Your new family Ann

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Marianne lands at the Cavendish residence.

- This is your new home, my sister.

Says Marianne.

- Sister? But I don't even have a family.

Says Ann.

Marianne and Ann enter the Cavendish residence.

- Welcome to your new home.

Says Marianne coughing up blood.

- Sister? Margareth hurt you badly, rest.

Says Ann.

Laura listens to Marianne and runs to her.

- Mary!

Says Laura running.

Laura arrives and is shocked to see Ann and Marianne.

- Another Cavendish? What have you done with my granddaughter?

Says Laura.

- I'm fine, Grandma Laura. We have a bigger problem to solve.

Says Marianne coughing up blood.

- Mary!

Says Laura worried.

Marianne faints and Laura carries her.

- What happened?

Says Laura worried.

Laura takes Marianne to her room and puts her to bed.

- This is my entire fault.

Says Ann.

- What do you mean, your fault?

Says Laura.

- I am not a normal person, I was brought to life by a witch named Margareth, Mary and her friends came to release a friend of them who had been made a prisoner by this wicked witch.

Says Ann.

- You mean you're a laboratory creation?

Says Laura.

- Unfortunately yes, I am a freak, a mistake...

Says Ann.

- I don't think so, you look like my daughter, you know? I'm surprised you're a Cavendish; you have no place to go? It must have escaped the hands of its creator.

Says Laura.

- Yeah, but I don't want to bother you.

Says Ann.

- What's your name? I'm Laura McLaren and I'm your new grandmother.

Says Laura.

- Ann Cavendish...

Says Ann.

- You're confused now; I'll give you something to eat while Mary doesn't wake up.

Says Laura.

- No need, I'm not hungry.

Says Ann.

Ann's stomach snores.

- I think your stomach says you're wrong.

Says Laura.

Meanwhile, Gabriella, Wendoline and Charlotte arrive in the backyard of the house.

- Now what?

Says Gabriella.

- Are we going back to Luna Nova?

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