Space and Time

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"Acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt."

My eyes pop open as the latin phrase echos in my mind and I frantically look around me. It seems like I'm on a beach somewhere as crystal clear blue waves come crashing towards me, stopping at my feet. The warm sun feels so good on my skin and the sand crunches between my toes. The fresh air calms me down a little as I take a deep breath. The scenery is breathtaking and something tells me I'm in Fiji,but how the fuck did I get here?

"You good baby?"

I turn my head and Titan is walking towards me with a beautiful chocolate baby girl with a head full of shiny jet black coils in his arms, she can't be more than six months old and my baby TyTy is walking by his side , but she's not a baby anymore, she looks about seven years old.

He's shirtless, looking like a black God per usual in red swim shorts with Tom Ford lettering covering them. I look down and I'm wearing an all white Louis Vuitton crochet two piece.

"Titan—Wh—what's going on?" I say as I start to freak out.

"Mommy , whatchu doing?" TyTy asks me in her cute little voice and I try to hold back tears. She climbs in my lap and I just hold onto her for dear life.

"Just thinking baby, I missed you." I say as I kiss the top of her head.

"We were only gone for a second , but I missed you too." She giggles.

Titan sits next to us and I get a better look at the beautiful baby girl who is staring at me with a smile on her little lips.

"Oh my goodness, hi mama's, look at your pretty self!" I coo as I kiss her little cheek. She is the spitting image of Titan. I instantly feel butterflies in my stomach and I put two and two together.

"Is she—"

Titan nods and I take a deep breath.

"TyTy , can daddy and mommy have a grown up talk real quick?" He asks her.

"Ok daddy!" She kisses my cheek and gets up to go lay out on the pink Chanel beach towel a few feet away from us. Placing her pink shades over her eyes, she starts to read a book. He hands baby girl to me and a warmth I've never felt before comes over me and I start to cry.

"Oh my God Titan." I weep as I smile at her precious face. She puts her small hand on my cheek and talks to me in baby babble. Titan wipes my tears and pecks my cheek.

"I'm so confused." I look at him.

"If I tell you what really happened you probably won't understand."

"You—you can control time?"

"And a lot more baby."

"What are you?"

He laughs and I look at him strangely.

"I'm not laughing Titan, Im totally freaking out right now!"

"I'm just powerful baby, that's all you need to know for now."

"Is this what you meant by you see on both sides?"


"We—we have a baby together?" I smile at her and kiss her little cheek again.

"We do, her name is Halo."

"Oh my gosh, wh—how am I supposed to function now if I don't even know what's going on. I don't know what year it is, I don't know my address,I don't know—"

"Calm down baby, I'll fix that, this is just a moment in the future."

I look down and realize I have a giant rock on my left ring finger.

"Oh my God, I'm married to you?" I smile.

He laughs again.

"Yes, for a whole two years now, it'll be three in a month."

"This can't be real, is this a lucid dream or something?"

"Nahh baby, you just happened to meet a nigga like no other."

"Wh—what about my mom, Elle and Amira?"

"Amira had to go but ya moms and Elle are alive."

"Oh my God."

"Yup, I'm a God in the flesh baby ." He winks.

"I don't get it, are  you a superhero or something, like Black Panther?"

"Nahh, that's too much work, I just know how to tap into some shit, you can do it too, you just don't know you got it in you."

"Oh my gosh, this is crazy, but look at herrrr." I kiss on my baby.

I have a whole daughter. This is wild.

"Uhh huh, she's beautiful just like her fine ass mama, she's 5 months and a fiery ass Aries like her daddy and TtTy is 7 now." He smiles.

"And she looks just like you, I'm so mad at that, When did I even take you back?"

"A few months after everything went down at the hotel."

"Really?" I scrunch my face up and he laughs.

"Yea ,you was feigning for a nigga bad, I told you the twin flame shit is real baby, we got a purpose here together."

"This is wild, but your right, I love you so much, your my superhero."

"Aight, keep talking like that if you wanna get fucked right here on the beach."

"Omg ,we have kids silly. Are we in Fiji?"

"Yea, good guess."

"Where do we live?"


"How old am I?"

"26 and you're a Victoria's Secret supermodel, and I'm still in the NBA. We rich rich baby. Rich as fuck."

"Excuse me, I'm a who?"

"You heard me. Didn't I always tell you you could be one one day?" He smiles.

"I cannot! A supermodel? Can you just snap us back Thanos because I'm done this is too much!" I huff.

He bursts out laughing and takes Halo from me.

"Are you sure you ready?"

"Wait, I—I don't wanna be in the future or whatever this is, can we go back to sometime right after the hotel shit , like maybe back to the day I take you back, I still want to live and experience life, I want to go through the motions of becoming a mother and becoming a Victoria Secret model, building my empire, I don't want to just skip past those experiences."

"Yea I can do that baby and I respect you for that, and you won't know about the future or the hotel shit is that cool?"

"Yes, Thank you."

"Aye, gimmie my shit lil girl." He laughs, kissing Halo's cheek as she clings onto one of his dreads.

"Ok , I'm ready." I smile.

"Im in love with you baby girl, don't forget that shit." He kisses me.

"Im in love with you too daddy. Forever ever."

"Ima warn you now, you gon wake up in a big ass bed with me eating the hell outta that pussy so don't be scurred."

"I see your still a freak."

"Always baby. Damn I can taste you now." He winks and everything goes black.

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