Chapter 15

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" my exploration was correct. It's the same place. " Kevin smirked

" yeah. Now let's do what dad told us to. " Ariana entered into that wrecked house again of which Kevin found about earlier.
When they first came they couldn't got anything as they were unaware of one fact that Albert told them now.

On reaching the centre of that wrecked house hall they removed three wooden planks from creaking floor which revealed them a door. After trying hard and applying all their efforts they finally opened it and descended the stairs. Those long stairs took ten minutes to reach to the bottom. After reaching there they had a massive closed entrance infront of them. Except for the two torches lit on both sides of entrance nothing was brightening the place.

Ariana knocked at that door and after few minutes it was opened by a grey-haired old man with a beard of the same colour till his chest wearing long dark robe and round glasses.

" how may I help you? " he asked in his ancient voice

" are you Mr. Hallam Birkenhead? " she asked

" sure I am. "

" I'm Ariana Braxton. My father...."

Mr. Birkenhead butted in " Braxton! You are Albert's daughter? "

" yeah. You already know. " she gave confused expressions.

" these must be your friends? "

" yeah. " she introduced them with Mr. Birkenhead and followed him into his lair.

It was not at all like the house and it's interior. It was perky and occupied with all interesting things. Weirdly the height of the room was too tall like reaching up-to twenty feet or even more. The four walls out which three were covered with shelves which climbed till the ceiling which contained books, jars and what so ever.

" Mr Birkenhead there is one question that we have to ask you first. " Jessica said.

" go on. "

" whats with all those articles printed about your absence from the city. "

" well now I want to be in isolation and do some new research on magics. " he walked to his desk which was placed on a small platform little higher to the floor " except wandering to places and I'm getting old also for that. Leaving all this I know the reason why you all are here but still what brings you here? "

All four them exchanged glances " you know about Vanessa? " Carl asked.

" everything. " Mr Birkenhead beamed a smile on his wrinkled face. " I keep myself filled with the news of both the worlds and I know you are here for the mysticals. "

Ariana nodded.

" Braxton do you know? Why your city had all the three mysticals. "

" just that someone killed the royals of the two cities to which cape and wand belonged. " Jessica butted in.

" you are right but do you know the whole story? "

" No " they chorused.

" okay I'll tell you. " he leaned against his desk and all four of them around him " twenty-seven years back when everything was perfect. All the three kingdom- Eroba, Zordon and Seantel of the magical world were prospering but Sofia, princess of Zordon, king Benedick's daughter ruined everything. She was not his real daughter. He adopted her as they can't have any child. When she came to know that after combining the three mysticals she can gain inordinate powers and can become invincible but for that there were many hurdles in her path that she had to remove. Cape, which already belonged to her, crown, which belonged to your city and the wand owned by seantel. She cannot get the two mysticals unless their owners were alive. So, first she killed queen Laura Ansley and King William Ansley of seantel and their children. Then she planned to attack Eroba but Edward, your grandfather didn't let her implement her plan as he figured out everything and asked Benedick to sent her daughter to prison but he refused. He said she is only fourteen and his only daughter and her mother left the world because of illness. He begged to not to prison Sofia. He promised that he'll take her somewhere far from here and will never return back and he kept his promise. Since then all the three mysticals are with Eroba and when Vanessa attacked your kingdom Albert returned them back to the guardian as it was written in the ancient books. Only the last heir of the three kingdoms can get them back and you are only left. So now it's your duty to bring them back. "

Those three mysticals are like the soul of these cities. Every five year an incantation has to be performed by the king or the queen of cities with their respective mysticals for their world breath and live gloriously and if this is not done then darkness will overrun the land. This task can be executed only by a royal blood because the mysticals follow only their command. For twenty seven years The king of Eroba has been performing this job for other two cities too.

It's been four years since the mysticals have been returned to the guardian. One more year and then it will the time to conduct the incantation. Albert returned the mysticals to the guardian as it was better than let them fall in the wrong hands.

" I can't believe a fourteen year old can destroy whole city. " Kevin was bemused.

" you don't know son the greed of power can lure even virtuous man to commit nefarious deeds. "

" how will I reach the mysticals? " Ariana put in

" it's not easy my child. In order to reach the mysticals you have to pass many blocks which are too dangerous. The founder of the three cities are the only ones who reached there that's the reason the mysticals have been with us. "

" I will do it. I'll not step back no matter what comes my way "

" that's the spirit you need. " he grinned " on the outskirts of Paris into the forest hidden from everyone's eyes the mystic island is situated in the east, where the mysticals lie. It's an island having colossal powers. The intensity of power is so much that your power may glitch or may not work at all. Be careful. "

" yes we will. "

" one thing more. " with his hand he beckoned one box kept on the tall shelves which landed on the his desk. He opened it and took out a thin star shaped object " this will be in use somewhere. Keep it safe. "

Ariana took it from Mr. Birkenhead " okay. "

" good luck and return back with the mysticals. "

" sure I will. "

" their was one question I want to ask that was going on inside my head for a long while. " Carl butted in

" Yeah. "

" how old are you? " Jessica glowered Carl on spitting this question.

" what you think? " he asked adjusting his round glasses.

" between eighty to ninety, I assume. "

He didn't said anything just brought a smile on his wrinkled face.

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