Chapter 13: Meeting Him Again

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Days passed by in a blur of family, work, and silent suffering. Maya kept herself busy with her project, which was due to be presented to other companies soon. On Thursday, there was a meeting to select the best employee, and Maya's nerves were already frayed. She had gone over her project multiple times, trying to push away the unease that always crept up when she thought of her past.

As she flipped through her notes, the sound of camera clicks pulled her from her thoughts. Curious, she walked toward the commotion. But as soon as she saw who had just entered, she froze in place, her body trembling violently.

There he was—Aditya Chopra, the man who had haunted her nightmares for the past two years. The very sight of him made her throat dry, and she began fidgeting with her fingers, trying to steady herself.

"Welcome, Mr. Aditya Chopra. Nice to meet you," her boss, Mr. Mehra, said warmly.

"The pleasure is all mine," Aditya replied in his deep, familiar voice.

"Please, have a seat, ladies and gentlemen," Mr. Mehra continued as the meeting commenced.

Maya felt her pulse quicken as she sat down, her mind racing. Soon, it was her turn to present her project, but all she could feel was Aditya's eyes on her. She could sense his gaze lingering on her, piercing through her even though she refused to look his way. Still, she managed to present her project, her voice barely stable, and the meeting finally came to an end.

As everyone stood up to shake hands, Maya felt a strong, familiar grip envelop her hand. A jolt ran through her as she turned to find Aditya smirking at her. She tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn't let go.

"Leave my hand, dammit," she hissed under her breath, her voice hard but low enough that only they could hear.

Just as Mr. Mehra was about to introduce her to someone, he stopped mid-sentence, noticing the tense situation. Aditya released her hand quickly and, without a word, walked away.

Later that evening, Maya packed her things, preparing to leave the office. It was late, and as she feared, the last bus had already left. She had no choice but to walk home. The streets were dark, and an eerie silence filled the air, heightening her anxiety.

As she quickened her pace, she heard the soft hum of a car pulling up behind her. Fear gnawed at her, and she walked faster, refusing to look back. But the car followed her closely, and then it came to a halt. Her heart raced.

"Maya," a voice called from behind. She turned around to see Aditya stepping out of the car.

"Leave me alone," she snapped, trying to mask her fear. She started walking again, but he grabbed her arm, turning her toward him.

"What are you doing walking alone this late at night?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

"That's none of your concern," Maya shot back. "Let go of my hand, or I'll scream."

Aditya chuckled darkly. "Scream? There's no one around here. Just get in the car, and I'll drop you home."

"I'd rather walk alone than sit with a stranger like you," she retorted, pulling her arm from his grip.

Aditya sighed, his voice softening. "It's not safe for you to walk alone at night. Please, just let me help you."

Maya refused to listen, walking as fast as she could. She had almost reached the halfway point when she noticed the sound of footsteps behind her. Fear surged through her veins, and when she glanced back, her worst nightmare seemed to be coming true—a drunk man was following her, a predatory glint in his eyes.

Panic consumed her. She tried to run, but in her haste, she stumbled and fell. The man closed in, and Maya could see the vile intent in his eyes. Just as he was about to touch her, a loud thud echoed in the street.

Maya looked up, stunned to see Aditya beating the man senseless. He didn't stop until the man lay unconscious on the ground. Breathing heavily, Aditya turned to her.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" he asked, his voice gentle, his eyes filled with concern.

But Maya was in shock. The man lay motionless on the ground, and though she didn't feel sorry for him, the violence unsettled her. As she trembled, Aditya stepped closer, his expression softening as he reached out to her.

"Maya," he began, his voice tender, "please try to understand... I'm not the same person I was before. Please, forgive me for what I did."

At his words, a flood of painful memories surged forward, and Maya snapped. "You think it's that easy?!" she shouted, tears filling her eyes. "You used me. You made me feel worthless. And now you expect me to just forget it all?"

Aditya's face twisted with regret. "I never meant to hurt you like that. I was a fool, and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. But please... just think about us. We can start over. I'm here to win you back, and I won't let you go this time."

Maya couldn't handle it anymore. She wrenched her arm from his grasp and ran. She ran until she reached her home, collapsing in her room as sobs racked her body.

That night, as she lay in bed, Aditya's words echoed in her mind: "I just used you for enjoyment and timepass."

The words that had shattered her soul. And now, no matter how much she tried, she couldn't stop the tears. Sleep came eventually, but the pain still clung to her like a shadow, refusing to let go.

Stay tuned for the next chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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