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"Wake up, baby girl."

"Hmmmm?" I groan, as I open my eyes to the sun nearly blinding me.

"It's 7:11 , don't you got a flight to catch?" Titan's deep voice confuses me for a second. After last nights adventures, I'm still discombobulated.

I turn over and he's staring down at his phone. I can't help but to stare at his fine ass. We went at it round after round last night. I've never had sex that amazing or that much at once, ever, in my life. We literally fucked everywhere in the house. The way he was choking me, kissing me everywhere, and holding onto me, I never experienced so much pleasure.

If I don't end up pregnant after this then I'm the luckiest girl ever. I can't even count how many times he came inside of me or how many orgasms I had. It was everything and more. I think I'm obsessed with his handsome ass. Look at those lips, those long ass eyelashes, that jawline—"

"Why you staring?" He interrupts my creepy thoughts.

"I—my bad."

"You feigning for a nigga huh?" He locks his phone and looks up.

"A little." I tease.

"A little my ass, come here." He pulls me into his chest.

Damn, I missed being here too, so close to him. How does he smell so fucking good this early.

"Thanks for waking me up."

"Mmhmm." He kisses my forehead.

I pull back and look up at him with a smile.

"Your so handsome."

"You gon' miss ya flight."

He ignores me as he slides out of the bed and walks into the bathroom. I feel some kind of way but I brush it off, and grab my phone to text Elle.

 I feel some kind of way but I  brush  it off, and grab my phone to text Elle

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I take a deep breath and look around the huge lavish room. His interior designer really outdid herself. The perfect amount of natural lighting comes through the tall floor to ceiling windows, illuminating the bold black and gold wallpaper with its intricate designs. The dark earthy tones, and cherry wood furniture give it a nice modern feel, and there's a skylight as well.

I notice he switched out some of the artwork pieces on the wall, he now has framed movie posters from his favorite iconic black movies hanging up, The Wood, Belly, Menace To Society, Juice etc. He also expanded the trophy case onto one entire wall, hopefully with a more sturdy glass this time.

I laugh to myself reminiscing.

"Hey my big boyyyy!" I squeal as Anubis comes sniffing his way into the bedroom.

His big ass jumps up on the bed, and knocks me over trying to lick my face.

"Boy, get your big ass down." I laugh as I swat his butt.

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