Part 7

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The lights went down and george went of stage. Then a support act called PW came on . 

"Pahah his name is PW, does that stand for penis willy" 

megan said as immature as she is. Me and jade both burst out laughing. We had all been laughing for so long we missed penis wily performing. The lights went down again and george came back on stage.

"So mayniacs, are you ready to get cray cray and see conor"

The crowd all screamed and george played one last song.

"Now were ready for a #PartyInLeicester "

george said as he walked of stage. The lights went down again and you could see people moving about on stage. I could just about make out ross,tonez and drew. The lights started to flash and the music to animal started to play. Conor walked on stage. I screamed my head off. He looked amazing he was wearing a black tshirt with chinos and a blue hoodie.  His shoes were black with yellow laces. . He started singing and my heart started beating. His voice was even better live. I couldnt believe how far he had come. From singing covers in his bedroom to having 3 singles out a album and now doing a tour. WOW! Conor was so insparational to me. He made all things in life seem good and whenever i was upset i could listen to his covers or any song from his album and i would feel better within minutes of listening to it. While i was thinking about all of this, conor was on stage doing his thing. He had sang 3 songs so far and i had missed 2 of them. He walked over to his piano and sat down. 

"Have you ever been in that situation where..."

conor carried on while i sat there wiping the tears from my eyes. This song meant so much to me. It was the song that made all my emotions pour out of me. He was still singing and i just looked at him crying my eyes out. He noticed me and winked at me. OMG!!! Conor maynard had just noticed me. Megan touched my shoulder

"Daisy, i just filmed conor maynard winking at y.."

she said turning around. She noticed i was crying and wiped the last tear from my eye.

"Daisy, dont cry. I know its a sad song and i understand alot to you. But conor just winked at you" megan said making me a realise how much of a fool i looked like. 

"really megan, do you understand?"

i said snapping at her. 

"fine, god daisy! I was only trying to help! And yes i do understand. I only act like i dont care or take intrest because i dont want to seem soppy. sorry jezzz"

megan said turning her head back round sharply. I couldnt believe how bitchy i had just been to megan. I started crying even more. Conor finished singing got up from his piano, he sang a few more songs and did some cool dances moves. Then he came over and sat on the edge of the stage, right in front of me. I wiped my tears again. Jade and megan looked straight at me. 'IM SORRY MEGAN' i mouthed to her. 'its ok' she mouthed back. Conor maynard was now inches away from me. He started singing turn around. He stud up and started spinning round the stage. I reached my arm, i wanted him to grab it. He didnt notice it this time. He finished singing the song and said 

"thankyou leicester mayniacs, you have been a pleasure to sing to and you are all so cray cray i love you all"

he finished his sentance and walked of stage. My mind started ticking... he hadnt sung cant say no or vegas girl yet. I knew he would come back on and sing them so i started a chat going 

'conor,conor,conor, we love you! conor conor conor, we love you' everyone around me joined in. Conor and the band walked back on stage. 

End of part 7, sorry part 6 was sooo short :( .. Feedback?xxx

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