Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning and got into some training clothes to make my lie seem a little more believeable. I walked down the stairs where my mother was getting ready to go to work. "Hey Mom?" I called to her while she was searching for the car keys in her purse. "What is it? I'm kinda in a hurry here." She said without looking up. "Well some of my classmates invited me to go train with them and I was wondering if it was ok if...I went with them." My mom stopped digging through her purse and stared at me in thought. Her stare sent chills throughout my body. "You know what... That's not a bad idea. I won't be here to train you myself and it would be better for you to gain experience fighting people with different quirks and fighting style." Taking that as a yes I bowed my head and muttered a thank you. I turned around to head back to my room before my mother's voice stopped me. "Don't try to make friends now remember everyone at that school is nothing but competition and don't slip up on our little secret got it." She told me putting a finger to her lips tell me to keep quiet. "Yes Mother." "Well if that's all I better get going before I'm late." With that she left out the door leaving me alone in the house. I ran to my room ignoring the pain I felt from yesterday. I slammed open my door to text Eijiro that I'm on the way. It wasn't long before he replied back. I typed in his address into my GPS before heading out making sure to lock the door. Looking at the map it didnt seem that far from my house. I just have to walk for about 30 minutes. I wanted to get some type of training in though, so I decide to run there instead. Running always felt good to me because I like to go fast. The wind hitting my face felt great the faster I ran. For my quirk I decided to focus on speed rather than power however I do still learn hand to hand combact just in case I reach the limit on my quirk or if im in a small area. Before I knew it I was in front of Eijiro's house, sweaty from the heat outside. I went up to his door and knocked on it waiting for a response. The door finally open to reveal a smiling Eijiro looking down at me. "Hey (y/n)! You got here fast." "Yea, I kinda ran here as a part of training." I told him while giving a nervous chuckle. Eijiro looked over my figure again and noticed that I was sweaty. "Do you want to shower? I have some extra clothes you can where." A shower would be nice and I don't want to smell while I'm over here. "Yeah that would be great." Eijiro nodded his head before letting me into his house. It was a nice place and well kept. I explored the living room looking at some pictures of Eijiro amd his family. Seeing how happy he was brought a smile to my face. It made me kind of jealous that he has a family that loves him. "Here's some clothes for ya. The bathroom is down the hall to the left. There are towels under the sink." Eijiro handed me a pair of gym shorts and a t shirt. Looking at the clothes I realized that they must be his. I thanked Eijiro and followed his directions to the bathroom. When I found it, I went inside closing the door before locking it just in case. I then took off my clothes and turned on the water waiting for it to get hot. When I was satisfied with the temperature I hoped in feeling relief all over my body as the hot water took away more soreness from yesterday. Once I was satisfied I stepped out of the shower before drying off with the towel. When I was completely dried, I grabbed the clothes Eijiro gave me and threw them on before looking myself in the mirror. A lot of my bruises are around my mid section and back so it was easy to hid them from people. I walked out of the bathroom with my other clothes to be washed. Eijiro was sitting on the couch watching tv not noticing I was there. A gave a slight cough to gain his attention. Eijiro heard me and turned around seeing me standing there. There was a slight blush across his cheeks from seeing me wear his clothes that were slightly oversized. Shaking his head he came up to me and grabbed my clothes from my hand saying that he will go put them in the wash. While Eijiro went into the laundry room I went into the living room and sat on the couch watching whatever Eijiro was watching earlier. A few minutes later Eijiro came back in the living room and sat on the other end of the couch. I could tell something was on his mind by the way he stared at the ground. Letting curiosity take over I decided to ask. "Eijiro, are you ok?"

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