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my heart is sad for what's happening in the world...and now..the news about Naya...2020 is something else. i hope this book can give you some relaxing time.

C pov

some months later

June has entered the seventh month. seeing her pregnant reminds me of a lot of things. she's spending more time at our house. i'm washing the dishes, watching her..she's smiling at her phone, laying on the couch. i feel my wife kissing my head "are you looking at her with heart eyes?" "totally. she's so pretty..and happy" i reply. Shan hugs me "yeah..she reminds me of us" "i was thinking the same thing" i smile to her, before placing a soft kiss on her lips. "mom...can Robin come to dinner?" June asks me "of course, baby".

later that night

we're sitting around the table, eating. "so..girls...now, you're dating since...July?" Shannon starts..i roll my eyes..i know where she wanna go with this "yes...something like that" Robin replies "what about living together?" she gets straight to the point "Shannon, it's none of our business" "babe..i'm just worried about our granddaughter. a baby needs cure and stuff and" "uh...actually, i think Shannon's right" Robin interrupts our chat. June stops eating, looking at her girlfriend with wide eyes "um...i was planning to do it in a more romantic way...the terrace of the skyscraper where we work was ready...but...i think it's right this way.." i'm confused....Robin stands up, going to the lobby..i look at Shannon...she shrugs.. June looks a bit...scared? when the woman comes back, she kneels down in front of June... oh my god... my heart starts beating faster... i get into Shannon's arms "June Beveridge Fletcher, will you marry me?"...i'm in tears...our daughter is in shock. "June?" Robin encourages her to speak "i..i don't know...um..." the blue eyed beauty looks at us "i'm sorry, moms...i can't". she runs away, crying. what has just happened?

Shannon is comforting a crying Robin "she's gonna say yes, i promise. she loves you..it's just that women of this family are a little emotional and intense when they're pregnant" i give her a dirty look. "i don't know...maybe she doesn't love me as much as i love her.. i thought we had everything..a career, love...a baby... what am i not giving her? tell me what i can do" Robin is desperate...my heart breaks.. but i think there's a reason behind my daughter's refusal.

i walk up the stairs.. June is locked inside her old room. i knock on the door "please, open this door.." "no. you're gonna convince me to marry her" "i won't do anything like that, i promise. i just wanna talk". she finally gives up "baby, you're pregnant...you can't do these things..we're super worried" "close the door". i take a deep breath, sitting beside her "what's wrong? you can talk to us...anytime" "i feel like...i'm reliving a nightmare" "what? i thought you loved Robin..you always talk about her like the woman of your dreams" "she is...i think...but a marriage...that's another thing". okay, now i know... she was supposed to get married a few years ago, with her best friend..but everything went bad. she starts crying "aw baby...i know...i had a terrible heartbreak before meeting mom. when i met her, i was so scared. i had this fear that she would behave like Rachel. i was very jealous. but then, she showed me what true love was. she's still showing me" "i'm not good for getting married" "ssh, don't say these things.. it's just about finding the right person. only your heart knows...if you feel like Robin isn't the one, then don't get married...we're gonna raise this kid together" she hugs me. i caress her back.. after she calmed down a little, she takes a deep breath to speak "i think she is... i love her more than anything... we have that kind of love...you and mom have..." i tear up "aww". we hug again...but this time it's not a comforting hug, it's an happy one.

"so..do you wanna go to her?" she nods "i'm a disaster..plus, she will think i'm crazy" "don't worry baby..your mother dealt with this mood four times" as i finish the sentence, my smile turns into a bitter one...my fourth pregnancy didn't come to an end. my daughter knows what i'm thinking...she caresses my cheek "you did a great job..and mom too..she loved you even when you were unbearable" "get the fuck out of this room and run to your amazing girlfriend before i marry her" "mom!".

i follow my daughter downstairs... Robin looks at her, full of hope "i don't know if you could ever forgive me for running away like that. you know i was supposed to marry someone a few years ago. so, this is why i got scared. but then...this woman came...and reminded me what's love. she even told me that if i won't marry you, she will..so..." "Cari!" i put on an innocent expression "marry me...i mean..yes, i will marry you".June stutters... Robin hugs her...my heart feels better now. i place my cheek into Shannon's chest "so, you wanna marry her" "aw, baby... she's so young..you don't have to worry" "i agree, you're too old for her" i pull away from my wife "well, maybe some young tomboys would find me attractive...let's call our gardener, Sabrina" she grabs my wrist before i can get my phone "do it...and you will find Sabrina shaped into a bush" i bite my lips...she always makes me laugh..she always had this power towards me..even when i'm angry, she always manages to calm me.

S pov

"You don't understand... she changed me. I was a player.. i used to sleep with a different woman every night. This baby gave me a new purpose" Robin is crying and i'm so sad for her. I don't know what to tell her, mostly because my daughter caused this. Cari disappeared a few minutes ago. I think she's trying to talk to June. "You're still having that baby.. and i think my daughter loves you. I see it in her eyes.. trust me.. i know that girl" i smile to the woman. She breathes out, giving me a little smile "you're her mother" "yes. She will talk to you". I finish the sentence just in time to see Cari and June reaching us. My wonderful wife did the miracle, i knew it.

Later in bed

"So, we have another kid getting married" i say out loud "yep" "it's like i closed my eyes and suddenly i'm here. 28 years later... life is strange" "you're like those old people reflecting on life" "hey... come here". She places her head upon my chest.. i plant small kisses all over her face "you smell so good" she starts caressing my abdomen "you too Shan bee" "and you look exactly like 30 years ago" she gives me the usual sweet smile "but i love you more than 30 years ago" "i know. I'm prettier with my glasses and my professor charme" she chuckles "you better shut that mouth, professor Beveridge" "mmm, i know a certain way to shut it" she laughs, wrapping her arms around my neck as i get on top of her "what do you want from me, granny?" "jesus, you just made my desire disappear".

a few months later

i'm cuddling with Cari..it's late in the night...my phone starts ringing, waking us up immediately..it's Robin:

R: Shannon... i'm taking June to the hospital

S: oh my god...the baby's coming

R: yes..she is coming..i can't believe i'm about to meet my daughter

"Cari...wake up...our granddaughter" "what does she want?" "she's coming into this world" my wife opens her eyes "fuck...right...let's go...i drive" she gets on her feet

S: we...we're on our way

R: okay, good. i'm gonna pass out.

"Shannon, come on...June needs us" "wear your shoes, at least" "oh, you're right" "and maybe..put some clothes on".

here we are...we're waiting outside the room...Robin is inside with June "i'm nervous...i don't want my baby to feel pain" i take my wife's hand to calm her down "Cari...sit with me...she's in good hands..we're gonna hug our granddaughter very soon, i promise". she takes a deep breath "okay, i'll try".

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