Chapter Eighteen: Family

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"Congratulations, Rey. And Ben," Poe quickly remembered to add. "We've dealt a bigger blow to the First Order than any of us ever dreamed possible. We did take some losses, especially in the last group of strikes once the First Order had time to anticipate what was going to happen and reinforce their fleet groupings before we got there. It was touch and go with General Ematt's group, but the work of the Messengers made the difference in the end. We have thousands of former First Order soldiers wanting to see if we can help find their families. Lando and his team are going to be busy for a long time."

"I'm so glad, Poe." Rey never liked to hear about losses, but at least the losses they'd suffered during this operation were smaller than they would have been if the Republic had had to duke it out with the First Order for who knew how long as each side bled casualties, ships, and resources.

"So, there's just one looming matter as far as I know. The Derriphan."

"Yes. The last piece of our mission," Rey confirmed. "We need you to remove the survey team and the fleet. We want to try to lure the Derriphan there. If they think we've left, they might come in search of more kyber. But unbeknownst to them, we will be massing an enormous fleet not far away, ready to pounce on them when they arrive. They can't use their superlaser, so with all our firepower, we should be able to knock out their guns, but these Sith Eternal cultists won't give up without a fight."

"I still don't know why you need the ship intact. We know from the Battle of Exegol that if we get their shields down and target that superlaser, the thing will explode in spectacular fashion," Poe reminded her.

Rey glanced over to where Poe imagined Ben must be standing. "For the good of the galaxy, we have to destroy the Sith headquarters. Not only is it dangerously malevolent, but absolutely no one must ever be able to enter into the World Between Worlds again. We need to leave a really big crater in Exegol's surface."

Poe took a big breath and thought about it. "Agreed," he said finally. "The potential for problems is too great if we don't." If only he knew the full extent of it, Rey mused. "All right, leave it to me. I'll consult with our strategists and try to figure out how to take the ship intact."

"Thanks. Don't forget that Ben and I need to leave through the portal before it's destroyed. So the next thing we're going to do is get Ben out of here and leave Exegol. After that we won't have the advantage of being in the World Between Worlds."

"It was nice while it lasted, but all good things must come to an end. All right. Meet me back here on Ajan Kloss. I'll give you a freighter you can use to transport the kyber crystal array from Ahch-To to where the fleet will mass near Exegol. We'll use a databank in one of the captured First Order ships to find a safe place to assemble, considering we don't have much information of our own on safe routes through the Unknown Regions."

"Except to Ahch-To," Rey reminded him, "and you need to keep that place a strict secret. Once Ben returns to the physical world, we're going to need a place to live where he'll be safe from everyone who wants to see him dead out of a sense of justice or revenge."

"It'll be a little lonely there, don't you think?"

"I've got plans for Jedi Academy. A busy one. And our friends will always be welcome to visit." She smiled. "Plus, it's not like I can never leave."

"All right, if you say so." Poe gave her a friendly clap on the arm. "Take care. See you soon."

"I'll—I mean we'll—be back as soon as we can."

After stepping back through the portal, Rey faced Ben and put her arms around his neck. "Ben, we did it," she told him softly. "We saved everyone and everything we planned to save, and we crippled the First Order so badly that the war should be over in no time. We did it. We still have to deal with the Derriphan, but we're done with what we can do from here. Now is it time to try to save you?"

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