Chapter 5

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My fight with Tokoyami was over fast. In the end I won because my hand to hand combact skills were better and soon I managed to tire him out before pushing him out of bounds. I could feel my heart beat fast as I walked through the corridor and make my way to the stage. When I got to the top of the stairs Bakugo was there waiting for me with his arms crossed and a look of determination on his face. "Don't think because you're new means I'll go easy on you!" He yelled out from the other side of stage. I said nothing back. Instead, I focused on nothing else but winning. I took in a deep breath to calm myself down letting all the anxiety flow out of me. When I was ready Midnight gave the signal for the battle to start. I need to move fast. I let out my shadow wings so that I could dodge his attacks faster. When I got closer too him, Bakugo released an explosion straight to my face when I put my hands up to cover my face Bakugo took advantage of this and jumped over me grabbing my t shirt and throwing me to the ground. I yelled put in pain and my body made contact with the ground leaving cracks beneath me. I heard Bakugo yelling from behind me. Before Bakugo could land another attack I dodged letting his explosion hit the ground. I can't stay on the defensive forever I need to act now. Not a moment later I used my quirk to form two swords and got into a fight stance. Before I could make a move Bakugo was already starting to lunge at me. When Bakugo got closer to me I stepped to the side quickly letting him go pass me a little before I used my swords to cut his side and arm. Bakugo hit the ground with a thud but quickly recovered. There was a slight look of pain in his face as he got back up and started attacking again. This time it was harder for me to dodge he seemed to move faster then before. Out of nowhere Bakugo jumped back and put both of his hands out in front of him. "AND DIEEE!!!" The next thing I knew Bakugo set off a large explosion, like the one he used on Kirishima, straight at me. I can't dodge. I have to block. Using the little energy I had left I made a large sphere enclosing my self in it. The blast from Bakugo was stronger then I tought and it started to shrink away my sphere until it broke causing me to get blasted away hitting the ground. I groan in pain as I tried to get back up. The smoke around me began to clear out. I could hear some gasps from the crowd as they looked down at me, I was a complete mess. My clothes were torn and I had cuts, bruises, and burns covering my body. A few meters away was Bakugo standing there in a fighting stance waiting to see if I will get back up or not. Using all my strength I got back up. My figure was wobbly but I could still stand. I need to keep going, I felt worse pain than this. "I-I'm not giving up yet." I said aloud only for me and Bakugo to hear. I felt mh head begin to get dizzy telling me that I was near my limits but I need to keep going. "If I don't win then mom will get mad." Ready to fight again I started running using the rest of my quirk to make a snall shadow dagger and make my way to Bakugo. When I was about to cut Bakugo he grabbed my arm with the dagger and threw me away from him. "Sorry (l/n), but I made a promise to win." I felt a sharp sting hit the side of my neck then everything around me started to fade black.

"Is she going to be ok?" That voice sounds so familiar. My eyes slowly began to open I felt so tired that I just wanted to go back to sleep. Looking over to my right I can see Kirishima talking to a short old lady. "Ah I see you're awake deary." The old lady had a sweet smile on her face as she look at me. I tried to sit up but felt pain shoot through my body. I winced in pain. Kirishima heard this and went over to me amd gently lay me back down. "You shouldn't move around so much (y/n). You got hurt pretty bad." A hint of worry was laced in Kirishima's voice. "I'm fine but thank you." Kirishima nod his head and let go of me. He still had a worried look on his face though. "I used my quirk to help heal you. I'm sorry that you still feel some of the pain. Here you go this should help." The old lady handed me two pain pills and a plastic cup of water. I put the pills in my mouth and used the water to help swallow them. "Thank you ma'am for all you done." She gave me another smile. "Oh I forgot that you're new around here. I'm Recovery Girl, the school's nurse." She held out her hand for me to shake before turning back around to tend to another student. "The award ceremony is about to start. You kids better get going." I nod my head and proceed to get out of the bed. Thanks to the pain pills Recovery Girl gave me I was able to move without any help. The walk to the arena was silent neither of us not knowing what to say. I was scared to go home. I knew that I didn't win and mom is going to be really mad. The thought of it made me cringe and Kirishima noticed. "Hey are you ok? Do you need to go back to Recovery Girl?" I felt bad for making him worry. I don't want him to get involved with my problems so I thought the best thing to do was lie. "No I'm fine just felt a little cold is all." Kirishima nodded his head and dropped the subject. Soon we parted ways since I had to be somewhere else to receive my award. I got on top of the 3rd place podium while Todoroki was in 2nd and a chained up Bakugo in first glaring at Todoroki. After a few minutes of waiting the floor began to move bringing us up to the middle of the stadium. Everyone around us cheered and congratulated us on being in the top three. I couldn't help but look down still thinking about what would happen when I get home. I wasn't listening to what Midnight said until I see All might jump down from the top of the stadium. Midnight handed All Might the metals the made his way up the stairs coming to me first. "Well done Young (l/n)." He told me before placing the medal over my head and around my neck. "You are strong and I'm sure that your father is proud." All Might's words stung a bit because I didn't know what if what he said is true. To be honest I don't see myself as being strong. All Might gave me hug amd whispered in my ear. "You will always have a home at UA. The staff will be here for you." I felt my eyes start to tear up slightly but I held them in. All Might broke the hug and went on to hand out the rest of the awards.

Time Skip

We were back in the classroom wait for Mr. Aizawa. I laid my head down on the desk still tired from Recovery Girl using her quirk to heal me. I felt a tap on my shoulder waking me up. Finding out whi it is I turned my head slightly to see Bakugo staring at me. "What is it?"

Bakugo POV

It's none of my business but what she said during our fight really bothered me. I know I don't act like it but I do care about other people. I leaned down to her level so that no one else can hear us. "During our fight, you said your mom would get pissed off if you lose." I could could see her tense up at the mention of those words. Just as I thought something is going on. "It's nothing, you know parents just want the best for their kids." It was obvious that this idiot was lying but I let it go and walked back to my desk.

(Y/n) POV

When Bakugo sat down in his seat Mr. Aizawa came in the door. I was surprised to see him bandaged up like a mummy. Mr. Aizawa congratulated us in doing well in the sports festival and said he have two days off from school to rest and recover from the sports festival then dismissed the class. I slowly packed up my bag taking my time so I don't have to get home too early. When I was done packing I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the school building. Right before I could make it out the gate I head someone from behind me yelling out my name. "Hey (y/n)!!" Turning around I see Kirishima run up to me. When he finally reached me Kirishima put his hands on his knees and started to pant. After catching his breath he stood up straight and gave me a bright smile. "I was wondering if I could walk you home? It's getting late and it won't be manly if I let you walk home alone." I don't if that's such a good idea my mom is already mad enough this might make it worse. "Thanks for the offer but I can manage by myself. Plus, my mom really wants me to get home as soon as I can."

Kirishima POV ( A few minutes earlier)

"Hey Shitty Hair I need to talk to you." I was talking with Kaminari and Sero before Bakugo grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the group taking me out into the hallway making sure we were alone. "What's up Baku-" "Just shut up and listen." Bakugo cut me off but did as he said since it seemed important. I crossed my arms and stared at him waiting for him to talk. "You already seemed to be friends with that new extra so I'm going to tell you this but it stays between us." Bakugo turned to me with a serious look on his face leaning up against the wall. "I think her old hag is beating her." He said just above a whisper. My eyes widen at his confession before I could say anything else another voice interrupted me. "I think she is too." Me and Bakugo turned around to see Todoroki walking towards us. "This has nothing to do with you IcyHot." Todoroki stopped and stood by us. "This has everything to do with me I've known her since we were kids." I was a little surprised to know that Todoroki and (y/n) were friends in the past. "(L/n) father is the pro hero Psychic. Him and my father new each other well so she would come over and we would play together. Well one day (l/n) father left his family and she never came back over." I could see Bakugo in thought putting his hand to his chin. "We don't have enough evidence so telling Mr. Aizawa is out of the question for now we'll keep and eye one her and since Shitty Hair is the closest to her he's going to be the one to look for the evidence. Then we have enough we'll tell Mr. Aizawa what's going on." I have to admit that's a pretty good plan and Bakugo is right we can't tell anyone without proof. "I agree with Bakugo." Todoroki spoke up. "You should get to her now Kirishima before she leaves the school and walk her home see how her mother reacts to it." I nod my head and ran the other direction out the school to catch up with (y/n). To think that a parent could just hurt their own child is unforgivable it makes me sick. I'll get to bottom of this. I hope Bakugo is wrong.

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