Chapter 18

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After the fair, Eijiro and I decided to head home since we had a long day. I loved going to the fair and hanging out with Eijiro and the others was really fun. I'm starting to feel like a normal teenager. We were pretty worn out so we just grabbed some night clothes and cuddled up on the couch to watch an action movie. We stayed warm under the covers. "I can that you're nervous?" I too my eyes off the screen to look at Eijiro. "You know me so well huh?" I let out a nervous chuckle. "Of course I do. You're my pebble." Truth be told I was nervous about seeing my dad. I don't know how this will go. Will he be upset at me for never telling him what happened while he was away? "I just don't know what to say to m dad. It's been so long since we seen each other. That what if he's not the same man I remembered?" I let out my concerns to Eijiro. He was quiet for a moment trying to find the right words to say. "Well... you should just try talking to him. I'm sure there's a lot you guys want to say to each other." Eijiro's brought comfort to me with his words. I  leaned against Eijiro while he wrapped his arms around me.


Eijiro and I were waiting in the lobby of the hero commission agency for Hawks.  "Heyo!" I looked over to see Hawks waving while walking towards us. I got up from the couch and gave my mentor a hug, thanking him for everything. "Aw its nothing kid. You know once you graduate from UA, why not join my agency? We could use heroes like you." I stood back at Hawks question. This would be a be a great opportunity for me. But I still have two more years left of school. "I'll think about it." I told him. Hawks smiled and patted my head. "OK, your always welcomed at my agency kid. Now, someone is waiting for you. Let's get moving. Hawks led me and Eijiro down a hallway filled with doors. At the very end Hawks stopped and looked me. I knew what he meant so I took a deep breath to ready myself. I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I already knew who it was. I can never forget what his touch feels like. "Do you want me to go inside with you?" Eijiro asked me. I grabbed his hand that is on my shoulder and squeezed it a little bit for comfort. "No. I'll be fine." Eijiro nodded his head and kissed more forehead for some added comfort. I smiled at his actions then turned back to the door. I felt Eijiro let go of my shoulder as I walked over to the door. It felt like time was moving in slow motion as I moved closer and closer to the door. When I finally reached the door I latched onto the door handle, hesitant to turn it. No (y/n). You waited too long for this moment. With my head held high I opened the door then closed it when I got inside. I heard the sound of a chair moving. When I looked there he was. My dad. He looked a bit older then I remembered but it has been years since  we last saw each other. "Hey there, princess." "Dad..." I felt tears begin to build up in my eyes. I knew at any moment that they were going to start rolling down my cheeks. "(Y/n), I am so, so sorry for leaving you alone. If I knew what was happening I would've came home sooner." Before he could finish I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. "It's ok dad." I started bawling like a little kid. While my dad wrapped his arms around me. "I promised your mother that I would take good care of you. But I failed. I'm a hero who couldn't even save his own daughter." My dad began to cry as well. We stood there in silence just embracing each other for this long awaited reunion. We both sat at the table across from each other. My dad was telling me about his stories about his missions while I was telling him about UA. We laughed and joked around like nothing has ever happened.  My dad and I were having a great time but I knew it was time to get serious. "Hey dad...I was wondering...what happened to my real mom." My dad took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. "Well..."

Flashback (Dad's POV)

I was out on a mission when I saw a woman walking alone in the street. She had her head in a book and was a very beautiful woman. I continued my patrol for the night then went home. My wife and I haven't been getting along lately. It was like we were at each others throats everything I came home from work. One night our argument got so bad that I left and went out to a bar. I was drinking alone and sitting on my phone when the woman I saw earlier that night came in. She had beautiful (h/c) hair with (e/c) eyes that held curiosity and wonder. I looked away and could my face heat up a little. "Can I just have a beer." I heard a voice next to me. I looked over to see her standing there talking to the bartender. "Are you ok? Your face is really red." She was really close to me then she places her hand on my forehead to check the temperature. "Umm, yea it's just a little hot." I tried to play it cool. She laughed at me and a laughed with her. We got to talking and it turned out that we had a lot in common. From that day on we became great friends. She was someone that I could always turn to when me and my wife agrued. And... we had an affair. One night she asked me to come over to talk. I was concerned so I went over. When I got there I knocked on the door and waiting for her to answer. When she opened the door I could tell that she has been crying. "Hey, thanks for coming."

Present time (your pov)

"That was the night I found out that I was going to become a father." I looked at my dad in shock. I didn't want to believe that he was a cheater but at the same time, I was relieved that the woman who raised me wasn't my real mother. "What happened after you found out." I asked him. My dad took a deep breath and continued with the story. "We made an agreement, that I would help her out with the pregnancy and after that we'll part ways. But I promised that I was going to send money to help pay for expenses." This confused me. How come I've never seen my mother or knew she existed all this time. Something isn't adding up. "Where's my mom?" I could see the tear begin to build up in my dad's eyes. I knew that something wasn't right. "There were complications with the delivery and the doctors had to preform an emergency c-section... your mother died during the surgery." My dad began to brake down while I sat there in disbelief. "When I found out that she died, I didn't know what to do. But I did know that you deserved a loving home. So instead I took you into my home even though I knew my wife wasn't going to be happy about it. She already knew about the affair but wanted nothing to do with you. You know (y/n), you look just like your mother. I see her everything I looked at you. And I think my wife saw the same thing." A few tears slipped down my face. I wanted to meet my mother ever since I found out she existed but to be told that she passed away... I almost broke down myself. However, I knew that I would be fine. I think that all this time she's been watching over me. She gave me strength to fight when I couldn't anymore. I looked towards my dad who was wiping away his tears. "There's someone I want you to meet. Ever since I started UA, Eijiro stucked to me like glue and was there for me when he found out what was going on at home. He helped me get out of that situation." My dad smiled and nodded his head. I got up from my chair and went to the door to grab Eijiro. When I told him to come in he was hesitant at first but came inside the room anyways. "Dad this is Kristina Eijiro and Eijiro this is my dad." Eijiro seemed nervous but held out his hand for my dad to shake. "Hi Mr.(l/n). I'm Eijiro, (y/n)'s boyfriend." Instead of shaking Eijiro's hand my dad pulled him into a hug. "Thank you for being there for my daughter. You're a good man." My dad let go of Eijiro and stepped back. Eijiro smiled his signature smile. "That's what heroes do!" We all laughed having a good time. I now knew the truth about family. Now I can move on and begin to live a normal life filled with happiness, love, and a true family.

The End

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