1) Love Letters

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I walk into school on the first Tuesday of October knowing that today was like every other Tuesday of the month because I was on a mission to deliver a letter.

The monthly letter I send to my love.

Walking up to every familiar locker that belongs to him.

I run my fingers along it before snapping back into reality and quickly putting the letter in at the opening at the top of the locker.

I walk down the hall knowing that very soon he is going to read my feelings that no one else knows about and still be confused and shocked by my words. He already knows how much I am in love with him so this should be somewhat normal by now.

You would think.

I began sending the letters our sophomore year and we're seniors now.

Our last full year together.

I was now standing by my own locker engrossed in a romance novel I had picked out to read for the time being.

I like to read slowly it helps me digest the love shared between two people.

Being that I would never have that kind of love story.

Why not read them?

I look up as I feel my peers walk through the doors of the school. As I was looking  I happened to see him, my love, the one that had stolen my heart.

Cole Manor with his beautiful on-and-off girlfriend Allison but people call her Ally by his side.

The captain of the football team and the captain of the cheerleading team together.

How cliche? 

They were the definition of the perfect couple. Well, being that they have been together since 9th grade which in fact was the longest relationship in the whole school if they didn't keep breaking up and getting back together every week. It all started when they shared a sweet kiss at the homecoming party of the year.

They passed me with their hands intertwined. If only he knew who I was, right? I continued to watch because I wanted to see the look on his handsome face when he reads my letter. He knew what today was so he whispered something in Allison's ear she giggled and shook her head before leaving him alone to read in peace.

Finally, when he was alone he opened his locker slowly knowing the letter, would instantly fall out. He caught it in his hand immediately, adoring the little drawing I had drawn on it when I was bored a couple of nights ago.  I smiled at the thought. Before opening the letter he took a big breath, was he nervous like I was?

Opening it his eyes traveled across the piece of paper reading every last word he always had a talent for reading fast. After swallowing my feelings he couldn't stop smiling which was very normal after reading my love for him. Cole then put the letter carefully in his hand that carried his books. His beautiful blue eyes looked up from the ground searching for the author of the letter but every time his eyes did this they never met mine.

I always took that as a sign stating that we weren't meant to be with each other. I looked back at my novel opened it and began to read again getting lost in the lover lives, I started to walk to my first class which was English one of my favorite classes. I made the mistake of not looking up to see where I was going.

And that's when I bumped into something very hard.

Ow, that's going to leave a mark.

I looked up only to meet Cole's bright blue eyes staring back at me. There was so much emotion in his eyes it was like a storm.

Many other girls in this school would be stuttering from the nervousness of being in his presence but I was not one of those girls.

"I'm terribly sorry," I apologize to him confidently.

He looks at me in confusion then chuckles, " Don't worry about it,"

He leans down to meet me on the ground to pick up his books like I was doing already. And then I saw it the letter with my very own handwriting on it was in my hands again who would have thought? My eyes met his eyes again when I realized he was holding my novel.

I let out a soft laugh.

"I believe this belongs to you," I say to him smiling.

"Um yes, it does," he answered grabbing it and giving my novel back.

"It must be important," I say.

He laughs slowly, "Oh you have no idea,"

I bet I do.

I smile to myself, "Well then goodbye Cole Manor," I say holding out my hand.

I was always somewhat formal with people it was how I was raised. It made me stand out in some ways and many people were very rude about it and made fun of me for it a lot in elementary school. But who needs those kinds of people?

He shakes his head laughing at my actions, "Goodbye Madelyn Young,"

My name rolls off of his tongue with such elegance. I liked it.

But all I could think about was the fact that he knew who I was.

He walked down the hall to meet his beautiful girlfriend who was waiting for him to walk her to class. I was so happy that he was happy with her.

And I always will be.

"I may not be your first date, kiss, or love...but I want to be your last everything."





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