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October 15, 1977

"I mean, it's not like I'm moping around because of him. I dated Freddie fucking Mercury, for God's sake! He should be begging at my feet!"

My dear friend is on another one of her fueled rants- this one on the topic of one of her long term boyfriends, whom she dated for two years before they both mutually ended it, on toxic terms it seems. Josy tosses a handful of her glossy curls over her shoulder, rolling her eyes.

"I hear you," I say. I'd never liked the guy much. A bit controlling, much older than her, yet with maturity levels that failed to match.

Today the three of us are out at the park, enjoying one of the last few fall days we have left. The weather has changed enough for me to dig up our jackets, and with a bit of retaliation from my daughter, she finally succumbed to it, along with matching scarves, gloves, and a hat. I watch her toddle around the playground, interacting and playing with a few other children.

Josy and I share a nearby bench, the cold metal sending chills through my body. When we come here, she loves to mention how it makes her feel like such a mom.

"Roger's being an asshole, by the way," she says suddenly, glancing at me with her cat-like eyes. "Walks into your life like he can dictate it how he chooses. Being a celebrity doesn't make him special- in the end he is just a man who wasn't there." Josy sighs.

"Granted, I could've told him."

She nudges me with her elbow. "Still. You know what I think?"

I watch as Audrey goes flying down the slide, her giggle filling the cool air with a sweet warmth. "What?"

"You need to find yourself a boyfriend. See how he reacts. Maybe he won't wanna come around as much anymore," she says with a shrug, and a sly grin.

My romantic life following Roger has been nothing short of dull. During pregnancy, I was too miserable to care about dating, and too emotionally distressed to attract anyone my way. After Audrey, I simply didn't care. She was the only thing I needed to fulfill me, and still is.

Yet now that she's growing, I'm not sure how much longer I'll stay single. The question Roger had asked me weeks ago was sticking in my mind. Slipping in the assumption about my seeing Stephen. Although certainly it wasn't true, it got me thinking. Shouldn't I have a partner by now? I'm sure he'd been with many girls, being on tour and famous and all. Why have I failed to do the same?

I blew out a long breath, actually leaning into her idea somewhat. "Possibly. But I couldn't stand dating someone just to get rid of Roger."

"Well, you'd also be making him jealous."

I give her a look. "You're funny. But we're not kids anymore."

She eyes me carefully, painting on a smug expression. "I'll just have to see for myself, then. How about you bring me around next time he's over?"

"And why should I do that?"

"No special reason." She rests her head on my shoulder, red curls spilling onto my coat. "You're still sure you can't come to my celebration tonight?"

Josy's 25th birthday is technically on the Tuesday of next week, but she's chosen to celebrate it this weekend instead. Who has parties in the middle of the week? she'd said to me over the phone. I told her I had to stay home to watch my daughter, but promised to pay her a visit on the actual day.

"I don't have a sitter," I tell her.

"You could ask-"


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