that took away quirks, but it had been modified. They could give me my quirk back. They beat me. More specifically, Toga Himiko slashed me until I was almost dead. I lost a lot of blood during this process. Touya would always come in to help me afterwards. The villains wanted me to trust him. He used you, Mother, my siblings, and my friends against me. He has his own version of the Hero Killer's ideals. He thinks all heroes should die. He warped my mind. I had gone half-insane already, so it wasn't that hard. I wasn't thinking clearly and I ended up making terrible decisions,"

My Father seemed to think about this for a second.

"And how is your mental state now?" he asked.

"I haven't had an...episode since I came here," I told him.

"Just so you know, your mother hasn't been taking this news well,"

"You told her about this?"

"Fuyumi went to the hospital the other day and told her without my permission. Your mother is absolutely devastated,"

"I'm sorry Father," I said hanging my head.

"You should be sorry. I'll be attending your trial and so will other pro heroes. I hope for the best,"

"Alright," I said.

"Goodbye, son," Endeavor said standing up.


As I was lead back to my room, I thought about my mother. I couldn't believe I had caused her so much pain. I was worse than my father.

Much worse.

"Who was it?" Azumi asked when I walked into the room.

I sighed, "Endeavor,"

"Oh," she said quietly.

I lied down on my bed and thought about all the people I'd killed. They had begged for their lives. They were so desperate to live. I hadn't cared. I had just killed them without a second thought. I was a monster.

Time skip 2 days

I was told once again I had visitors. This time, I saw my friends waiting for me. I sat down and picked up the phone.

"Hey," I said.

"Icy-Hot, you half and half bastard, why'd you have to go and do this?!?" Bakugou yelled through the phone.

Had his voice just cracked?

"Calm down Bakugou," Kirishima said taking the phone and handing it to Uraraka.

"Hey, Todoroki," she said, "We all want you to know that we've missed you and are looking forward to hanging out with you when all of this is over,"

I thought about what my father had said about the death sentence.

"As much as I would love that, I'm not sure it'll happen,"

"W-what do you mean?" Midoriya asked.

"Endeavor came over here a couple of days ago. He told me there was talk of a...a death sentence," I explained, my voice breaking.

"Tell me that's not true!" Midoriya said tearing up.

"It's true," I heard Yaoyorozu say from the back of the group.

"Momo..." I said softly.

"After all of the crimes he's committed, I'm surprised they're even giving him a trial," she said.

I was shocked at her tone.

"How could you say such a thing?" Hagakure asked.

"He's killed almost 15 people. He's a heartless murderer,"

"But you said in your interview-"

"That was for TV, for goodness sakes! I didn't want to look bad and say, 'Oh, yeah, he probably joined the villains on his own.' Do you know how bad that would look?"

I laughed. Quiet at first, but then it turned hysterical. My friends gave me worried looks.

"So glad you're worried about your public image instead of the truth," I said still laughing, "And when you said you loved me, that was for show too, right? I think we're done here!"

I stood up and stormed back to my room, a guard quickly following me. When I was back, I laid on my bed and cried.

Bakugou's POV

"What the hell was that?!?" I yelled at Yaoyrozou.

"I was just being honest-"

"Oh, and you're so good at that! Todoroki should've killed you when he had the chance. You're nothing but a fake!" I shouted at her.

I stormed out of the police station. The nerve of her, to lie to all of Japan! How dare she do that? Kirishima tried to catch up with me.

"Bakugou! That wasn't very manly of you!" he scolded when he finally caught with me.

"Serves her right, the bitch," I growled.

"Bakugou, I think you're going too far with this-"

"No! I'm not! Just leave me alone, dammit!" I yelled running off.

I didn't hear Kiri try to follow me. Maybe he was right. Had I gone too far? Back at the dorms, I could feel the tension in the room. Nobody had spoken. This was probably my fault. I sighed and stood up.

"Yaoyorozu," I said, "Look, I...I'm sorry,"

She looked up at me, surprised.

"I...I don't want anyone to die,"

Dammit, was I crying?

"I'm really very sorry. It's ok if you don't forgive me, but-"

Yaoyorozu hugged me.

"Uh," I said, shocked.

"It's ok. I shouldn't have said those things either. I forgive you,"

I hugged her back.

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