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From the journal of Rey Solana Skywalker Solo

Today marks five years since the victory over Emperor Palpatine and the Final Order fleet at the battle of Exegol. It's been a wild ride at times, but the Force has been with us every step of the way. Because of Ben's role in stealing the kyber crystal array out of the Derriphan, as well as helping put an end to the First Order's hyperspace tracking abilities and aiding the fleet in the Second Battle of Exegol, the New Republic allowed him to live with me on Ahch-To, since its location remained a secret from the rest of the galaxy. But they asked his service in return. And since you could never coop Ben up on one isolated planet for the rest of his life, or keep the galaxy's best pilot on a tether, he finds satisfying purpose in carrying out covert missions for the Republic, doing things like rescuing slaves, tracking down dangerous criminals, and using his knowledge of the First Order to find and destroy its last enclaves and hideouts. Since he was eager for the galaxy to see and believe that he had changed, it chafed him at first to think that few would ever know what he did on these missions, but eventually he found that humility was far more gratifying than the arrogance he once embraced, and that the anonymity that enables him to continue helping people is more rewarding than the notoriety he once craved.

There have been a number of occasions when Ben reached out to me in the Force while he was on a mission. No matter where he is in the galaxy, I can hear him and connect with him. Through our bond, I've been able to give him additional strength when he was in tight spots and even pass him a couple of items he needed. In fact, he always leaves one of his blasters at home in case he needs me to give it to him while he's on a mission! Sometimes when he's gone and I miss him, I call out to him, and he's always there to hold me close and tell me he'll be back as soon as he can.

When he's at home, Ben helps instruct the students at the Jedi academy. At first, he was afraid to, but I convinced him that there was no better person to help the students deal with their dark sides—because we all have one—and teach them from first-hand experience its dangers and traps and how to avoid them. At first, it was painful for him, but with the role has come even more personal healing.

Despite being willing to teach the students, he won't teach lightsaber combat and refuses to spar with anyone, even me. Especially me, I think. I could really use his help since he's better at one-bladed swordsmanship that I am, but I know it dredges up memories of things he is deeply ashamed of, so I learned to let it go a long time ago. He practices alone, and sometimes I sit and watch him with his blue saber—the Skywalker family saber—and my heart swells so much with pride in him that it hurts. No one but the two of us will ever know the true extent of all he did to save the galaxy and heal many of the ugly wounds in his past. The secrets will die with us, as they should.

Ben still calls me his Light, and I call him my Knight, for that is what he truly is. He's already proven he is willing to die for me, and I know he would do the same for our precious children—Tienna, who is 3 now, and baby Javen. It is easy to see they are prince and princess of his heart. And prince and princess are what they are in fact, now, too. The Society of Alderaanian Exiles stripped Ben of his title when he became Kylo Ren, but after his return to the light, they eventually narrowly voted to reinstate it. I think that once we had Tienna, they just wanted to bestow titles upon his children and see the House Organa continue in memory of Leia and Alderaan. Whatever their reasons, it doesn't bother me that I'm officially a princess! The royalty of Naboo, on the other hand, is elected, but the descendants of former Queens are still held in high regard there. We can feel that both our children are strong in the Force, and Tienna is already taking Jedi training. With all this heritage, who knows what role they and their future siblings—for Ben and I both cherish our family and hope there will be more—will play in galactic affairs. But Ben well remembers the pressure of being the son and nephew of Rebel legends, and we hope nothing more for them than that they become people of character and compassion who serve the will of the Force.

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