- Flashes -

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Note: this chapter has mentions of SCARIFICATION AND ABUSE and had some triggering subjects in it. Read with discretion.

Many more images flashed through my mind. It zoomed in and out of focus, causing my eyesight to become foggy. I clamped my hands on my head, the world around me swaying. I could hear Toph’s and Wyrm’s voices but it sounded muffled and faraway.

My head rolled to the side and I dropped on my back. My eyes became heavy and painful. I tightly shut my eyes, trying to keep the flashes away. But as I did, they appeared under my eyelids like flickering fires.

What’s happening to me? I thought, my body feeling like I was swimming through fluffy clouds.

My throat suddenly became tight and I threw my mouth open to let in well deserved breaths. Still, despite all my effort to stay conscious and strong, my mind started becoming black, drawing me to the world of unconsciousness. Spots began to appear under my lids and the images started muddling together, swirling like they were being flushed down a drain.

All the images became unclear and I thought I would stay awake. I was terribly wrong and lost total consciousness.

But before I did, I saw those same pair of green eyes that seemed like they were smiling.

And in that moment, I had a dream that was not a dream but a memory, a memory of who I became.

And it that moment I remembered everything. Skies, I remembered it all! I remembered my first time as a mutant. I remembered my birthplace as a mutant. I remembered where it was, I remembered who was there. I remembered my first human, foster family. I remembered the second, and I also remembered the third one.

I could recall my birthplace as a mutant. It had been a lab. Everywhere had been dark and stuffy; the only source of light was the surgery lamp over my head. The light from the lamp had been the first thing I had seen the first time I opened my eyes, my human eyes. The sound of someone who was talking rapidly in a worried yet amazed tone was the first thing I had heard. It had been muffled and became clearer as the person approached me with soft footsteps.

Back then, it had felt like I wasn’t supposed to understand the person yet I could, because it had not been the language of whales. But I did understand it because the virus had forced my senses to adapt to the way humans think with their brain.

My body had been heavy and stiff. My whole being felt as if I was wrapped up in tape, ready to be disposed of. My eyes were still closed when I felt something warm against me. It was a hand.

“Hello?” the person asked in a soft, caring tone. The voice belonged to a female. She coughed lightly. “Are you alright? Can you open your eyes?”

My breath had stuttered back then and I shivered. Me shivering wasn’t because of fright but surprise, surprise that I was breathing. I was breathing in cool breaths and it soothed my body.

I slowly peeled my eyes open and was welcomed by the lamp. Soon, the person’s face came into view. The first thing that had caught my eyes were her own eyes, bright green in colour, holding a mirror that led to a mind filled with questions. They had been behind what I later got the chance to know as glasses, and they had been the most ugliest one with tapes around it, doing a terrible job to hold it in place, and it's lenses had been cracked.

Her lips had curled into a small smile. “How are you? Are you feeling okay?”

I had swallowed, my throat suddenly dry. I had wanted to answer her, and opened my mouth and a simple word came out: “Yes.” This surprised me and my eyebrows slowly knitted into an awkward frown. At that time, everything had been new to me and confused me.

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