||Chapter Eight||

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~Oikawa's Perspective~

Damnnit...I couldn't help myself...what about Hinata? He isn't mad at me...right? I forgot to ask his permission...he's probably mad now...

I continue to think about what I did to Hinata last night...and how I said I would ask him for permission.
I smell something really good.
I sit up confused and continue to walk towards the the kitchen.

I continue to walk towards the door.
Then I see him.
He looks behind him from the stove.
"Oh, Oikawa-san."
He takes the food and places it on the table.
"I was heating up the food my mom made yesterday."
I stand there for a second, trying to think of what to say.
I look at him.
"Why did you..."
He stops and pauses.

"Do that...last night?"
I couldn't answer his question. I really couldn't.

I stayed quiet for a while. Before he asked the question again.

"Why did you do that last night?"
Once again, I had stayed quiet.
"I'm sorry...I know I forgot to ask your permission-"
He was crying by the time I was almost done with my sentence.
I looked away from Hinata.
"Look, I know what I did was wrong because I didn't ask your permission-"
I looked back at him.
"I'm crying because I don't want you to ask my permission. I don't want you to apologize!"

I was surprised. I thought he was sad because I didn't ask his permission. I would understand that but this? I don't know why he would be sad over me asking permission. Well, he is still a kid with his own mind. And, he is sensitive, so I shouldn't blame him.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't be crying."
He said, with a bright smile.
He's still a kid. I shouldn't blame him. And sensitive. I should go easy on him.

"Hinata, are you alright?"
He looks up.
He whips his tears.

I go over to him.
I go down to his level.
"Hinata, how would you want to go out with me?"
He blushes. His whole face turns red.
"Would you go out with me?"
He takes in for a moment.
Then he smiles brighter than he ever has before.
"I would love too!"
Then he gives me the biggest hug ever.
And I hug back.
And smile.

We make plans for when we can go out.
"January 25th?"
"Nah, we have practice that day." I say sighing.
We think for a minute.
Then he smiles.
"How 'bout February 14th?"
I smile back.
"We don't have practice so, why not?"
He jumps up.
And hits his head.
"That's hurts!!"
Then we both start laughing.

We start eating.
"Hey, Oikawa-san?"
I look over to him
"Since we don't have practice today, because of the gym being used, can we go over to Karasuno?"

I think for a moment. Thinking if we should go. Sure I would want to go for Hinata but, Kageyama is probably gonna be hella mad. And I kinda took Hinata from him. Oops. I just like Hinata. I just love Hinata. But back to the point. Kageyama would probably be pretty mad. And he would ask tons of questions I really don't want to answer. Like, why did you make the deal? Or, will Hinata be back? I really don't want to answer those questions. But, I'll do it for Hinata.

"Sure, but you have to make sure that Kageyama doesn't kill me."
He smiles.
"No problem!"

We head over to Karasuno, Hinata says they would be practicing right now if not, then Kageyama would be there with Daichi.

We get there after a few more minutes.
And the lights are on.
"Let's go!"

Hinata opens the door and Kageyama, Daichi and Sugawara were there.
"Hey guys!"
I follow him into Karasuno.
Kageyama shrieks
I just stand there, hands in my pockets.
And just as I expected, he comes over and grabs me by the collar.
"Why did you make that deal?!"

I knew this was going to happen. That's Kageyama for you.

Hinata comes over and pushes him away.
"Stop it!"
He stands in between me and Kageyama.
"Step away Hinata! I'm going to ask him questions!"
"I told you this was ganna happen Hinata." I say shrugging.
He looks at me. With a sorry look.
"Kageyama, I didn't come and visit to let you mess with Oikawa-san, I came to visit Karasuno."

Kageyama looks at Hinata, then at me.
He steps back and stares at me.
"But can I just ask him one question?"
Hinata looks at me first.
I nod.
"Go ahead."
He stands up and looks straight at me.
"Why did you take Hinata from us?"
Hinata looks at me, like he wants the answer, even though he knows the answer.
I sigh.
"I didn't have a reason."
Kageyama looks like he wants to kill me right here and now.
"I know you have a reason!"
"I don't."

Of course I have a reason, I just won't spill. If I tell the truth then Kageyama is going to actually kill me. And probably try to take Hinata back.

Kageyama clenches his fists.
"Fine, don't spill, but don't think that I don't know you have a reason."
And walks away.
"Sorry about Kageyama, he's kinda in a bad mood right now." Sugawara says.
"No, I knew this was ganna happen, but I still came anyway."
I rub my neck, Kageyama scratched me when he was holding me by the collar.
"I'll go, Kageyama will be an ass if I'm here."
Daichi covers his mouth.
"Alright, visit anytime you want."
I start walking when I feel a little body grab onto me.
"I'll be home in a little bit."
I look behind me.
"Alright shrimpy."
I turn around and pat him on the head.
And then I leave.

I get home and head to the couch and lay down.
And I fall asleep.

~A Few Hours Later~

I wake up in the middle of the night.
And I see shrimpy right next to me.
"I guess he didn't go to bed."
I pick him up and take him to his bed.

And then I go back to the couch.
I look at my phone.
No notifications.

Then, I just got a text message.
It was Kageyama.
It read,

Met me at Karasuno.

I sigh. I really don't want to go out now. I just got comfortable.
But I decide to go anyway.

I get to Karasuno.
And I see Kageyama at the door.
"I'm here."
He gets away from the door and towards me.
"You didn't give me the right answer earlier."
He stops in front of me.
"Oh? How did you know?"
"I know you have a reason for everything."
I look at him.
"That's correct."
"So then, give me the right answer."
He stands in front of me, waiting for the answer.
"Tell me the answer Oikawa."
I pat is head.
"It isn't your business is it?"
He smacks hand.
"Tell me the answer!"
I just look at him.
"Do you really want to know the answer?"
He grabs me by the collar.
"That's why I asked you here right?!"
"My, my, I don't give answers to violent people-"
The he punches me. Hard. And I fall to the floor.
"Tell me the answer damnnit!"
I wipe off the blood.
"Listen, I don't want to fight-"
He grabs me by the collar again.
"Tell me the answer!"
I just stare at him.
And punches me again. Not as hard this time. But still holds me by the collar.
"Tell me the-"
I look back to see that Hinata comes running towards us.
"What is going on?!"
He gets over here to see me and him fighting.
"Kageyama what happened-"
I stare at Hinata.
"Oikawa-san are you alright?!"
"Yeah, me and Kageyama just got in a little-"
He hugs me before I finished.
"I'm so glad you alright!"
I look at him, confused.
"When I heard the door shut I woke up a few minutes later and I saw that you weren't there and I looked everywhere and I couldn't find you, then I heard some arguing over at Karasuno and I then that's when I saw you two!"
I look at Hinata, then at Kageyama, who is obviously jealous.
"Sorry, Hinata."
I hold his head and let him cry.
While Kageyama starts to leave.
"I'll make you spill sooner or later Oikawa."
I look at him.
"I'll be waiting."
Then he walks away.
I look back at Hinata.
He looks from my shoulder.
"I'm sorry, what can I do to make it up to you?"
He wipes his tears.
Then he kisses me.

He pulls away after a few minutes.
"All I needed was that."

~Thank you for reading!!!~

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