This is a poem about love too

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I don't know,
but something about love, in movies, in songs seem weird.

The dream of fresh, sweet, succulent love seem distant to me
I find it hard to understand
Or believe
Fabricated and unreal
Unclear of what it's supposed to be

Setting sun's delight, fireflies and campfires
Singing about tomorrows,
Slow dancing in the living room, sipping on red wine
Kisses on boardwalks, ferries wheel romances, promises under pouring rain.

It all seem distant.
Call me bitter, somber over overrated love
But in reality most of us are
Trapped in a rose colored world
Of damsels in distresses
Of true lovers kisses
Of happily ever afters
Never pain
Never hurt
Never this!

Most of us are too brash
Quickly pushing past the fact that love
Needs patience
Needs passion
Needs the whole
Needs commitment
Needs two involved
Not m
Everyone is in a rush
And the rush comes a thrill
And love is treated as a high
Momentary, temporary happiness

Pressured to act that way
Pressured to say the things they say
Pressured to do the things they think they could do
Pressured to make promises they can't keep
Simply because they're trapped in their dream world
Instead of waking up they continue
To sleep

Love seem distant to me
Distanced it self
Too distant to feel.
Too distant to see.

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