Are we done with anything at all?

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Are we done with bleeding yet?
Are we done longing for changing systems, reinventing?
Eaten by hopeless promises

Living life on a platform
Smoking cigarettes and drinking cheap wine
Fattening wolves, leaving most starving
Feasting on carcass
Carions flying

Are we tired of bleeding yet?
Stoking, tending fires burning
To keep them warm
Are we done longing yet?
Sitting lonesome
Under rotting rooftops
Rusting bones
And crumbling teeth

Taking time to breathe
Mastering a master's mind that can't master ours
Coming to their needing hours, need heeding to commanding demands
Cold, collecting plans

Are we done waiting yet?
Are we done living under their thumbs?
Can't breathe
Can't see
Can't leave
Trapped, wrapped at the throat
Surrounded by bloated
Gloating goats
Dressed as wolves

Are we done bleeding?
Are we done longing?
Are we done waiting?
Are we done planning?

Are we done with anything at all?!

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