Chapter Eight: History

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"All right." Rey agreed to follow whatever Ben's plan was. They clasped hands again and walked down the row of portals. How many portals will we end up going through? Rey wondered to herself.

They passed portal after portal, and Ben slowed, focusing. "This one."

Wordlessly, by mutual understanding, they connected to each other through the bond. "Wait here a moment while I make sure the coast is clear," Ben said. He returned shortly, telling her it was all right to go in, and Rey stepped through the portal into a cluster of trees in what looked like a city park. "Where are we?"

"Chandrila. Where I was born and lived for awhile when I was young. We're in a park in Hanna City, the capital. I thought that coming in through this park—a place I remember visiting in my childhood—would provide some cover for you. It might be a bit disconcerting for people to see a woman pop into existance out of the blue." Ben's voice was mirthful in Rey's mind. "Follow me. You're going to go get kerrai noodles—the best food on Chandrila and a local specialty."

Rey followed Ben through the city streets until they came upon an unassuming restaurant called Kerrai House. "Oh, I forgot to tell you," Ben remarked, "we're not in the present day. The currency situation is a bit, well, in transition right now. They'll probably take anything you have."

Rey looked at him. "When are we?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Let's just get you something to eat first."

As they entered the establishment, Ben kept speaking. "Order the kerrai noodles with Sheppat antelope meat—it's so tender and flavorful—and make shure to add green patsill sprouts."

"All right."

Rey waited for her turn in line—the restaurant was very busy—and when she reached the order screen, she punched in the currency she would be using and then ordered exactly what Ben had suggested. When it asked whether the order was for dine in or takeaway, she didn't know what to choose.

Rey paused. "Ben, what—"

"Takeaway." She pressed the takeaway button and her total came up: 2.38 aurei.

Rey placed three aurei in the currency receptacle and took the change. "Order number 1711," the kiosk said and slid out a ticket with 1711 displayed on it.

Rey took the ticket and stood off to the side, silently drinking in all the sights and sounds. After growing up on Jakku, she still wasn't used to metropolitan areas, and it was all rather overwhelming.

"Order number 1711," a droid called. Rey handed it the ticket and grabbed the bag, then made her way out of the restaurant.

"Follow me," Ben instructed her again. "We're going to the Eleutherian Plaza."

They didn't have far to walk, but the fact that the streets were quite crowded meant that Rey's progress was slower than it might have been. It was still weird to see Ben going through other people—or other people going through Ben, whichever it really was. But there were so many people that this happened quite frequently.

"Is there something going on today?" she asked Ben.

"Yes, you'll see."

Soon they approached the Plaza that contained the Chandrila Senate House, the first seat of the New Republic government after the defeat of the Empire. The place was filled with people, and large video displays were set up around the plaza.

Rey was busy drinking in everything when she heard Ben's voice call out a warning. "You're about to get pickpocketed."

Rey snapped to attention and used the Force to increase her awareness. Turning her head, she saw a teenage boy reaching into her satchel. She grabbed his arm with lightning speed and his head snapped up, his eyes wide. "Go home and rethink your life," she told him, imbuing her words with the same command as a Jedi mind trick.

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