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* check out my new book. Love or lust*
1 Year Later

Everything seemed to be normal again. Everyone was healing from the Trauma they went through last year. Londynn &' Lou decided to move out of Chicago. They wanted a fresh start. They both sold their businesses and started new ones in Atlanta. As for Annya she now owner here very on Solon in Chicago. It was called the Glam Shop. That was the business. She was booked &' busy. Annya owned her own home already and had a car. She was making Londynn proud like she wanted too.
Dad was doing pretty well. He was donating 25K every two weeks to the children home. After finding out that his wife killer was dead he was much more happier and focused.
Uncle Ronny was still running the biggest trapp in Chicago with Natt by his side.
Natt found a girlfriend who he seemed to be inlove with she was now pregnant with twins.
I guess it's safe too say everyone life was going pretty well.

* If you want this book turn into a series. Give me 10 Votes on the last chapter &' comment series *

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