Chapter 6

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(Y/n) POV

"Are you sure I can't walk you home? It could be dangerous." Kirishima kept pressing on to walk me home but I see where he is coming from. Letting out a sigh of defeat I gave in. "Fine on one condition." Kirishima nodded his head fast waiting for me to finish talking. "You can not come up to the door and u have to drop me off two houses down. My mom is... overprotective." I told him while rubbing the back of my neck. "Ok! Lets go then!" Without another word Kirishima grabbed my wrist and began dragging me out of the school's gate. My house wasn't that far from the school, at 20 minute walk at most. While on the way Kirishima and I talked about a lot of things. He told me about his favorite hero Crimson Riot who he idolized because they have similar quirks. I never really thought about a favorite hero. I always thought it was my Dad but I couldn't help but blame him for leaving me with the monster I call mother. Why didn't he take me with him? "Hey are you ok?" Kirishima asked looking at me with concern. "I'm fine just got lost in my thoughts." I told him while waving my hands in front of me. Before I knew it we were already on my street. "This is it." I stopped with Kirishima doing so as well. We stood there in an akward silence. I could tell Kirishima had something to tell me but still didn't know if he should ask me. Kirishima reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper then handing it to me. "Here's my number. Call me if you need anything." I took the piece of paper and shoved it in my pocket. "Thanks... I have to go now." I walked passed Kirishima and headed off to my house. When I got there I slowly walked up the steps before stopping at the door. I took a deep breath getting my nerves out then open the door. The house was quiet which is hardly ever a good sign. The air was still sending chills up my arms. "Welcome home sweetie! Make sure you lock the door." By the time I locked the door something large hit my back make a sound a glass shattering. I felt the glass cut into my back while some blood slither down. "I asked u too do one simple thing. But you couldn't even do that. Useless brat." I watched as my mother walked to the living room to close the curtains. When the curtains were closed my mother motioned for me to come to her. Mindlessly obeying her I walked my over stopping just in front of her. I closed my eyes when I saw her raise her hand waiting for the inpact. A smack followed by silence were the only thing you could hear in the house. I brought my hand up to my cheek where my mother slapped before wincing at the stinging I felt when I touched it. "ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS WIN! BUT YOU COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT!!" My mother's voice rang through the house making me cringe at the sound. I felt my mother's foot collied with my stomach knocking me down and clenching onto it to ease the pain. I laid there on the floor not daring to move. My mother stalked over to me slowly reminding me of a lion before raising her leg up and stomping all over me, not caring about where she hit. I put my arms around my head to protect it while in a fetal position. Time seemed to move so slow while this was going on until eventually my mother grew tired. Even though she stopped I didn't move from the fear paralyzing my body. My mother pulled out a box of cigarettes and a lighter then took a long puff from her cigarette. "Clean up this mess." Was all she said before turning walking up the stairs too her room. Even though she was gone I couldn't help but not move. The pain in my body was almost unbearable, it felt like I got hit by a car. However I still managed to slowly get up and sweep the pieces of glass from the floor. After I threw all the glass away I went up stairs to my room to grab my sleep clothes and head off into the bathroom. When I got into the bathroom I noticed all of the bruises left behind from my mom. Taking off my shirt I looked to see a giant bruise in the middle of my back. I sighed then took off the rest of my clothes then turned on the water to get it nice and hot. When the water was ready i got in and sat on the tub floor letting the hot water wash away all the soreness and dirt from today. Then everything hit me. I started to cry because of the life I have to live. I wished I could leave this place without looking back but I have no where to go. "You will always have a home at UA." All Might's words repeated in my my mind.

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