||Chapter Three||

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~Hinata's perspective~

"Yeah...Yeah I'll be home tomorrow...no, no I don't, why?...alright, bye." I hung up the phone. I lay back down on the bed, thinking about the match. It's scary to know that we have to play against Aoba Johsai with a permanent deal.

Oikawa gets out of the bathroom.
"Did you call your mom?" He asked
"Yeah I did, she said I could stay." I said putting up my phone.
"Alright then." He said taking a towel to his head.

I get ready for bed when suddenly I feel someone on me.

~Oikawa's Perspective~

I have to. Or I won't be satisfied. I'm sorry Hinata. But I have to do this. After all, your the one who got me here. You made me get to this point. But don't worry. I won't go too hard. Or at least, try not to.

~Hinata's perspective~

"I'm sorry Hinata. But it's your fault" I was confused on what he meant.
"What do you mean Oikawa-san?" I asked still confused.
He took off the blanket that was covering me.
"Hey! It's cold in here!" I said trying to get the blanket back
"Sorry, again." He said.
He took hands and pinned me against the wall.
"Oikawa-san! Snap out of it!" I said trying to get out.
He went up my shirt.
"O-oikawa-san s-s-stop, t-that h-hurts" I whined
But he just kept on going
He ignored me.

Oikawa...please...stop...that hurts...I...can't handle...that...just please...slow down...I can't...catch my breath...I need...to stop...or I...won't be able...to stand...up...its too...hard...

I wake up to a pain on my head.

What happened last night?

I get up and see that oikawa is passed asleep on the floor. It looked like he had fallen off the bed.

I get him on the bed and head to the kitchen. I ate some cereal and went to grab my phone, when I feel that pain again.

This pain is horrible! It hurts a lot...

I go to get my phone and text my mom that I'll be home around 3:00 so she won't worry. I see that Oikawa was still asleep on the bed. So I decided to practice volleyball outside.

I keep on practicing when I hear Oikawa wake up. I go back inside and see if he's actually awake. And he is.
"Good morning Oikawa-san!" I say happily.
"Good morning shrimpy" He yawns.
"Can we practice once your fully awake?" I ask
"Depending on how my mood is." He says getting up.
"Okay!" I say, going to practice.

~Oikawa's Perspective~

He doesn't remember a thing? No, maybe hes just acting like he doesn't know what happened. But maybe he doesn't know. It's possible. So maybe he doesn't know what happened. That might be good. He doesn't need to remember what happened. He doesn't need to remember what I did to him. He doesn't need to remember what he did. I hope he doesn't remember...

~Hinata's perspective~

I go back inside after a few hours of practice. Then I see Oikawa talking on the phone. Something about his team.

I go after he's done talking on the phone and asked him if we could practice,
"Sure." He says following me.

"You can't close your eyes when you spike." Oikawa says.
"I'm used to that!"
"Well, you need to not get used to that."
He tosses me one last volleyball. This time I won't close my eyes. I'll keep them open! I ran at my fastest speed and jump as high as I could, and...


I had hitted it!
"I did it!" I yelled
"Nice job." Oikawa said, smiling
"Thanks for practicing with me!" I say hugging him.
He pats me on the head.
"No problem shrimpy." He says picking me up.
"Whoa your tall!"
"Well I am taller than Kageyama." He says proudly. And he's not wrong. He is taller than Kageyama. Kageyama is only 5'11 and Oikawa-san is 6'0. Only one inch difference but still, Oikawa-san is taller.
"Hey Oikawa-san?" I ask
"Yeah?" He says looking up at me
"I can't remember but, what happened last night?"

He goes dead silent. He seems like he doesn't want to talk about it.
"Nothing happened. I just went to the bathroom."
"Then how come my whole body was hurting when I woke up?"

He waits a few minutes before saying anything,
"You took too many pills" He says
"Oh, figures." I say ashamed of myself.
"Hey, Hinata." He says to me.
"Yeah?" I say. He waits a few minutes. But then he says,
"Never mind, sorry." he says.
"Oh okay!" I say.

We go to the conventience store to buy groceries. And of course, all the girls crowd around him.
Girl 1: "Um...Oikawa-san...I really like you..."
Girl 2: "No, I like him more!"
Girl 3: "No, I do!"
Then they got into a huge fight. And that was our time to escape.

"And this is why I don't like going out." He says putting the groceries down.
"You must be pretty popular Oikawa-san."
"Unfortunately, I am." He says with a sigh.

We practice some more until it's almost time for me to go home.
"2:40" I say, checking the time.
"Remember what I told you yesterday." He said.
Unfortunately I didn't forget about the match next month.
"I will." I say.
There's a moment of silence. I'm tempted to lean in and kiss him again. But I don't know for sure...
"H-hey Oikawa-san?" He looks at me.
I wait a minute so I can build up my confidence.
"C-can I-"
He knew what I was going to say. And he did it for me. He kissed me.

He gets his tongue in my mouth again. He holds my arm up. And I start to lay down.

He pulls away from my lips. And there's a string of saliva that connects my lip to his.

"Alright, you can go home now." He says pulling away from me. But I grab his arm and pull him back.

~Oikawa's Perspective~

Hinata pulls me back on the bed and gets on top of me.
"Let me touch it." He says looking down.
"What do you mean Hinata?" I ask, half knowing what he wants. He points to where he means and I look at him.
"There?" I ask him.
"There." He looks back up at me. I look up at the ceiling.
"Go ahead, Hinata." I say. While he gets started.

~Thank you for reading!!!!~

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