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S pov

I'm chillin' with my kids, in the living room. Gary is laughing out loud as i'm tickling his stomach. "Aww, you're a cutie..can you say mama? Please, baby" "mom" i widen my eyes "what?" He smiles widely "momma" "oh my god.. Cari"... my wife is cooking "what is it, baby?" "Our son just called me mom". She reaches me "aw, Shan bee, you're crying" "i always get emotional with them". She kisses me "so, can you repeat what you just said, pretty boy?" "Mom" "he's so smart" i take a deep breath.. i wanna stop crying "yes, he is. You know, i read an article that says that the kids of women with a big butt are more intelligent"... my wife stops cuddling Gary to give me an intense stare..after two long minutes who seem eternal, she finally speaks "you're so stupid, i can't even find words to reply" "but babe, it was on an article" "so, they're intelligent because of me?" "Umm, not exactly" "i own the big butt here" "hey, now you're hurting me". She stands up "you like this".. i stare at that body as she goes away from me, swinging her sides.. damn..

"Mamy.. the phone" June leads me back to reality. I get the call, still on cloud nine:

Shannon: yes...

Noreen: Shannon.. what.. is this the way to take a phone call?

S: oh, shit

N: little kid, watch your mouth if you're standing next to my grandchild

S:oh, i'm sorry Noreen. Hi! How are you?

N: i'm good. What are you up to?

S: we.. we.. Gary just spoke

N: really? What did he say?

S: he said "mom"

N: aww, your kids are so intelligent and cute

I smirk, thinking about my chat with Cari, a few minutes ago

N: where's your wife?

S: i think she's taking a shower.. the chicken is in the oven

N: what a good mother she is

S: yes, she's the best

June: is gramma?

S: yes, do you want to say hello?

The baby climbs on top of me. I give her the phone.

J: hi.. yes..

She looks at me

J: i love you, gramma

My heart melts. Then, she gives me the phone back. I greet my mother in law just in time for my wife to reach the living room. June runs towards her "mommy..gramma wants me" Cari grabs the baby "which one? Should we send you to her? Via mail?" "Nooo" the baby pouts.. Cari chuckles and kisses her "my little bean. Help me with dinner". "What is it, little boy?" My son is staring at me with the sweetest smile.. i grab his face "i want to kiss those chubby cheeks and eat them" "mom is eating Gay" i hear from the kitchen..i almost choke.. my daughter is the funniest kid ever.

Later that night

Cari is taking care of herself in our bathroom. I'm waiting for her.. "babe, come on.. let me brush my teeth". I'm impatient.. i reach the bathroom and sweet jesus..she's wearing her chemise.. her hair is falling perfectly on her shoulders.. she has her perfume on.. okay, i see what she's doing "Cari... are we..." "what?" "You.. you're gorgeous" "thank you, babe". She's about to exit.. i stop her "we.. we're having cuddles..you know.." "you're giving me a massage, Shannon" and with this, she grabs a bottle of oil and steps outside, leaving me with her perfume floating around me.

I'm watching my reflection in the mirror.. i wanna be pretty for her. I sigh and then reach her. She's laying on the bed with her glasses on "finally.. you took your time" "yeah, i'm all yours, now" "you're always all mine" "okay. What do you want me to do?" I ask her... she turns around "massage my back, please". Amazing view.. how am i so lucky? "Oookay, ma'am". I sit at her feet and start touching her.. as my hands meet her skin, i feel an intense love and desire. She moans "i love your hands, Shan bee" "don't tell me these things" "it's the truth". She raises the chemise, revealing her butt.. my heart starts racing.. i put my hands over it.. immediately something starts changing inside my panties.. i can hear how her breath has changed, it's heavier now. "Shan.." her voice is a whisper as my fingers start playing with this masterpiece.. i can't no more. I fall on her, pressing her body "you always invent new strategies to make me desire you" "i'm seeing that it works" "yes, yes it works". I kiss her back, loving and protecting every centimeter of her skin "let's make another baby" "we will... not now.. my body needs a rest. I gave you two babies" my hands are circling her boobs "yes.. i just love seeing you pregnant" "mmm, i know. I love carrying our child". I grind on her, letting our breaths getting heavier. Then, she turns around to bite my mouth.. i get lost in her perfection.. i play with those lips, getting crazy as always..she smirks, biting my hand "ouch.. Cari... are you becoming a vampire?" "Would you like that?" "I like everything you do". I start devouring her....

One week later

C pov

We're getting off the car...home sweet home. Whenever i come back in New Jersey, my mood changes. I turn into a little girl again. My daughter is walking by my side "mom, gramma is inside that?" She says, pointing at the house. She was too young to remember our wedding. And since then, she never came back here. I smile "yes, that's your grandparents house". Here they are: my mother, my father and my brother..all smiley, standing on the doorstep. "Heeeey, what a precious family" my mother welcomes us. "Look June.. gramma" the little girl hides behind my legs "why are you embarrassed, baby?" Shannon chuckles before hugging my parents. My father grabs Gary "how you're doing, little man?" The pretty boy smiles and i melt..he's so beautiful with his freckles. "Come on, June.. hug your grandma" i encourage my daughter "you couldn't wait to hug her and now you're hiding". Bobby kneels down "hey, you wanna swim with me?" June nods "come". My brother succeeds in making her moving away from me. I smirk, shaking my head.

We're having a snack in the garden.. i'm relaxing, surrounded by my family.. Gary is chuckling with my father and June is playing with Bobby, in the pool. "I remember the first time she entered that pool" my wife starts "she was so tiny...i was worried but Bobby convinced me.. she was wearing your life jacket" i smile, getting emotional.. "she's having so much fun" i say, looking at the pool. Ten minutes later, they come out.. my pretty girl runs towards my mom "gramma, gramma, help me.. uncle Bobby wants to hunt me" "come here, little angel". They hug and tears start forming in my eyes.. Shannon wipes them away..and then she smiles, mouthing a silent "i love you".

"It's weird" "what?" She asks me as i fix the bed for the night "i feel like a teenager, sleeping with my girlfriend in this tight bed" Shannon smirks "well.. Noreen is far from this room" "yes, but our kids are exactly in the next room". We lay in the bed.. she nuzzles her face into my neck "mmm, i love our babies.. i don't regret having them not even for a moment" "neither do i". I pull her closer to me..she kisses my cheek "goodnight, babe" "goodnight, my love".

To continue..

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