Back Story

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5 Years Old

I woke up hearing my mom and dad agruing. They've been doing that a lot the past few weeks. "You can't leave us! What about (y/n)! You're just going to leave your daughter behind!" Hearing mom yell made me curious so I crept my way downstairs to see what was going on. "You do nothing but steal money from me!" Fathers voice rung my ears as him and mom continued to yell at each other. I stood in the shadows listening. Confusion spread through my mind wondering why my dad would leave us. The slam of the door brought me back to reality. Looking around the corner I see mom on the floor crying and dad was no where to be seen. "Mom...?" My mom heard me and wiped the tears from her eyes. "(Y/n) sweetie.... What are you doing out of bed?" My mom tried to smile and hid the sadness in her face. "I heard you and dad yelling and I got dad really gone?" I loved my dad. He was always there for me when I was said and told me everything will be ok. My dad is the pro hero Psychic, he could control object near him and people too. My mom wasn't a hero but her quirk allowed her to produce shadows. My mom looked at me with an evil smirk. "Do you want to be a hero sweetie? With that little quirk of yours I bet you can be an even better pro then your father." I could tell there was a double meaning with that smile. "You know if you become a hero you can pay me back for taking care of you." She was right my quirk has the potential to become strong. I have a mixture of my parents quirk called shadow manipulation, with my quirk I could produce shadows and control them. It doesn't work on other people's shadows though. Mom slowly came up to me the way an animal stalks it's prey. Scaring me I went to run back upstairs to my room so I could hide, but before I could make it up the first step. I felt my hair get pulled back. Before I could react I was thrown into the wall behind me, landing on the floor with a thud. "Don't be that way sweetie...if you just listen and do what mommy says then you can become strong and be able to take care of me. Knowing your father, he isn't going to lend a single dime to me after finding out I've been spending all his money." This was the first time in my life I feared my mom. I wanted for dad to come back and save me like the hero I know he is. But sadly, deep down, I knew there was no rescue. I am now trapped with no hope of escape.

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