Chapter Eleven: Bittersweet

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When Rey awoke, Ben informed her that they were going back in time to the Imperial era, so Rey was going to have to be aware of that, as well as exchange some currency for Imperial credits. She protested when Ben said she'd have to leave behind her weapons, including her sabers, but she finally relented when he assured her she shouldn't need them. She left behind the First Order communicator and anything she didn't need to carry around in the bag, which she had flipped around to hide the First Order insignia from view, just as she had on Chandrila. Rey's curiosity was piqued, but Ben wouldn't say anything as they walked much farther down the row of portals than they had yet been.

Finally they stopped in front of one, and Ben turned to look at her. "Like on Chandrila, we're going to emerge among some trees. I'll make sure the way is clear, then let you know to come out. Ready?"

"Yes." They opened their bond and stepped through the portal, where a lush green setting surrounded them and a cool breeze blew through the stand of trees into which they had emerged. The sounds of many ships could be heard nearby—landing, taking off, starting their engines, flying overhead. Ben left the area, and after a few minutes he returned and motioned for Rey to follow him.

She emerged from the trees onto the edge of a spaceport. "Welcome to Alderaan," Ben announced.

"Alderaan?" Rey was blown away. She looked all around her at the gleaming cityscape to her right and the beautiful mountain vistas that swept across the horizon. "It's beautiful!"

"We're near the capital spaceport in Aldera because it provides some tree cover, but also because there's a currency exchange station here. You'll need to get some Imperial credits to spend at the street vendors' kiosks."

"Street vendors?"

Ben smiled as if he had a big, delightful secret. "Oh yes. It's a planetary holiday today, and we're going to celebrate it in downtown Aldera. Follow me."

Ben led Rey to the currency exchange station, and Rey exchanged some peggats for the amount of Imperial credits that Ben suggested. Then he led her to a metro train station, where they would board a mag lev bullet train that would take them into the heart of Aldera. Once Rey had purchased her one-day train pass, she was sent through a security line. Ben explained that this wasn't the only security line she'd go through, which was the reason she couldn't bring any weapons. Once they boarded the train, Ben began to converse with her again. It was funny seeing him sit in the same seat as the child next to her, but the train was so full that he would be obscured by someone no matter what.

"I know you're going to want to remember this forever, since Alderaan is gone, but of course you cannot record any images on your communicator. We can't leave the slightest trace of our time travel behind. So I want to teach you how to use the Force to make photographic memories."

"I already know how to use the Force to enhance my memory."

"I know, but can you remember things so well that it's like watching a recording or looking at a hologram, with all their details?"

"No...I guess not that well."

"It's how I was able to get the passcode for you on Starkiller Base. The weapons commander typed in his passcode so fast that there would have been no way I could recall it without looking at it again in my mind in very slow motion."

Ben proceeded to give her a lesson, and she practiced all the way to the city center, getting better and better each time.

"Thank you so much, Ben! This is such a useful skill." she sighed. "There's so much I still don't know."

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