Chapter 12

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The feather moved around me then flew around the train station. Curiosity took over and I decided to follow the red feather. The train station was so crowded that I had to dodge the other people, slightly getting pushed in the process. The feather guided me out of the train station and onto the streets of the city. The city was buzzing with life. The cars were driving through the streey and people were on their phones talking, trying to make their way to work. As I took in the sight of the city a large shadow casted down on me. When I looked up I saw large red wings attached to a man. "You must be my intern. (L/n) right?" I shook my head at Hawks who was still flying above me. "What's your hero name kid?" Hawks landed in front of me putting his hands behind his head waiting for me to answer. "Umm... It's Ratri." I felt a hand on my head, rubbing my hair. "That's a great name kid, but have some confidence." I looked down a shook my head yes. "Lets head to my hero agency, you can fly right?" I nod my head yes and activated my quirk to form wings on my back. Hawks seemed pleased that he doesn't have to walk around. "Great lets go!" Hawks wasted no time and flew up into the sky. I was amazed about how fast he got up there. I want to be that fast. Not wanting to be left behind, I flew up to the sky after Hawks. Hawks was waiting for me to catch up. We flew side by side over the city. "Hey Hawks?" Hawks hummed in response. "Why did you choose me to mentor?" Hawks flew down to the street and landed in front of a huge building which I assume is his hero agency. "Listen I'm not really interested in nurturing the next generation but, when I saw your fight in the sports festival, I saw your determination of wanting to win. You're a strong fighter (l/n) but I could tell that you're in a cage." My eyes widen as I took in Hawks words. He was right ever since dad left it felt like I was locked in a cage, away from the world. "Welcome to my hero agency there's a room for you on the top floor. Go ahead and change into your costume I'll stay here until you get back."

Hawks POV

Once again (l/n) was quiet and nod her head before heading inside. She's definitely in a cage. She must've been in it for a long time. The truth is when I watched her fight it was true that she was determine to win but she was also fighting to get out. I understand how she feels. I want freedom too.

Your POV

I made it to the top floor where my room should be. Upon entering my room I was taken back on how nice it looked. There was a queen size bed and dresser in front with a tv on top of it. There was also a bathroom that was decorated nicely. It kind of reminded me of a hotel room. I threw my suitcases on the bed and began to unpack, putting my clothes in the dresser. Then I went over to my hero costume case to see how it turned out.

 Then I went over to my hero costume case to see how it turned out

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Might I say I'm impressed with the results. Even the design on the back is perfect. It's harder for my shadows to pass through regular cloth so I asked for the back design to be made of mesh so my shadow wings can pass through the little holes. Pleased with the outcome, I raced back outside to meet back up with Hawks. When I got down there Hawks was surrounded by fans wanting pictures and autographs. Hawks noticed me and gave a devious smirk. "Hey guys this is my intern from UA. Everyone meet a upcoming hero Ratri!" Everyone looked over to me and began to surround me asking questions about UA, Hawks, and my performance in the sports festival. I started to get really uncomfortable with all of the unwanted attention. I took a deep breath and calmed down. "Thank you everyone for your support. I'm going to be interning with Hawks for the week and I'm going to do my best to learn all I can to become a better hero so I can protect everyone in my reach." Everyone clapped their hands and asked for pictures of me and Hawks as well as autographs. I was doing better at this than I thought. When the fans and reporters were gone Hawks and I took to the skies to begin patrolling. "You did better than I expected kid." "No thanks to you! You practically feed me to the dogs." Hawks laughed at me and my reaction. "You have to get use to it. Don't forget being a hero is just like being a celebrity you have please the people as well as protect them." He was right I do need to be more open with people. The only person I have been open with is Eijiro. Everyone else I just push them away. Maybe I need to work on making more friends when I get back to school. "Do you have any weaknesses?" I asked Hawks. I could see a worried look written on his face. "I would have to say fire. My feathers are highly flamable. They'll burn up in an instant." Hawks weakness is similar to mine. During the day it's hard to make things with the shadows because of the lack of shade. "How do you fight against fire quirks?" "You have to be fast!"

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