Chapter 2

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At the sound of the buzzer everyone ran straight for the tunnel. Everyone pushed pass me as I stood there observing the situation. "Umm Eraser Head... Your new student is just standing there." Present Mic said. "According to her entrance exam she is very observant of her surroundings and has proven to use whatever is around her to her advantage. I'm sure that's what she's doing right now." The people in the crowd began to murmur at my actions and what EraserHead had to say about it. Ignoring them I focused my mind on the task ahead. Everyone was struggling to get through. I watched as everyone pushed and yelled at each other trying to make their way out. Pathetic. "Shadow Wings." A pitch black shadow grew from out of back into the shape of bat wings. I manipulated the wings to flap lifting me off the ground. I was fast with my wings I could almost rival Hawks when he takes off. Flying over the competition I looked down to see everyone trapped in ice. This ice looks familiar. Making my way out of the tunnel I see the ice made it's way to the robots freezing them in place on the ground. Looking around I saw many different quirks. One guy created explosions while another used tape reminding me of an American hero I read about. Flying over the robots with ease I flew towards the next obstacle. The obstacle had a deep trench with ropes and ledges. I decided to give my wings a break to save some energy. Looking around I see the tape guy again using his quirk to swing through the trench. Seeing the boy swing through gave me inspiration to try the same. Focusing my shadows around my hands I thought about vines to aid me. "Black Vines." Long shadow vines emerged from my hands wrapping itself around my wrist. Taking a deep breathe I ran and jumped over the edge of the cliff. Before I could fall to my death I sent out one of my vines to the rope that was above me. Once my vine wrapped around it I used me momentum to swing myself to the other side. Yes I made it. When I landed on the ground I rushed passed everyone around me trying to make it to the last obstacle. The sound of mines going off caught my attention. The pink smoked began to clear. Looking around I could see everyone trying to tip toe their way across the mine field. While watching I noticed when someone steps on a mine there is small delay before it goes off. If I run fast enough...I can make it across. I don't want to use my quirk for the rest of the round. My body was starting to feel drained. If my body runs out of energy then I can't produce any more shadows. Sprinting onto the mine field I ran as fast as I could leting the bombs go off behind me. I felt bad for the people who got caught in the crossfire but this is a competition, they're just in the way. When I made it to the finish line I looked at the board to see I got 19th place. Mother is gonna kill me for this.

A/n note: you'll be taking Mina's place with a slight change in who wins.

"Hey you're (l/n) right?" Hearing my name I looked over to see the red head boy from before. Answering him with a nod. I was about to walk away when he continued speaking. "The names Kirishima Eijiro. I'm in your class." After hearing this I decided that it wouldn't hurt to talk to him since we'll be with each other a lot now. "It's nice to meet you." I told him in my usual monotone voice. After a few minutes of Kirishima telling me about the people in our class Midnight came back from on stage and grabbed our attention. "Congratulations to the top 42 students who passed the race you will be moving on to the next round!" The cheering from the crowd roared through the stadium. I was happy to make it to the next round. I have more chances to show what I'm made of. "Our next event is a Cavalry Battle! You guys have to team up in a team of up to four people. Based on your place in the race, is the amount of points your team has going with 5 from the bottom. The first place winner will have.... 10 MILLION POINTS!!!" Everyone turned to a green haired boy who looked like he's going to pass out. He must be the first place winner. "You have 15 minutes to pick your teams of up to 4, so I suggest you get started." I don't really know anyone here so it's hard picking who I should team up with. "Hey new girl, you're teaming up with me." An ash blonde hair boy with red eyes came up to me. I recognized him from the race. He's the one that makes explosions. "Oh yea what if I don't." Giving him a glare along with a cold tone I could see him begin to form a tick mark on his forehead. "Woah Bakugo you could ask nicely, that's not very manly of you." Kirishima held the blonde boy back and gave a nervous laugh. "Sorry about that (l/n) he can be a bit rude at times. We say your quirk during the race and would like for you to join our team." Seeming that I really don't have a choice because I don't know anyone else I agreed to team up with them. "Listen up I'm only gonna say this once." We turned our heads to Bakugo listening to what he had to say. "Kirishima your going to be the front horse so I can use my blast. Tape Arms and Shadow Girl you guys will carry me and defend from other attackers while also using your quirks to grab the headbands." I have to admit this was a pretty thought out plan. Midnight came back on the stage telling us to get in our postions. "Remember our goal is the 10 million. We're going after Deku!" Midnight yelled for us to start. We weren't the only ones going after the 10 million. The other teams around us ran straight towards Deku's team and before anyone could touch them, Deku and his team flew up in the air. Damn it. "Where do you think you're going Deku!!" Before I knew it Bakugo jumped up using his explosions to propel himself in the air. Idiot. Before Bakugo could grab the headband a giant bird shadow blocked him from doing so. His quirk is similar to mine. Seeing Bakugo fall to ground I used black vines to grabbed Bakugo and pull him back before he could land on the ground. "Bakugo we need to go after other headbands to get more points on the board." Adjusting himself back into place he seen irritated about not getting the 10 million. "Don't tell me what to do!" While arguing back and forth I noticed a hand reach for Bakugo's headband. "Watch out!" It was to late our headband was snatched by another team leaving us with Zero points. "Class A is too simple minded."

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