Chapter 11

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I almost spit out my drink over that question. "G-girlfriend?" I was so in shock that I could hardly get the words out my mouth. "Y-yea...(y/n) will you be my girlfriend?" There it was again. The thought of becoming Eijiro's girlfriend stirred mixed feeling inside of me. I never thought that someone would ask me to be theres. I always thought that I was going to be alone and have a pet to keep me company. Someone actually saying they want me to be in there life makes me feel as if I matter. In that moment everything around me froze. There was no one except for Eijiro and I. "Eijiro... You're such a nice person and you could have almost any girl you want so... Why me?" I felt  the corner of my eyes began to tear up. I really liked Eijiro but I dont understand why he wants to be with me. I might play everything off as if it's ok, but in reality I feel broken and no ones wants to be with someone who is broken. I light touch on my cheek ripped me out of my thoughts. When I looked up, Eijiro was leaning over the table with his hand on my cheek while using his thumb to wipe the tears away. "I already told you why pebble. You're an amazing person who deserves the best and I want to be the one to give it to you." I knew I could could trust Eijiro. He's been there for me the most even though he just met me. I knew that what I am doing, is the right thing. "Ok, I'll be your girlfriend." As always Eijiro had that smile that could light up a room. Eijiro removed his hand from my face and placed it on mine. For someone so strong his touch felt gentle. It brought me comfort knowing he was by my side. I'm going to miss him when our interships start.


Eijiro and I kept our relationship secret from our other classmates. It wasn't because we didn't trust them it was just that the less people who knew about it, the less drama there would be. The class and I were at the train station with our bags and hero costumes. Mr. Aizawa gave us a speech on the things we should or shouldn't do while away. After that I decided to talk to Mina. Mina is certainly a ball of energy but she has a cheerful personality that I find appealing. While Mina and I were discussing on what our internships to be like, a light tap on my shoulder stopped me mid sentence. Turning around I see Eijiro with something red in his hand. "Hey Mina, you mind giving us a minute?" I asked her so I could see what Eijiro wants. "Sure! My train is here anyways so I have to go. See you guys in a weak!" Eijiro and I watched at Mina's figurs walked to her train before facing each other. "What's wrong?" I asked Eijiro. "Here, it's for you." Eijiro handed me the red fabric that was in his hand and upon opening it up, it was revealed to be a hoodie. I really appreciate the offer but I was confused on why I needed a hoodie. I think Eijiro could read my face because he chuckled a little bit. " I thought that since we are going to be away for some time that I would you give you my hoodie in case you miss me." I smiled to myself before throwing the hoodue over my head to put it on. It was slightly big on me but I was fine with that. Eijiro's hoodie smelt just like him. It made me feel that no matter where I go, Eijiro will be there with me. "Well my train is here so I better get going." Eijiro came up to me and wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace. "Be safe out there, alright?" "You know I will." With my final words, Eijiro let go of me and began walking to his train while I started the journey to Hawk's hero agency.


The train ride was quiet, with the exception of my phone going off every 5 minutes from Eijiro checking in on me. I was told Hawks would meet me at the train station since the agency was pretty far from the station. Hawks, the hero who moves too fast. The youngest pro out there and making his way to the top three when he was only 18. I don't know why Hawks chose me to be his student but I chose him so that I can make my movements faster. As I was in my thoughts I felt the feeling go something soft graze my cheek. Turning to my side there is a little red feather moving around by itself.

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