・Part Nine・

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Hinata's POV:
"But I want to continue! I still have some energy left!" I complain.
"But...we're all...worn out..." Oikawa says, panting.
"But I'm not! I want to continue!" I say.
"Hinata, we can't continue. We have to rest." Ushijima says.
I growl.
"I'm here."
We all look back towards the door. It was Iwaizumi!
"Iwa-chan? I thought you had to something today?" Oikawa asks.
"I got off early." Iwaizumi says.
He comes into the gym and puts down his stuff.
Tendou smiles.
"How about me and Shoyo here? We'll get two more people to play. How about it?" he asks.
Ushijima and Oikawa look at each other.
"I don't care."
"I don't see why not."
They both say at the same time.
I look over to Iwaizumi. Who looks at me back. Then nods.
"Iwaizumi will be the one of my team." I say.
"Then I'll have Eita (Semi) on my team." Tendou smiles.
I hear the door open. And we see a tall person come in the room. I assume he's Eita.
"You called?" he asks.
"Yep! Do you mind playing 2 on 2 with me?" he asked.
"I don't care." he said.
"Then c'mon!" Tendou said.
He walked onto the gym floor.
I feel Iwaizumi tap my shoulder.
"Have you learned to spike with your eyes open?" he whispered.
"Yeah. When I was at Karasuno me and Kageyama practiced and I did a spike with my eyes open." I whispered back.
"Well, the reason why I couldn't stay for the first part of the practice was because I went over to Karasuno. I had a moment with Kageyama and he taught me a few things." he whispers.
"So will you try and be like Kageyama?" I asked.
"Well, I'll try and get my tosses like his." he says.
"Sharing secrets are we?" Tendou asked behind the other side of the net.
I growled.
"No. No we aren't." Iwaizumi says.
Tendou sighs.
"Lier." he says.
"We weren't sharing anything. Don't call Iwaizumi-san a lier." I said, irritated. I was starting to get tired of this guy.
He looked at me with those dreadful eyes.
"I'll beat to the ground." he grins.
"We'll see about that." Iwaizumi says.
Semi as I call him, serves first. He gives a good enough serve to make it over the net. Iwaizumi receives it and passes it to me and I get it over the net. Tendou receives it and hands it over to Semi who passes it over the net.

An hour later

We are still at it. Iwaizumi looks worn out. And so does Semi. But not Tendou. I'm not even getting tired. But it seems like Tendou has the same energy as I have.
"Hinata!" Iwaizumi calls.
And run over. But when the ball hits his hands he fails to do a proper toss. And he falls.
I watch the ball.
But I decide to help Iwaizumi.
"Iwaizumi!" I say.
"Iwa-chan!" Oikawa says.
"I'm...fine..." Iwaizumi says.
Oikawa helps up Iwaizumi.
"Are you alright?!" Oikawa asks.
"I'm tired...that's all..." he says.
"Hinata." Oikawa says.
"What is it?" I ask, in panic.
"I'm going to take Iwa-chan to his house. I need you to stay here. Okay?" he says.
"Okay." I say.
He walks Iwaizumi out of the gym.
"I'm heading to the cafeteria." Semi says.
"Alright. I am too. Tendou watch this kid." Ushijima says.
"I'm not a kid!" I say.
"Yeah, yeah." he heads to the cafeteria.
I sigh as I look over to Tendou. He's smiling.
"So, you want to continue our little conversation from earlier?" he asks.
"No." I growl.
"Awe, did I pull some nerves?" he smiles.
"No." I lie.
"Lying to me too, mean." he sighs.
"You didn't pull any nerves." I say.
"But it seemed like you wanted me to stop! You were getting mad! Because I was talking about your little boyfriend~" he says, purposely trying to get on my nerves.
"Shut up!" I say.
"Awe, did I finally get some nerves?"
"Just be quite!"
"Your little boyfriend just wanted you on the team. Or so he thought. He thought you could be useful! But it seems like you aren't doing anything! Just bringing them down!" he smiles.
I begin to believe all that he's saying. What if Oikawa just thought he needed me on the team...but just doesn't love me?
"Starting to believe what I'm saying? That's probably the best choice!" he grins.
"No! I know Oikawa loves me like I love him!" I say.
"And you can't change my mind, because I know for a fact he loves me like I love him. So stop spitting out lies." I say.
He shrugs.
"He might just be lying to you, he might be using you." he says.
"I know he isn't using me." I say.
"How do you know for sure?" he asks.
I stand there, looking at him.
"You don't, do you?" he grins.
"I don't. I know, but he isn't that kind of person!" I say.
He sighs.
"You don't get it, do you?" he says.
"He's using you. He doesn't love you, he doesn't like you, he hates you."


That word crossed my mind.
"He, hates me?" I ask.
"Finally got it. He hates people like you. He hates people like you getting in his way all the time. He hates people like you who can't do anything."
I feel something go through my heart. I feel like I could throw up. I feel like, that everything he's saying, is true.

Snap out of it! You know Oikawa, he doesn't hate you! He loves you! What about that time when he let you go over to Karasuno? If he hated you, he wouldn't have done that!! What about that time when he helped you?! He wouldn't have done that if he hated you!!

I think about all of those. How he let me go to Karasuno. How he helped me.
"No. You don't know him like I do. You don't know how much he's done for me! He's done more than I asked for! He doesn't hate me, because if he did he wouldn't have done all the things he did!" I say.
Tendou smiles.
"You really are a keeper." he says.
I stand there, confused.
"All those things I said to you, were an act. I wanted to see if you would believe everything I was saying and leave Oikawa." he says.
"So, you didn't really mean all of those things?" I ask.
"Of course not. I was testing you." he smiles.
I sigh in relief.
"But I did hear about you and Oikawa making out in the bathroom, Iwaizumi told me." he says.
I fall to the floor.
He starts laughing.

An Hour Later

"Hinata!" Oikawa yells.
I look over to him.
"Oikawa!" I run and give him a hug.
"Get your stuff and let's go home." he says.
I nod. I run and get my stuff.
"Before you go." I look behind me.
It was Ushijima.
"What is it?" I ask.
He let's out his hand.
"I'll see you in a few months." he says.
I look up at him. And take the hand.
"See you in a few months." I say.
And I get my stuff and run towards the exit.
I wave them goodbye. And we start our walk towards the hotel.
"Hinata." Oikawa says.
I look at him.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"What did Tendou say to you?" he asks.
I think about it.
Then I smile.
"Nothing." I say.
He looks at me, then smiles.
"I swear if your lying then once we get to the hotel I'll beat you." he says.
"I-i'm not lying!

Thank you for reading!!!

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