Chapter 4

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After lunch I walked back to the arena with Kirishima at my side. It made me happy to know that I have someone who I can call a friend. When we got to the arena I noticed that the girls in my class were...dressed as cheerleaders. "Um did I miss something?" The girls looked embarrassed to be wearing the cheerleading outfits and I honestly don't blame them. "Oh I bet Mineta had something to do with it." Kirishima said beside me. "You need to watch out for him. He's a cool guy and all but he's also a huge pervert." "Thanks for the warning." While we waited me and Kirishima talked for a bit. He told me about his favorite hero Crimson Riot and how watching his interviews inspired him to become a hero. I smiled to myself while listening to his story. I don't know what my reason for becoming a hero is. Being a pro hero was always forced on me but I don't if I actually want to be a hero. "Congratulations to the 16 finalist who made to the final round of the tournament!" Midnights voice boomed across the stadium followed by the cheers of the crowd. "Excuse me I would like to withdraw." Everyone turned around with shock on their faces not believing what they just heard. He's wasting this opportunity. What a fool. Everyone kept trying to convince the guy with the tail to stay in the tournament but he still refused because he felt that he didn't deserve it. Moments later another kid decided to drop out feeling the same way. "Their stupid for dropping out." I told myself without anyone hearing me. After a few minutes of debate Midnight let the two the withdraw and allowed 2 other students to move up in their place. "To pick who you will go up against in one v one competition we will be drawing lots!" Midnight held up and box and picked out our names. After Midnight was done our names we're shown on the big screen to see who we're up against. I scan the screen trying to find my name. Finally finding it I see that my first match is against they boy with the laser that shoots from his stomach. "Since my match is towards the end I'm just going to relax." Not caring about the extra activities I left the arena to look for a quiet place so I can focus and relax. To my luck I found a peaceful hallway with no one around. "This will have to do." I sat on the ground and leaned against the wall with a bottle of water in hand. Before I could take a sip, my phone started to ring. I already know who it is and I was dreading the conversation. Letting out a deep breath I put the phone up to me ear. "Hello Mother." The other line was quiet for a second. I almost thought she dialed the wrong number. "Hey sweetie, I see you made it to the finals! Don't forget I expect highly of you and... I know you can win." The venom rolled of her tongue at the last part. Her voice sent shivers down my spine. I knew that if I don't win I would have to pay the consequences later. "Yes ma'am." Was all I said before she hung up. "DAMN IT!" I screamed side hitting the wall im leaning on. My body was tensed. I could feel the fear coursing through my body like it was water flowing in the rapids. "You ok (l/n)?" The voice was monotone almost like a robot. Looking up I saw a boy with red and white hair with different color eyes. I knew immediately who he was. The son of Endeavor, Shoto Todoroki. "I'm fine." I got up and left to the stands where the rest of my class was watching the fights. "Hey (l/n)! It's nice to meet you!" I looked up from the ground to see everyone staring at me. I haven't really introduced myself to everyone so I guess now would be a good time. "Hello everyone my name is (l/n) (y/n). It's nice to meet all of you." After my little introduction I gave everyone a small bow. "Its nice to meet ya (l/n). I'm Mina by the way." Before I could react Mina came in and give me a big hug, almost crushing me to death. "Dang Mina let the lovely lady breath. Can't have a pretty little thing like her die on us." Mina ler out a sigh and let go of me. The boy who saved me from my death had bright yellow hair with a black lightning bolt. "Thanks..." "Oh the names Kaminari." He said with a smile spreading across his face. "Well thanks Kaminari, I'm going to sit down now." I brushed passed some of my other classmates and sat down in a seat away from them and put my headphones in. A few minutes later, Kirishima made his way over, sitting next to me. He didn't bother me seeing that my headphones were in but I was fine with it. I really wanted time to myself after the conversation with my mom. So I decided to blast my music and watch the fights unfold.

Time skip

The battles so far were... interesting. Todoroki's ice blast was so large that it covered almost half the stadium. That girl from class B with the vines is pretty powerful too. I felt bad for our class president, his battle got turned into a 10 minutes commercial. Now it's my turn. I stood in the hallway feeling my nerves get the best of me. My mother's threat played in the back of my mind. I need to win. Was the only goal playing through my mind. "Now it's time for the 5th match of the first round!" As always Present Mic's voice boomes through the stadium with the crowed roaring eager for the next round. "She's new to the hero course but has shown us the she deserves to stand in the ring! It's the queen of darkness herself, (l/n) (y/n)!" After his introduction I stepped onto the ring focusing on nothing but victory. As I stood on my side of the ring I drowned out all the cheering and yelling and focused in the the opponent infront of me. The moment I saw Aoyama belt begin to glow I made my move. I summoned my shadow wings to help evade his attacks. With my wings I can move faster and easily dodge the lasers. As time went one I kept dodging until his movements begin to slow. He reached his limit. Using this to my advantage, I flew my way towards Aoyama as fast as I could. Right before I reached Aoyama I spinned to the side to give my leg more momentum. Once The spin was at it's peak I swung my leg into Aoyama's shoulder knocking him out of the ring into the grass surrounding us. "Aoyama is out of bounds the winner is (l/n)!" After the match was over I could hear the crowd going wild for my win. I felt proud of myself for my beating someone on my own. It gave me a boost of confidence. When I got back to the booth everyone congratulated on my win and for the first time in awhile I smiled even if it was a small one.

Kirishima POV

"Wow I knew (l/n) was strong but who knew she was this strong." Kaminari said beside me. "Whatever I can still beat her." When I looked over I could see Bakugo already thinking about how to counterattack and defend against (l/n). That's Bakugo for you. I thought to myself but they're not wrong (l/n) is stronger then I expect. I looks like Tokoyami won his match against Momo. I started to worried about how (l/n) would do since their quirks are similar. "Hey Kirishima." Speak of the devil. "Hey (l/n) you did great!" She gave me a smile before taking a seat next to me. "Well my battle is next so I'm going to head down there." I stood up oit of my seat and stretched out my arms and back. "Good luck." (L/n) said before I left for my match. "I can do this."

(Y/n) POV

Kirishima is a really nice guy. I wonder how strong he is. Lost in my thoughts I finally saw Kirishima walk to the ring. I sat up in my chair and watched closely. Both of their quirks are really similar and so are their moves. No one is gaining or losing any ground. As I watched the two fight someone tapped on my shoulder. When I looked over to see who it is I was surprised to see it was Todoroki. What does he want? "What is it?" I asked while turning my attention back to Kirishima and the metal guy. "Can we have a talk? In private?" I raised an eyebrow confused on what he had to speak to me about but I decided it wouldn't harm anything so I followed Todoroki out into the hallway. Todoroki made sure we were alone. "What happened to you?" Well isn't he straight to the point. "What are you talking about?" Todoroki furrowed his eyebrows a little annoyed that I didn't know what he talked about. "You anf your family use to come over all the time but out of no where you guys stopped. So what happened?" It's been so long since I seen Todoroki that I forgot we used to play everytime I came over. Endeavor and my father were pretty good friends and did a lot of team up missions together. But when dad left us, mom didn't want me to go anywhere. She said it was better if I stayed home to train and do my studies. I can't tell him what goes on at home. "It's nothing, my dad just left and my mom wasn't close to your parents so we stopped coming over." I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't believe me but he just let it slide. "If that's what you say. Also, it's nice to see you again and you got strong. If you make it to the finals know that I will beat you." It's not like Todoroki to pick a fight with someone but he seemed serious about wanting to win. "Whatever you say, just know winning against me won't be easy so you better give it your all." Todoroki was silent as he looked back at me before heading back to where the class was. If I want to fight Todoroki I need to beat the next two people. My biggest concern is Bakugo, he's strong and fast. Bakugo can also come up with plans on the spot. I took a deep breath to calm myself down "I will win."

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