- Fire -

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Fate definitely had a way to mock by making the things we thought were true to be false, topping it off with a smack on the face by surprising us. The hidden village had been bombed and everyone had died—everyone except the very Red Hunters who had pursued me though the forest, attacked the village and was caught, but they didn’t die. I was extraordinarily confused.

The leader began to chortle, her shoulders shaking. She dropped her head to the side and her chortling turned into a cackle. “Oh gosh! You should... You should literarily see your face. You look like... I don’t know... the bloody fish that you are?” She held her stomach, her laughter growing louder.

Toph hissed at her as they briskly stepped closer to her. “Why you senile bitch!”

They threw a fist up, ready to smack off her head. But the leader was nimble as she raised her gun and shot them in their arm. This made the affected arm to drop feebly to their side. They hissed in pain, raising their other arm; she also shot that arm. She cocked her huge gun and shot them again, twice in each thigh; they dropped to their knees in front of her with a growl.

The leader held her gun to her side and cocked her hips. “Hmph, let me finish with the bigger fish then I can talk to you.” Her eyes trailed to me and she cocked her head, a senile smirk on her face. “Yo bloody fish! Stop keeping that vomit-worthy face. Save it for later!.” She shrugged and kicked the twins in between their legs with her steel-toed boots. They released a long, pained grunt as they leaned forward. “We just made a detour back to camp and decided to send out our very fine toys.” She shrugged again, her features as if she was explaining the mere concept of drinking water. “It wasn’t that hard. Put some bomb in their cloths, set them off and our job was done. Bloody easy.”

Her words made me grind my teeth. “You killed innocent mutants just because they weren’t humans?” I seethed through my teeth, clenching my fists beside me.

She gasped dramatically, her gloved hands reaching up to cover her mouth. “No, no, no. You have the wrong idea,” she said in a wispy voice. She tilted her head to the side. “Before now we killed humans. Hunted them actually. We just decided to help the government and we got these.” She raised her gun and pointed her thumb over her shoulder, pointing at the robots. “But now we have a much bigger, delicious target to fry.” She cocked her gun and shot their shoulder.

The twins growled at her. “What is wrong with you?! We haven’t done anything wrong yet you are trying to kill us?” Wrym asked, his voice low and  cracked.

The leader clicked her tongue. “Actually you did something wrong when you escaped from Bio Corps with the others.” She placed the heel of her palm against her temple, a fake thoughtful look on her face. “That reminds me. Where are the rest of them?”

Toph scoffed. “And why would we tell you? If you’re looking for them so badly, I suggest that you go search for them yourselves. I’m sure they’ll be willing to interact.”

“Oh really? Well, if that’s how you are...” She trailed her last word, motioning for her team to move forward in a circular formation. “I’ll just be taking you all. AI one to fifty round up the mutants.”

“You won’t be doing that.” Wrym turned his head to the side and peered at me through the corner of his eyes. “Run! Now!”

I blinked then spun to the side. My legs kicked into action and I dashed into the forest. I was in the midst of tall trees when something flew through me, a quiet whimper spilling past my lips. Blood rushed up my throat and it gurgled out of my mouth. I raised a hand to my chest as I continued running.

A whistling, airy noise sounded behind me. Whatever it was that was making the sound was swiftly approaching me. Before I could go any further, I was gripped on my shoulders by strong hands that dragged me off my feet and threw me into the air. I slammed into a nearby tree with my side, groaning loudly.

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