Chapter 6: We Should Meet Often

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Aditya's words kept playing over and over in my mind. Be my girlfriend. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Yes, I liked him, but what if he was just pretending? Boys can say anything to win over a girl, right? But then again, when I rejected him, I saw the hurt in his eyes. That look of genuine disappointment.

What do I do? I can't even concentrate on my studies anymore. If I see him again, I should just tell him to stay away. That would make things easier. Right?

"Maya baby, what's on your mind? You seem distracted. Need help?" My father's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I quickly smiled at him. "No, Papa. I was just thinking about some designs for my project."

He gently patted my head. "Alright, beta. If you need anything, just ask."

"Yes, Papa," I nodded and returned to my sketchbook. I spent the next few hours drawing, trying to focus on my work. Eventually, the designs took over my mind, and I slept peacefully.

The next day, I was sitting in class, trying to focus, when our seniors walked in. I was engrossed in my book until Aditi nudged me.

"Maya, look. Rohan and Aditya are here," she whispered.

Reluctantly, I looked up. Of course, Aditya's eyes were already on me. Great, I thought. He's making me feel like the bad guy for not accepting this sweet, handsome boy.

Rohan stepped forward. "As the captain of the football team, I, Rohan Khanna, would like to welcome you all to our college. We're always here to help you, and we'd love to form a football team from your batch. If anyone is interested, please give your name to either me or Aditya during the break."

"What do you think, Maya? Want to sign up for football?" Aditi asked, nudging me again.

"Nope, football's not my thing. What about you?" I asked her back.

"I think I'm going to join. You know how much I love football!" She grinned.

"Yeah, you should! You were amazing in school." I smiled, remembering how Aditi was the football team captain in school, winning trophies left and right. Meanwhile, I was more into volleyball and throwball, where I also had my share of victories.

When break time came, Aditi, being Aditi, dragged me along to the sign-up desk on the third floor. There was a small crowd of boys and girls ahead of us. When it was finally our turn, Rohan was writing down names, while Aditya sat beside him, noting details.

"Aditi Sharma," Aditi said brightly. Rohan looked up and smiled at her, which didn't go unnoticed by me. Something's definitely going on between these two.

She gave her details to Aditya, who was genuinely focused on the task. Then, Rohan turned to me.

"What about you, Maya? You're not signing up?"

"No, football isn't for me."

Aditya looked up. "I can teach you if you want. Just sign up."

"Do it, Maya! We'll be together, like always!" Aditi pleaded, her eyes wide with excitement. I couldn't say no to that face.

"Fine, write my name down," I said, and Aditi nearly jumped on me in excitement.

"Maya Malhotra," I muttered as Aditya wrote it down with a grin.

As we were leaving, I heard Aditya call my name. I turned back. "Yes?"

He hesitated, then said softly, "I know I was acting like a fool yesterday, pushing you into something. I'm sorry."

I gave him a small smile. "It's okay, Aditya."

"Friends?" he asked, holding out his hand.

I looked at him for a second before shaking his hand. He looked surprised but smiled at me warmly.

"Now that we're friends, how about a treat?" he suggested.

Before I could answer, we found ourselves at a nearby restaurant, seated together. Aditya leaned over and said, "Football practice starts tomorrow, so be ready."

I sighed. "I know some basics, that's all."

"Don't worry. I'll teach you," he said, placing his hand on mine.

Aditi chimed in, "Hey, don't forget me! I can teach her just as well."

Rohan laughed, "Okay, okay. Both of you can teach her. Now, let's talk about something else, right Aditi?" He turned to her with a knowing smile, and Aditi immediately looked nervous.

I caught on quickly. "What is it, Aditi?"

Rohan, unable to contain himself, jumped in. "I proposed to Aditi yesterday, and she said yes."

For a moment, I was speechless. Then, I turned to Rohan with a serious expression. "Look, I won't say much, but if you truly love her, then stay with her. But if there's even a hint of doubt, break it off now. Because if she ever comes to me in tears, I swear, Rohan, I won't forgive you."

Rohan raised his hands in surrender. "Don't worry. I love her. I'll never hurt her. I promise."

Aditya, who had been quiet, added, "He means it, Maya. Trust him."

I relaxed a little. "Okay, I believe you."

Aditi then spoke up. "Maya, what about you? Don't you think you should give Aditya a chance? In a few months, we'll graduate, and they'll leave college."

Her words hit me harder than I expected. I hadn't thought about that. Aditya leaving... My heart clenched at the thought.

Aditi snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Where are you lost?"

I quickly forced a smile. "Nowhere."

"So, what do you say about Aditya?" Rohan asked, his tone teasing but genuine.

I looked down, fidgeting with my napkin. "I need time."

They seemed satisfied with that answer and, thankfully, dropped the subject. The rest of the conversation was light and easy.

As we left the restaurant, Aditya turned to me. "Do you need a lift? I can drop you home."

Without thinking, I nodded. "Okay."

Once in the car, I asked, "Where's Aditi?"

"Rohan's dropping her off," Aditya said with a smirk.

We drove in comfortable silence for a bit before Aditya spoke again. "Maya, I don't want to push you, but... do you feel something for me?" He glanced at me, his eyes filled with uncertainty before focusing back on the road.

I swallowed nervously. "Aditya, you're a good guy. A sweet guy. But I've never had a boyfriend. I've always avoided relationships because they felt like distractions. But... to answer your question... yes, I like you."

His face lit up, a grin spreading across his face. "Thank you for being honest."

I felt my cheeks heat up at his reaction. As we neared my house, I quickly told him to stop a little distance away. "This is close enough," I said.

He pulled over and looked at me. "We should meet often," he said, his voice soft.

I smiled, waving as I got out of the car. "Maybe we will."

As I walked home, I couldn't stop smiling.

What will Maya decide? Stay tuned for the next chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment, lovelies! ❤️

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