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February 4, 1978

Freddie Mercury is parading around his crowded home in a ridiculous hat, half drunk off of whatever fancy champagne he's serving, basking in the attention he's receiving from the partygoers around him. When he spots me, his eyes brighten, as if I'm a surprise he wasn't expecting.

He pulls me into his arms. "Didn't think you'd come," he says to me.

"I had to beg," Veronica replies, giving me a gentle nudge in my side.

"Of course you did. It was hard getting her to come out even before she was a mother," Freddie says, handing me a drink off a passing tray. "You should've brought the little one."

The night hasn't even begun, yet I can't help but think about the moment I can see my child again. I'd left Audrey overnight with my parents before- mostly because my mother insisted on "bonding time"- but never because I wanted to do something by myself. I try to ignore the twist in my stomach, the guilt as Veronica described it. It's perfectly normal to have attachment issues between mother and child. However, my daughter is more than delighted to spend time with her grandmother. It's me who's having the problems.

I shake my head, the scene far from being kid-friendly. "You're mad."

"Roger's here somewhere," he adds, trailing off as he scans the crowd. "With his lady friend."

"Lady friend?"

Freddie flashes me a knowing look, his lips sealed. "Oh, I'm sure he'll introduce you. Pretend I never said anything." He plants a kiss on my cheek. "I have to go make the rounds."

"So, what do you think?" The woman beside me finally asks as Freddie disappears, the two of us drinking silently and observing.

I glance around. "It is some party, isn't it?" Nothing like the ones we'd crash when we were younger. It's more... sophisticated, and with a completely different crowd of people. The rich and famous. Some things, however, never change no matter the class. The music, the alcohol, the sex, the energy.

"Get used to it. It won't be your last."

"I'm really not much of a partier anymore."

She gives me a look. "I used to say the same thing. I'll think we'll be good friends, you know. Let's go dance."

Veronica was right. It was easy to get caught up in the excitement of it all, and the alcohol didn't hurt. I almost forget about Roger and his new girl until he's heading our way.

His outfit leaves little to the imagination- tight trousers, jacket with nothing underneath. There's a girl, small and petite, tucked into Roger's side like an accessory as he approaches. Her lips, round and full, are stained cherry red and she has voluminous, light brown waves. She looks several years younger than us, based on her small, round features, yet she's undeniably stunning.

"Thea, this is Alex. Alex, this is my... ex-girlfriend." He pauses, correcting himself. "No, friend. Friend. See, I remembered."

"Yeah, nice going." I give my most dazzling smile, hoping that would clear up any humiliation on my end. "It's great to meet you."

"You too," she says shortly, her dark eyes boring into me only for a second before turning back to Roger. Her delicate hand is on his chest, manicured nails tapping against the exposed bare skin. "Wanna go have a smoke?"

"Sure." He locks eyes with me, nodding. "I'll see you later?"


The air has a bite to it, and if it were up to Roger he'd be inside, enjoying the heat from the clusters of bodies instead. But, Alex prefers it when they're alone, so he doesn't bother to argue.

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