Chapter 1

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Never in my life did I dream that I would be one to write excruciating and cringy descriptions which so many story tellers think are mandatory in order to 'establish characters' or whatever, yet here I find myself about to do the undoable.
That's not even a word, but this is my story so just go with it. K.

My name is Skylar. Skylar Cruise. Cool name right? I try.

I'm 5'5, which I can honestly tell you, sucks. I have green eyes and as my mother puts it, I have very "fair skin". Whatever that means. I've been told I'm thin, but I think that's peoples cautious way of saying I'm lacking in areas most girls my age (and even some twelvies!) are abundant in.

I have straight dark hair and I'm currently wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a loose white singlet and vans.

That ladies and gentlemen concludes the cringy 'character developement'.


I stomped through the crowded school hallways, making my presence known. I really didn't want to be there and I thought I'd do everyone a favour and express my anger. You're welcome.

My locker was just a few steps away from where I was. You would think that reaching it would be easy, but no. You see, it turned out that Kayley Peace (whose last name, might I add, does NOT suit her. It's actually quite contradictory.) had also decided to make her presence known as she and her little lapdogs shoved e into the locker two away from mine.

So close, but so far away.

"Well, well. If it isn't little miss loser." She said, earning giggles from her posse.

"Kayley, always a pleasure." I feebly attempted to push past them, but to no avail, as I was violently shoved back to my previous position.

"You look ugly today. But then again, you do everyday." She snarked. Well, don't hold back Kayley. I thought.
Her minions removed their claws from me, and with that, they all turned and left.

"Sky!" I turned my attention from my locker, to my best friend.

"You okay there Alex?"

-I am now going to bore you with the details of my friends appearance. I'll try keep it as short as possible. So basically, she looks like the stereotypical hippie you would find at an indie concert, with her long blonde hair, tan skin and blue eyes. She wears flower crowns and everything! Wow, I'm getting good at this describing thing!

Basically, if we were on F.R.I.E.N.D.S, she would be Phoebe.

I will resume the story... now-

"I saw Kayley and her twats talking to you. I could smell your fear from the other side of the hallway." She played with her ring.

"My dear friend, your nose decieved you. What you could really smell was Kayley's tuna breath. You're just lucky she wasn't as all-up-in-yo-grill as she was in mine." I slammed my locker shut, after taking out all the books I needed.

As I turned to face my laughing fried, I noticed something. Scratch that, someone intently looking at me. The person who seemed fixated on me was none other than our schools resident delinquent, Dean Bourne.
I shuddered at the thought of his name.

His hazel eyes remained on me, but I quickly became distracted as the love of my life walked by.

Well not technically the love of my life. Nevertheless, a girl can dream.

Romeo Wilkinson. He made my insides melt. I had a crush on him since kindergarten! With his perfectly quiffed blonde hair, and his enchanting blue eyes. His toned arms, broad shoulders and of course the lip ring, which would be the death of me.

Now my dear readers, don't get any ideas, Romeo Wilkinson is MINE.

The only fault in me claiming him though was the fact that it would never happen. Alas my dear friends, true love would never prevail. Especially not with his douchebag friends.

You see, Romeo Wilkinson was one of the populars. Captain of the football (soccer) team, and his soulmate (Hello! I'm right here!) was always going to be one of the populars.

"Um, earth to Sky. While you were busy oogling over loverboy, the bell decided to ring."
Woe is me.

I allowed myself to be guided to class by my hopeless friend. Or was I the hopeless one? Thinking that maybe I could be Romeo's Juliette? (I think I'm funny)
Wait, didn't they both die?-At least they did it together, for love.

But before I could safely make it to my seat in that darn History class, a paper ball was thrown at me. Oh, the joys of being Skylar Cruise.

I quickly turned my head to face the back of the class, the direction in which the ball had come from, in order to hopefully have spotted my opressors.

However (Oh, how I hate that word) my eyes locked with a familiar pair of hazel ones.

That boy has a staring problem.

I didn't realise I had said that out loud until Phoebe-I mean Alex- replied to me.

"Maybe he likes you?" She suggested, wiggling her eyebrow. That had always been everyones reason for anything. A boy kicks you in the shin, he likes you. He pushes you over, he likes you. He says he hates you, he likes you.

"Trust me, he doesn't!" I said back, laughing at her dumb theory.

It's true though. I wasn't exactly Deans type. He dated cheerleaders and stuff, and I was your average Joe- I mean Jane.

But maybe, he did. I mean maybe he wanted to try out a new type. I mean he always dumps the cheer- Snap out of it Sky!

No one listens to Alex.

Don't get me wrong. I love the girl to death, but she wasn't the sharpest tool in the kit, if you get what I'm saying... I mean, she wasn't the smartest cookie?
She was a bit of an air head.

Wow, I'm the definition of friendship goals!


A/N: Well this is the first chapter sooo feel free to vote and comment etc.


Thoughs on Sky?

Could Alex be on to something?

Romeo is bae. Am I right?! ;)x

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