||Chapter Ten||

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~Oikawa's Perspective~

We stay home from practice. So they cancel the game. But still practice. They say they need all the players. Because then it won't be an even match. So they are going to do the match when we come back. But Hinata has a low grade fever. Most likely from stress and worry. Probably because we were going to play against Karasuno, he's still getting over that. And coach knows that, but he still makes the match. I need to know why he wants so many matches. It's starting to old. We can't keep doing this. If he does it one more time I ain't going. I'll have to think of something. Maybe it's just something he's going though. I don't know, but it doesn't matter right now. I need to make sure Hinata is going to be alright.
And then I hear my phone ringing. I go over to answer it.
"Oh Oikawa! How are things going over there?"
"Fine, Hinata just has a low grade fever, most likely from stress and worry."
"Oh alright, thank you for taking care of him!"
"It's quite alright. I'm starting to enjoy it."
"Good! Well, I have to go now, just update me on Hinata for me, will you?"
"Yeah, that's not a problem."
"Thank you! Bye!"
"No problem, bye."
I hang up the phone. I look over at Hinata, who is still asleep. And I look at my phone. And it gets a text. From Iwaizumi,

How come you aren't coming for practice? You don't normally do this.

I text back saying that Hinata is sick and that I'm with him because his mom is on a vacation. So I'm watching him.

Oh alright then. Just wanted to know, that's all.

I turn off my phone, thinking about what to do. I don't want to leave because of what happened between me and Kageyama. And how terrified he was. I don't want to do that to him again. He's still a kid. Wait. Now that I think about it, he's around 15 to 16...and I'm...oh shit- I'm 18. Well, age doesn't matter here so...who cares? Besides, I'm not going to jail. No way. I ain't doing that shit. But anyway, he's going to be sensitive because of the age he is. Well 15 or not he's still going to be sensitive. So, I might as well take it easy on him. He's a kid. But I still can't get over the fact that he's 15 and I'm 18. Only three years...eh, it's nothing to worry about. But, I need to make sure his fever stays where it is and doesn't go up. Hopefully. I'll have to do something if it does go up.

I walk into his bedroom and he's still asleep. I wake him up so can eat.
"Oh thanks Oikawa-san."
"No problem, tell me if you feel any worse."
He nods and starts to eat.
I go over and eat some dumplings before I figure out what to do.

After I'm done eating so is Hinata.
I look over at him. He's standing over by the table.
"Yeah? You alright?"
He walks over to the couch where I'm sitting and lays by me.
"I want to sleep with you."
I pick him up and take him to bed. And then I lay in bed with him. I don't want to make his fever higher. But also, because he asked for me to sleep with him, I have nothing else to do so, why not take a nap?

~A Few Hours Later~

I wake up around 7:00-8:00 in the afternoon. Hinata is still asleep. I check his forehead to see if it has raised or lowered. It lowered. So he was alright then. He was able to go back in tomorrow. I get out of bed and see if there was anything to do. There wasn't but my phone had a few notifications. Two text messages and one other notification. I checked the messages first. One was from Kageyama.

Why am I not surprised?

He said that he wanted to know what the reason was for taking away Hinata. And other was from Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi said,

Oi, coach said that we are actually going to be playing with Karasuno against Shiratorizawa and some other team. He didn't say what the other team was. And make sure that Hinata is alright. You have to come in tomorrow or coach is gonna be hella mad. Bye.

I rub my neck. Coach is an ass. He needs to be knocked in the head. I go over to the bedroom again and Hinata's awake.
He looks over.
"Oh, I thought you left again."
I was shocked. I knew that I did it one time but...that was going to be my one and only time.
"No, that was going to be my one and only time."
I walk over to him and check his forehead.
"Your not warm anymore so you can go back to practice."
I sit next to him and check to see if that was all he had.
"I guess it was just a fever. Nothing else-"
He hugs me.
I know he's done that multiple times for a reason but this time, I don't know the reason.
But then, his hand goes up my shirt.
He continues to go up my shirt and ignore me.
I grab his hand gently and look at him.
"Only I get to do that."
He looks up at me like he's confused.
We stare at each other until Hinata kisses me.

After a couple of minutes he pulls away. Catching his breath and I catch my breath too.
"We both can do that."
I smile.
"Yeah, but it's mostly your way of telling me that you love me."
I pat his head.
"But, I love you too."
He smiles.
And he hugs me.
I hug back.

That's my way of telling you I love you.

~Thank You For Reading~

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