Capitalization Rules

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In most cases, the capitalization rules of German and English are similar or identical. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule.

1. If it is a noun Capitalize it!

For example:

The girl is playing.

Das Mädchen spielt.

We will play soccer this evening.

Wir werden heute Abend Fußball spielen.

2. The German personal pronoun "Sie" (formal you) must be capitalized. Its related forms (Ihnen, Ihr) are also capitalized. However, all the other pronouns are not capitalized unless at the starting of a sentence.

Do you want some water?

Möchtest du etwas Wasser?

Möchten Sie etwas Wasser?

3. German adjectives — including those of nationality — are NOT capitalized. In English, it is correct to write "the American president" or "a German car." In German, it would be der amerikanische Präsident, ein deutsches Auto. However, when it is the part of a name it will be capitalized: der Zweite Weltkrieg (the Second World War), die Schwarze Witwe (the black widow [spider]).

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